Monday, December 23, 2013

The Sing-Off, Ep. 4.7: Finale

The last 3 groups competing for the title are: Home Free, Vocal Rush and Ten

Personally, I'm rooting for Home Free! They have been so much fun to watch/listen to and their talent is out of this world. They surprise me every time they perform. I never thought a country group would end up being my favorite.

"Joyful Joyful" (from Sister Act 2) with Shawn Stockman--This is such a great song, and it's perfect for them. They start out very slow and gospel-like, with Shawn taking the lead. Then finally, it picks up the pace. They actually didn't do as much with the song as I thought they would. I thought the whole thing would just be huge and blow us out of the water, but it seemed very reserved.

"Love On Top"--It's hard to like this performance, because I hate the song. I liked this even less than the original. I didn't care for what they did to the arrangement at all. I hated the screaming lady with the big hair...that was just painful.

Home Free
"I Want Crazy"--They are just so much fun! There isn't anything negative to say about them, they are just awesome...every time. Love them! Austin's lead vocals are just insane!

"Have Yourself A Merry Christmas" with Jewel--Not my favorite Christmas song, and I wish the guys would have had a bigger part in the song instead of just being background for Jewel. I didn't care for her hand movements during the song, it was just kind of weird.

Vocal Rush
"Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy" with Ben Folds--Ben just cracks me up. This was a really cool performance. I loved Ben's part and how several members came out front to join him.

"Roar"--Very nice performance, and the song was very representative of them as a group.

Final Results

3rd Place: Vocal Rush
2nd Place: Ten
WINNER:  HOME FREE!!!! Woohoo! I'm so happy they won! I think out of the final 3, they are the only ones who could really have a successful career, similar to that of last season's winners Pentatonix.

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