Sunday, December 8, 2013

Amazing Race, Ep. 23.11: Finale

Leg 11: Bandung, Indonesia -> Tokyo, Japan

Jason & Amy lead off the leg, and they want to continue to work with Travis & Nicole. They did some research to find the best flight and fill in Travis & Nicole, as well as Tim & Marie in hopes of all working together against the Afghanimals (aka Leo & Jamal). All teams should end up on the same flight, however, after some additional checking Leo & Jamal think they have found a better option that would get them to Tokyo about 10 minutes before the other 3 teams. It just so happens that there are 2 more seats available for them.

And it worked, they arrive and are on their way minutes before the others. Leo & Jamal find a taxi quickly, but when the others arrive the drivers seem clueless and they can't find 3 taxis. Travis & Nicole decide to just leave, even though everyone else wanted to stick together.

Detour: Knock It Down Or Call It Up

In Knock It Down, they are human bowling balls, and they have to get a strike. In Call It Up, they have to get into a phone booth that is filled with water and goldfish, and listen to a phone call, and then relay the message. They have to be able to hold their breath in order to dial the number and listen to the message.

Leo & Jamal really wanted to be a part of a Japanese game show, so they wanted to do the bowling. The hardest part was getting the innertube back up the hill and climbing back up to try again. They tried over and over and over again, but they weren't even getting half of the pins to knock down. It wasn't until they realized that going to the left or the right wasn't working, that they should try going down the center, that they finally got it. DUH!!!!

The other 3 teams had taxi drivers that wanted to stick together because they didn't know exactly where they were going. They thought about doing the bowling balls, but ended up at the location for the Call It Up. Tim & Marie got separated and the other 2 teams didn't let on as if they knew they were at the Detour, because only 2 teams could compete at a time.

Amy and Travis got it without too much trouble, but they were still behind the Afghanimals.

Meanwhile, Tim & Marie end up at the bowling task. They are WAY behind. YES! So glad to see them behind.

Speed Bump
Leo & Jamal have to Capture Escaped Rhino, which is to participate in an actual drill where they have to help capture s fake rhino.

Roadblock: Build a Robot
They have to take a bunch of pieces and assemble a lifesize robot based off of a tiny model. Amy and Nicole agree to work together. They build one together, and then build their 2nd one. Since it was kind of large pieces, it was easier to work together.

Leo & Jamal, who were a few feet away completing their Speed Bump and when finished, they were ready to start the Road Block. Right now, they are in 3rd place, while Tim & Marie, who show up awhile later in last place.

Marie was clueless and the other girls acted like they didn't hear her. Unfortunately, Marie was making up a lot of ground once she found the model. She was doing really well all by herself. Nicole yelled at Amy and told her to focus on what they were doing and to not look at Marie. I can't believe she is passing them all up, including Leo!

Leo thought he had it, but his buttons were on the wrong side. Nicole and Amy thought they had it, but theirs are wrong as well. But, after some struggling, Marie gets hers done first. Wow. If the girls were smart, they would look at hers to figure out what they are doing wrong.

Amy finally goes back and looks at the model and sees that the arms and legs were mixed up. Luckily, Leo still hasn't figured out what his problem is.

Finally, Amy gets hers and then goes back to help Nicole, who's pieces are all over the ground. Jason wanted Amy to leave her, but she stayed to help her for awhile. She stayed as long as she could, but then they did leave her to finish putting the rest of it together herself. My guess is that they will be eliminated because she is TERRIBLE at challenges and can't do anything! Both Jason and Travis said that they should have done the think??? Travis should know better than to have Nicole do anything.

Eventually, Leo does figure it out, while Nicole is trying to get her last pieces together. She finishes just before Leo. It's going to be a close finish for 3rd and 4th place.

Pitstop #11:
1. Tim & Marie
2. Jason & Amy
3. Travis & Nicole
4. Leo & Jamal

Well, the 3 teams that wanted to be in the finals succeeded. It's kind of a shame. While they were liars and schemers, they probably deserved to be in the finals more than Travis & Nicole because they survived not one, but two double U-turns. Nicole needed so much help throughout the race, and they could have been eliminated in so many different legs if they hadn't received help.

Leg 12: Tokyo, Japan -> Juneau, Alaska

Tim & Marie lead it off. Marie says that she made Tim sign something saying that all money and prizes would be split 60/40 in her favor! What a crock! That's ridiculous! She said they are their to win and not to enjoy the race together. I just think that's awful. Of course everyone wants to win, but if they can't enjoy it, then why do it together?

Once they land in Juneau, the fight begins over taxis. It's total chaos!

Road Block: Supply Drop
They fly in a supply drop plane to drop flour, and they have to hit a target. All the girls decide to do it. I can't believe Travis is letting Nicole do this...does he not want to win?

Nicole is up first, she misses, then Amy misses, and Marie misses too. On her 2nd attempt, Amy hits it! Yes! Good job Amy!

On the 12th try, Marie finally gets it. Nicole keeps trying and she is not even close. She's not learning anything from her prior attempts. One time she is way off to the left, the next time she's off to the right...she's all over the place, and none of them are close! Finally, on attempt #21, Nicole gets it. Wow, that was just painful to watch, yet again.

Ice Expedition
They have to choose a guide, and they go down into a glacier and walk across a rickety ladder and back up the other side to find their clue in ice and use a pick to get it out.

Wow, now they're inside the glacier cool!

Amy & Jason are almost done, Tim & Marie are about halfway done, and Travis & Nicole have just arrived. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that Nicole is going to struggle and hold them up yet again.

Yep! I was right! As we cut to commercial, Nicole drops one of her picks and is now dangling on the side of the glacier! Got to give her a little credit though, she didn't give up and she made it with just one pick.

After finding the clue, the teams had to kayak to a marked island very far away. Jason & Amy continue to be in first place, followed by Tim & Marie and then Travis & Nicole. Jason & Amy found a rhythm with their kayak, while Tim & Marie just argued the whole surprise. Oh, and another surprise? Nicole struggled and Travis yelled at her...again.

Build a Wall of Totem Poles
They have to arrange the totem poles with money from all the places they have visited. Pieces had letters on them, so they had to get the spellings right and then have the totem poles in the right order. The pieces were huge and getting them assembled in the right order is going to be so hard! These final challenges are always so hard. The winners really have to earn it.

Amy said she wrote down everything from everywhere they've been...except for the currency.

Jason & Amy are done first! Woohoo! Tim & Marie are not far behind. And then there's Travis & Nicole...struggling and arguing as he says he's doing all the work. She might suck, but he's not being supportive at all. She handles it by saying absolutely nothing back.

And the Winner's Are...

JASON & AMY!!!!!! Congratulations Jason & Amy!!!

Yes! The team I wanted to win (out of the 4 that were left) actually won! I didn't know if they would be able to take out Tim & Marie or not. Tim & Marie had a lot of 1st place finishes, compared to only 1 for Jason & Amy. They consistently came in in 2nd place. But, they came in 1st when it counted! And let's face it...Travis & Nicole would NOT have been in the finals if it had not been for the other teams that helped them along the way.

2nd Place: Tim & Marie
3rd Place: Travis & Nicole

Final Thoughts
There were some good teams that were eliminated too early, but I'm glad that Jason & Amy came out on top. They were loyal to some teams along the way, and went way out of their way to help others, when they didn't have to. They encouraged each other and didn't fight hardly at all. They are very deserving winners.

Tim & Marie (well, just Marie really) were so annoying the entire race! They did nothing but fight and yell at each other. Then we find out about the 60/40 ultimatum that she made him sign, and we find out the only reason they came on the race together was that she realized the deadline to apply was that date, and he was the person standing closest to her. We already know that they weren't "together", but their reasons for coming on the race just weren't very genuine. Not to mention, that they didn't run a very clean race (um...they stole Jason & Amy's cab...hello?!). They ran a "good" race, as in, they were good competitors. The way they ran the race was questionable.

Then there's Travis & Nicole. How many times did Nicole hold them back? Too many to count. She got help so many times, and that kept them in the race. They got very lucky a couple of times as well, when other teams had some bad luck. I don't really think they deserved to be in the finals, based on how well they did throughout the race. However, as bad as Nicole was, Travis did not help her by yelling at her and putting her down. They wanted to be good role models for their kids, but what kind of a role model is Travis being by being so negative and hurtful to his wife? To her credit, she didn't retaliate, she just let him yell and scream and she said nothing back. Travis is just as much to blame for their failures because he allowed her to do them. And then, he has the audacity to complain and put her down for making them fall behind. Instead of congratulating her when she finally finished a task, he would continue to throw jabs at her like in tonight's episode when he said: "We're used to being out in front, but the last 4 legs we've hit Road Blocks and fell behind." He's as much to blame as she is.

Season 24 Preview
Next season will begin sometime in February, and it's going to be an All-Star version. Should be a good one! Be sure to watch this blog for bios of the next cast of All-Star racers as soon as it's available!

Don't forget to follow on Twitter for updates and live show tweets!

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