Monday, December 9, 2013

The Sing-Off, Ep. 4.1

This is my first time blogging about The Sing-Off, but I've watched all the previous seasons. If you're new to The Sing-Off, welcome, you're in for a lot of fun--prepare to be amazed. These singers will blow your mind with their vocal abilities. This show is different than the other singing competition shows out there because this truly is just based on "the voice". There are no instrumental accompaniment, what you will be hearing is completely a capella. All the sounds they will be making will be made with their voices. I highly recommend checking out the YouTube channel of Season 3 winners Pentatonix. They are so good, and so amazing! Their latest song is "The Little Drummer Boy"...check it out!

Judging the competition this season is Ben Folds, Jewel and Shawn Stockman (from Boyz II Men). Ben Folds and Shawn Stockman are returning and Jewel is new this year. And if you don't know host Nick Lachey, shame on you! Nick is from the very popular boy band 98°.

Tonight, the 10 groups will be performing their signature songs. The acts are broken up into 2 groups of 5. After each group, the judges will pick 4 to move on and the act in the bottom of the group will compete in a Sing-Off at the end of the show against the act in the bottom of the other group. One will stay, and one will be eliminated.

Here we go!

Vocal Rush (Oakland, CA) - Youngest group , 12 members (2 guys, 10 girls)
Their lead singer is awesome! I loved the stepping that they added to the performance, that was a nice touch. Their percussion was extremely good. I like them!

Home Free (Minneapolis, MN) - The country group, 5 members (all guys)
I can honestly say, I don't know that there has ever been an a capella country group. This should be interesting! Well, they already have 2 strikes from me. 1) I only like certain types of country, and 2) I HATE the song they are singing. Horrible song choice aside, I can appreciate their originality and their vocal talent. Country just isn't sung this way, and it's really refreshing to get a new take on it. I would have loved it if it had been a different song, but it was still a good performance.

The Princeton Footnotes (Princeton, NJ) - College group, 13 members (all guys)
From their video package, I would not have guessed that they would be singing Taylor Swift! Did not expect that! They were doing some pretty old-fashioned stuff in the package. I'm so glad they can sing some modern stuff. I love what they did with this song! I think as a big group, they had nice choreography that wasn't too hectic, which can happen when you have 13 (if I counted correctly). I was all prepared to not like them, but that was such a cool performance!

Calle Sol (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico) - Latino group, 6 members (4 girls, 2 guys)
Those girls are talented! It would have been nice to get a little bit more from the guys throughout the whole song. The girls had great harmony. I really liked it!

Street Corner Renaissance (Los Angeles, CA) - The oldest group, 5 members (all guys)
Their the oldest group, and they are very old-school. Oh my goodness, they're singing One Direction! They might be old, but they still have some moves! Good for them. Again, I was all prepared to not like this group, but gosh darn it, they won me over! They infused some of their old style, but yet still attempted some more modern and hip things as well.

Ultimate Sing-Off Act From Group 1
The judges pick 1 group from the first group of 5 to sing again at the end of the show. The bottom 2 were: The Princeton Footnotes and Calle Sol. The Princeton Footnotes were in the bottom, which means they are up for elimination at the end of the show.

Ten (Dallas, TX) - The group of gospel singing background singers, 10 members (6 girls, 4 guys)
They are a new group, and this is their first performance in front of an audience. You wouldn't know it, because they were flawless! They did so much with this song, it was almost unrecognizable from the original, with the exception of the chorus. The lead singer has got some major pipes!

Element (New York, NY) - The only all-female group, 10 members (all girls)
They were worried about not having the deep bass that the guy groups have, but I thought they had a really decent lower end of the spectrum. They were a little on the boring side, mainly because of the song they chose. It was nice to see them pick the tempo up a little bit more at the end. They had a lot of good things happening, but I don't know if it will be enough.

VoicePlay (Orlando, FL) - The theme park group, 6 members (5 guys, 1 girl)
What an interesting group dynamic. They have a few secret weapons, from some unsuspecting people. A couple of the guys were extremely good. I didn't love Honey as the lead singer...I don't actually think she's the strongest lead. There was something missing from her vocal, I'm not sure exactly what it was, but I didn't enjoy her as much as some of the other female leads we've seen.

The Filharmonic (Los Angeles, CA) - The Filipino boy band, 6 members (all guys)
I think I'm going to love this group. "Treasure" was a great song choice for them. It was like a group of 6 Bruno Mars. I loved their choreography. They had some great lead moments, and their accompaniment was also really strong.

acoUstiKats (Lexington, KY) - The bluegrass college frat boys, 12 members (all guys)
Great song choice! I love that they are having so much fun. Again, another group with some fun and exciting choreography. The falsetto was crazy! I love this group...they might just be my favorites. I will say that there was a TON of stuff going on, both vocally, but with their movement on the stage, but it was so much fun! That brought the house down!

Ultimate Sing-Off Act From Group 2
The bottom 2 groups were: VoicePlay and Element. VoicePlay was the bottom group, so they will be singing against The Princeton Footnotes, and one of them will be eliminated by the judges.

Ultimate Sing-Off 
Both the groups will be singing "Bye Bye Bye" by N-Sync in a face-off. That means they are singing on the stage at the same time, alternating parts of the song back and forth.

The Footnotes are up first. Being an all-guy group, this should be good. I love their choreography. I don't love what VoicePlay is doing with the song. The Footnotes are singing as if they have this in the bag! I do not like Honey's strange voice on this all! She sounds like a cartoon. Please, oh please, judges pick The Footnotes!

The Judge's Eliminate: VoicePlay
Boo! The Footnotes were way better on that song.

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