Monday, December 16, 2013

The Sing-Off, Ep. 4.4

Theme: My Generation 

The 4 groups that didn't perform in the last show, will perform tonight.

Home Free
"Ring of Fire"-This should be really interesting. I was a little surprised with the slow and subdued beginning. And then they exploded! The guy with the deep voice was perfect for this song. Then he busted out some high notes, wow! They made some very interesting note choices, and the whole thing was just very unpredictable! Then the bass guy hit quite possibly the lowest note ever hit by a human being. Wow!

"Don't Speak"- I actually really like this song for them. And Honey sounds so much better than their last couple of performances, when she sounded like a cartoon. I like the bald guy that came out of nowhere with some crazy vocals! That was awesome. They had some great beats and it was a really amazing performance. I am back to liking them again.

"You Keep Me Hanging On"-I don't know why, but I just don't love this group. I think maybe if the group was cut in half they would be better. I think maybe there is just too much going on. It was a good performance, but I didn't love it.

Vocal Rush
"Holding Out for a Hero"-I think they captured the feel of the song very well. I loved their harmony. For being in high school, they are truly amazing. The girls that took the lead were phenomenal. I liked the small rap section in the middle. Loved this performance, it was really incredible.

The Results

Ultimate Sing-Off: Element vs. VoicePlay
I definitely knew Element would be in the bottom and I knew that Home Free would be safe, so it came down to the other 2 that was kind of a toss-up.

Element started out really strong, but I didn't care for the lead. Vocal Rush's lead was really great on the first round. I loved the rapper guy's strong vocals. I did not care for Element's almost making fun of the song acting like bimbos was very bizarre. They screeched and acted like little girls. I almost don't even know what to make of what they did with the song. Vocal Rush on the other hand was so strong and really captured what that song is all about. I will be very disappointed if Element stays.

Eliminated: Element
Thank you judges! Absolute right decision!!!

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