Saturday, November 9, 2013

X Factor, Ep. 3.13

Due to a graphics glitch, wrong numbers were shown the night before, so instead of eliminating someone, they are all singing again. This is a shame, because we really need to start eliminating some of these boring acts to get down to the really good ones.

Josh Levi (Boys-Paulina)
This song is a perfect choice for him. If he could sound and perform like this every week, he could be someone to watch out for.

Rachel Potter (Over 25s-Kelly)
Side note: whoever is doing graphics for this show seriously needs to be fired, because the photos and name they showed was Rion Paige and not Rachel Potter. Same initials, but different people...come on!

She has a decent voice, but I just really find her boring and her hair style really bothers me. It looks like she's wearing a wig, and those bangs are really old fashioned. Someone give this girl a makeover now!

Carlos Guevara (Boys-Paulina)
I have no idea what song he was singing, which is unusual, because I usually know every song. Parts of this song sounded amazing, but other parts were just weird, and didn't sound right.

Restless Road (Groups-Simon)
I think I'm coming to a determination that: 1) The guy with the big ears and the tall guy with the really deep voice should NOT sing solo parts--leave it to the cute guy; and 2) They sound much better when they sing together.

Perfect song choice. This wasn't as good as their song the night before, only because their harmonies weren't as tight. There were a couple places where it just didn't sound quite right.

Ellona Santiago (Girls-Demi)
Very good song choice. This suits her so much more than the over-theatrical song the night before. She has a great voice that shouldn't be disguised by an overpowering backing track and a lot of props. Her voice shined on this song.

Jeff Gutt (Over 25s-Kelly)
Love this song choice for him. It's a very similar performance to the night before, but it is his niche and he does it so amazingly well. I could listen to him sing forever! I love watching him in the dark with just a few matches the dynamics and feel of the song. When he got to the chorus, it was just stunning. He is singing like a winner, and deservingly so...they should just give him the prize right now. He's in a totally different league than the rest of the competition.

Alex & Sierra (Groups-Simon)

I'm not familiar with this song, but it doesn't matter because they are just that good. They just make me smile when they sing.

Khaya Cohen (Girls-Demi)
Another song I'm not familiar with, but this suits her so much better than what she did the night before. This song allowed her to really show what she can do with her voice. It was still a bit boring though, but it got better at the end.

Carlito Olivero (Boys-Paulina)
I think he did a really good job with this song. His low notes were missing a little bit at the beginning. He was also a little flat on the big high money note. Ooh....the next time that same note came up, he stopped singing mid-track and visibly took a breath and prepared for the big note. It didn't seem like that was planned, and if it was planned, it was a poor choice. He hit the note the 2nd time around, but that break kind of ruined it. He sounded a lot like the original. It would have been nice to see him change it up a little bit.

Lillie McCloud (Over 25s-Kelly)
I just really dread her performances, because I know I'm going to hate them. It's like taking a trip back in time to the 60s. I mean, who wears their hair in a fro that big any way? I can't stand the way she overpronounces every word. I just don't like any part of what she does.

Sweet Suspense (Groups-Simon)
They are really proving themselves to be contenders. Their finding what works for them and they are just killing every performance.

Rion Paige (Girls-Demi)
I never would have imagined her singing Lady Gaga. I'm sure that "Born This Way" has a lot of meaning to her personally. I like the version she did, it was very much her style. It was a very strong performance.

Tim Olstad (Boys-Paulina)
Another good song choice for him. He knows what he does best and he doesn't stray too far from that. Eventually, it might get a little old if he doesn't open himself up to some new and surprising things for the audience.

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