Monday, November 25, 2013

The Voice, Ep. 5.20

James Wolpert - Team Adam
I can't wait to hear him sing "Somebody to Love" by Queen. This could be amazing. I love the choir surrounding him at the beginning, that was really cool. How funny that the entire male choir is not only dressed like him, but all are wearing the exact same signature glasses that he is. OK, now the good! The way he started out calm and gradually built it up, and then he hit that big money note. It was absolutely incredible! I loved the way he made his way out into the audience. I think his performance level was so much greater than what we've seen in previous weeks. Adam is one pretty proud papa after that one.

Tessanne Chin - Team Adam
I like that she's delving into her Jamaican roots. I think the Jamaican vibe works well with this No Doubt song. Her rapping section was dope! It definitely showed a different side of her. We all know she has a powerhouse voice, but she is very versatile. It was also nice to see her having some fun. She looked like an absolute professional performer out there. She was so confident with that song. Wow! Another proud moment for Adam.

Caroline Pennell - Team CeeLo
She was going for a different song, and she found it with "Dog Days Are Over" by Florence and the Machine. If you ask me, this was absolutely not the right song! I HATE this song with a passion! I can't stand it! For an awful song, she did an OK job with it. I don't think was as big of a stretch as CeeLo was saying it was going to be for her. I think parts of the song lent itself to her voice very well. I'm still not going to be a fan of this song though. It lasted way too long, in my opinion, and I had to fast forward through the end just to make it stop...I couldn't take it any more. Nothing against Caroline, because I love her, but that song is just terrible.

Cole Vosbury - Team Blake
2 really good performances in a row...Cole might be winning me over. Maybe. He's still not my favorite, but I do enjoy his performances.

Matthew Schuller - Team Christina

I love this song! I love that he sings popular songs. With his voice and style, it would be all too easy to have him singing cheesy ballads all the time. I'm glad Christina is continuing to push him. I didn't love all the loud stomping beats at the beginning, it kind of took away from his vocals. He struggled a little at the end; he was pushing his voice to be louder and it caused his voice to crack a little, and it sounded too forced. I think the song was bigger than him. I loved seeing him dancing with the background dancers. I don't usually love that on a show like this, but it worked and it was a great performance.

Will Champlin - Team Adam
I'm not so sure about him singing "At Last". It's definitely on my list of "most annoying songs", mainly because EVERYONE sings it. That said, for a guy, he did a super job with it! The end of that song was just ridiculous! I do NOT know how he hit those notes and did that run! Incredible! And can I say that he looked like a completely different person up there with no glasses and a haircut! You would never know it was the same guy, except for the voice! He's #3 for Team Adam tonight, and Adam was just oogling over him during that song!

Ray Boudreaux - Team Blake
I don't love this song (seems to be a popular theme tonight). However, he looked great and looked so comfortable singing it. He's turning into quite the performer. The end of that song was just killer!

Jacquie Lee - Team Christina
For being the youngest in the competition, she sure can handle herself and give an amazing performance. She sings with such conviction and passion, way beyond her years. The way she worked that stage, was the way you would expect from a seasoned performer. I am so impressed with her every single week. The end of that song was incredible! For anyone else, it would have been a screeching, nails-on-the-chalkboard squeal, but for her, he was just a powerful vocal. I'm always the first to knock on someone for just screaming a song. I don't think screaming is the same as singing. Anyone can scream. Not everyone can scream-sing on pitch and actually make it sound good. She might be the first person (ever) to nail a vocal like that for me.

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