Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 27.11

Redemption Island Duel
Emotions are running high as Laura sees Ciera again, after Ciera had voted her out.

It's Vytas vs. Tina vs. Laura

Thank goodness this is a more physical challenge, so hopefully Tina will go home. They have to work boxes through a long, woven tunnel. Then, with the boxes, they have to take the boxes and line up the sides so that each side has no repeating colors.

Vytas and Laura are neck and neck, and Tina is struggling, 1 box behind them. Laura finishes first and she it's correct! Vytas tries to look at Laura's, but she stands in the way and is even HELPING Tina. No!!! Come on Vytas! Tina is completely caught up. Oh no! 1 second difference, and Tina gets it! Noooooooo! Ugh! Tina would be going home if it wasn't for Laura. Laura is just a beast. Her 2nd time at Redemption is going the same way her first time did. At this rate, she is going to make it back into the game for a 3rd time. I can't believe the moms took out Vytas.

Well, Ponderosa is going to be adding another Baskauskas.

Laura gives the clue to the hidden idol to Ciera, and Ciera burns it.

Kasama Camp
Tyson thinks that Ciera needs to go because she already has 3 potential jury votes already with her mom putting a good word in for her. Hayden has other ideas. He thinks that Tyson might need to go before he can take them out. Caleb agrees that a blindside might be a good idea because he is a strong player who has a lot of control right now.

Ciera talks to Hayden and Caleb and they tell her about blindsiding Tyson. She says she would like to make a final 3 with Hayden and Caleb. However, she doesn't really want to work with them because they are so willing to flop. She goes right to Tyson and tells him the plan and she says she will vote however he wants to. Crap! Now, it's Ciera with Tyson, Monica, and Gervase going against Caleb, Hayden and Katie. Crap! This is NOT good! Hayden really, really needs to win immunity now more than ever!

Hayden starts to get paranoid and thinks that Ciera might tell Tyson. Katie and Hayden think that if Ciera doesn't win immunity that they should go after her instead of Tyson.

Immunity Challenge
Another repeat challenge from a previous season. They have to hold a bucket by a rope. As time goes, the rope will begin to unravel until they can't hold on any longer. They have the choice to feast instead. Tyson, Gervase and Ciera decide to eat instead of compete. Thank you Hayden for NOT going for the food. It really says a lot about the people who did not compete...they think they're safe.

Katie is the first one out. Monica looks like she could go all day. Caleb says the skin is ripping off his hands. Hayden's bucket is slipping, but he continues to crank it back to the top, even though his hands are blistered. Caleb can't hold on any longer, and Hayden says he won't be writing his name down. It's down to Hayden and Monica. I am going to be absolutely sick if Monica wins another one. Again...I can't watch! This is as much torture for me watching as it is for Hayden competing. You've got to be kidding me, Monica wins again! Ugh!!!!! She couldn't give Hayden just one? Come on!

Kasama Camp
Hayden and Katie are very suspicious of the 3 that decided not to compete. They think they must be working together. Hayden thinks they should ask Tyson if they are planning on voting either of them to see what he says. They think maybe they can work an angle with him and show him that the 2 sides are being pitted against each other by Ciera. Oh good, Tyson agrees with them. He didn't think it made sense for them to go after him. Tyson doesn't trust Ciera, but he doesn't really trust Hayden and Caleb either. They could be just trying to make him feel comfortable. Tyson is thinking about using his idol, just to be safe.

The talk around camp is that it's going to be Ciera, but anything could happen. Tyson tells Gervase what Hayden and Caleb had said. He says that he tends to believe what they are saying and he knows Ciera is a threat because she can lie to anyone's face better than anyone out there.

Tribal Council
Uh oh, I think Hayden is talking a little too much. Gervase looks right at him when he says that he hopes he can trust people.

Tyson plays the idol!!!! In epic fashion, Tyson digs through his bag, asks Katie to hold something, then dumps everything in his bag on the ground, sifts through the mess and then hands Jeff the idol.

The Vote:

So, it's 4-3...that means Ciera sided with Team Tyson. Oh crap! I can't believe they did it! Hayden looked stunned. Caleb was shocked too. I'm a little surprised that Hayden wasn't #1 on their hit list instead of Caleb, but I'm glad he wasn't. It gives Hayden 3 more days to try to scramble and put something together. I'm really worried for him. The immunity challenges have not been going very well for him. They all suit other people better than him. He gave this one a good run, but Monica had to go and outlast him. Good luck Hayden, you're going to need it. You're on a sinking ship and you're going down fast. Someone throw the man a life preserver! Go Hayden!

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