Thursday, November 7, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 27.8

Vytas is so appreciative that they saved him and he said he is comfortable with them being the final 5, and Aras will be with them. Tina basically tells Monica that she is #5 in the group.

Redemption Island
Laura B. tells John and Laura M. how the girls didn't go with their plan and voted her out instead of Vytas. All 3 agreed that it was stupid to keep Vytas in the game..."because tomorrow could be the merge". Famous last words.

Redemption Island Dual
The winner re-enters the game, the losers go home. This is it. I really, really, really hope John wins. He has been there the longest, and he really got dealt a bad hand, so he deserves to go back in. If he doesn't win, it better be Laura M. because I don't know if I can stand it if I have to see and hear her any more. She's so annoying! She hasn't done anything deserving of going back into the game. At least Laura M. has been a beast in the challenges and was playing the game.

The challenge is to hang onto the pole as long as you can...endurance. We know from many Survivor seasons past that this challenge is much easier for the women.

Laura B. struggled from the get-go. John didn't look very comfortable. After 20 minutes, John started sliding down.  He actually kicked his shoes off and pulled himself back up. Wow! But now his socks are sliding and he can't hold on. Oh no...he's going down, going down...and he's off. Laura B. slid all the way to the bottom and was holding on for dear life. Laura M. barely moved the entire time. Laura B. had her legs wrapped around the pole, and wasn't using the foot holds. It didn't work, and she was out.

So, John and Laura B. are out, and Laura M. is back in the game. And with that, the old buffs are dropped and everyone is now on the same tribe.

Laura M. gets to give the immunity idol clue and she took it right to the fire. No surprise there.

Merged Tribe: Kasama

While the tribe enjoys a feast. Hayden is running the numbers and trying to make sure he stays in the game. He said he is in a strong 5 alliance with Caleb, Tyson, Gervase and Ciera. He's wondering if Laura M. will join them, or if she will take Ciera with her and and try to form an alliance of 6 with the remaining pairs (Laura & Ciera, Aras & Vytas and Tina & Katie).

While the tribe begins working on their tribe flag, Laura and Ciera go for a walk. Ciera fills her mom in on her alliance and the plan of voting out Aras next to get rid of the couples. Their group of 5 were the singles, but now that Laura is back in the game, Ciera is no longer a single and she's worried that will hurt her.

Finally, someone is looking for the hidden immunity idol! It's Tyson! He said that Hayden told him everything he knew about where it was hidden. I didn't even know that Hayden knew any of the clues. I assumed that when John told Brad the clues that that was as far as it went. So, why hasn't Hayden been looking? Or maybe he has and they just haven't shown it because he hasn't found anything. Tyson's smart, I'm betting he finds it. The question will be, who if anyone, will he tell. Sure enough, there it is! I think this is the longest that an idol has remained hidden. Tyson says he's not going to tell anyone he has it.

Aras and Vytas discuss their options. Vytas thinks that they have 7 in their group. Them plus: Tina, Katie, Monica, Gervase, and Tyson. They think they are totally set. Aras should know better than to ever think you're safe. You need alliances and suballiances because you never know when someone's going to flip. If you feel safe, you're in trouble. They think that Laura would be the safest play. Vytas thinks that if the others were smart, they would vote against them right away, but he doesn't think they will. They think in a final 3, they can beat anyone. They need to stop worrying about final 3 and start thinking about right now.

Tyson tells Monica that he and Gervase are totally for getting Aras out and they want her with them. She was so skeptical that Gervase was with them. He was getting so frustrated because she wouldn't shut up about it. It took everything in him to remain calm.

Immunity Challenge
Tribal immunity is no longer in play, it is now every man or woman for him or herself for individual immunity.

It's a memory challenge. They have a cube with pictures on it to show their answers. Jeff will hold up pictures and they have to show on their block each picture in the right order. If you're wrong, you're out. Last one standing wins.

Monica is the first one out...on the 2nd picture. Caleb and Katie are out on the 3rd picture. Tyson and Tina are out on the 4th picture. Hayden is out on the 5th picture. Everyone got the 6th picture right. Gervase, Aras, Vytas, Laura and Ciera move on to Round 2. More than half went out in just the 1st round.

Laura is out on the first one. Ciera is out on the second picture. Gervase is out on the 3rd picture. It's brother vs. brother. After one correct, Aras questioned himself and Vytas was right and Aras is out. Vytas wins individual immunity and I really wish it was the other way around. Aras needs that immunity! I think he's toast. Vytas thinks they are safe, so there's no way he's going to give up his immunity...he has no idea they all want Aras out.

Pre-Tribal Council
Vytas says he would be surprised if anyone has the guts to attack them. I think he's so wrong. Aras thinks everyone is solid with sending Laura home. "His" plan is for the guys to vote for Aras and the girls to vote for Ciera.

Laura and Ciera wonder if Aras is so comfortable because he has he idol. Laura suggests maybe they split the votes between Aras and Tina to be on the safe side.

I really don't see why Aras and Vytas didn't talk more with the other couples (Tina and Katie, and Laura and Ciera). Someone needs at least 6 votes and that's 6. They thought they were so solid with totally different people than the couples. They should have tried to stay strong as couples because the singles would want to split them up. If they stuck together the singles would never have the numbers.

Tribal Council
The votes:

No!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so upset right now! I really wanted him to go far. But...all is not lost, Redemption Island is still in play...thank goodness! I was worried maybe this time, they would just do it for the first half of the game and then be done with it. I think he will do well at Redemption, so I still have hope he can make it back in the game.

Did you see Vytas's shocked face?  Poor Aras really was blindsided.  He said "well played guys, well played". At least he can respect a good blindside, and he really got it done to him good. It's gotta be hard...that's the first time his torch has EVER been snuffed. And to know that Vytas now made it further than him can't feel too good either. I loved that he whispered to Vytas before he left to "have lots of fun", and Vytas replied "love you buddy", and Aras said "love you too". Aw!

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