Monday, November 4, 2013

Amazing Race, Ep. 23.6

Leg 6: Poland -> Austria

Tim & Marie lead it off, and they wait a little bit to go with Jason & Amy, because they have been working with them. All of the teams are within a couple hours of each other as they start out. Because there was a 4 hour layover, everyone caught up to each other.

Everyone was accusing Leo & Jamal of U-Turning Brandon & Adam (who were eliminated on the last leg). They lied to the group and said they never saw them, even though it was them that U-Turned them, which ultimately led to them being eliminated. Marie knew that they had to be lying.

Detour: Light Brigade or Masquerade
In Light Brigade they have to assemble a chandelier. If they are incorrect on their first try, it is dropped and shatters, which means they have to start all over. In Masquerade, they have to match up masks they are wearing to masks on people dancing.. There is also a Fast Forward available on this Detour. Jason & Amy and Nicole & Travis both decide to go for it, but after seeing Jason & Amy so far ahead of them, they decide against it.

Jason & Amy have to bungee jump 500 ft. When they get to the top, they are told it is too windy to jump, so now they have to decide if they want to wait to see if it gets better or decide to skip it. After waiting for awhile, the wind didn't let up, so they decide to give it up and go do the Detour.

Tim & Marie match their masks first and are the first to head to the next task, followed by Nicky & Kim. After several wrong attempts, Leo & Jamal finally get it, and then Ally & Ashley do too. Tim & Danny finish and then so do Nicole & Travis. Early teams had trouble getting a cab, but are on their way as Jason & Amy make it to the theatre to do the Masquerade task.

Road Block: Join The Choir
One team member has to learn German lyrics and sing with the Austrian Boys Choir. This could be really difficult! But they do get an instructor who helps them learn the words and how to sing it, so that isn't too bad.

Leo & Jamal, Ally & Ashley and Nicky & Kim are the first to arrive and begin working with their instructors one-on-one. Tim & Danny, Nicole & Travis and Tim & Marie arrive in the next group. Jamal and Travis seemed to pick things up the quickest.

Finally, Jason & Amy, now in last place, finish the Detour and make their way to the Road Block before any of the other teams had finished.

 How embarrassing...they have to perform in front of the rest of the team members who weren't participating.

Travis is the first to be ready to sing with the choir, but he failed on his first attempt. Jamal was hilarious! He failed also. Ally tried, and failed, too. Wow, these people are expecting a lot out of them! Every single one of them tried and failed, over and over. On Travis's 2nd attempt, for some reason, he was like a complete octave below where he sang it the 1st was really weird...he didn't even sound like the same person. But, he did well enough to pass, and they were the first ones done.

Even though Nicky really, really couldn't sing, she was done 2nd. On their way to get a cab, they saw a cab that had Jason & Amy's bags in it, so they knew they couldn't take that cab. BUT, the cab driver took out their bags and set them on the ground because he didn't want to wait for them (they didn't ask him to), but even so, they didn't feel right about stealing their cab.

Poor Tim, also really couldn't sing, and he even got told by the director that he was "terrible" Jamal plugged his ears! On attempt #2 for both Jamal and Tim (the other Tim), they passed.

On their way out, Marie said "come on, let's go steal someone's cab". Oh, I so can't stand her! They took Jason & Amy's cab because "their bags aren't in it". Oh boy, this is not going to end well, I have a feeling. Inside the cab, Marie constructs a lie to say that they saw the Afganimals (Leo & Jamal) take the cab. Ugh! That is just so despicable! The cab driver asked them if they forgot their bags and they said they weren't theirs, and then he said "oh no I took the wrong team". They said they didn't care and showed him their clue which was blue and said they were all on the blue team. Jason & Amy come out to find their bags on the ground and no taxi. Now, they have to go find another taxi. Luckily, they found one pretty quickly (at least in the way it was edited).

Ally was really struggling as well as Tim. They just couldn't seem to get it. 4 attempts, 5 attempts...oh boy. Finally, Ally got it, which meant that Danny & Tim were in last place. And then, I think out of mercy, the instructor finally passes Tim.

On the way to the Pitstop, they have to go through a maze of hedges. What an interesting final challenge to find the last clue on the way to get to Phil!

Pitstop #6:
1. Nicole & Travis
2. Nicky & Kim
3. Leo & Jamal
4. Tim & Marie
5. Jason & Amy
6. Ally & Ashley
7. Tim & Danny--ELIMINATED

On the way to to/from the maze, Jason sees Tim & Marie's bags and he realized it was them who stole their cab. Jason & Amy make it to the carpet just behind Tim & Marie, and's AWK-WARD! Jason & Amy were really hurt and upset, and Marie just kept yelling at them and saying if they were in the situation they would have done the same thing. I just really can't stand her, and I'm so ready for her to be gone.

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