Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 27.9

The fireworks are about to erupt. Vytas congratulated them on a big move that he and Aras didn't see coming. Tina and Katie were as blindsided by Aras getting voted as he and Vytas were...and Tina was not too happy about it. She calls out Monica and Tyson and said that there are 5 jury votes they will never have. Tyson counters and says that Vytas, Katie and her pushed the others out, which was Aras's plan. Tina said she didn't know if that was his plan. She looked at Ciera, Laura and Hayden and said "you all were never in the alliance". They each then said "I had an alliance with Aras", which completely shocked Tina. The next day, Tina apologized to Katie and she told her that if she needs to work without her to further her game, then she should.

Immunity Challenge #1
It's a gross one folks! If you have a queasy stomach, just fast forward through this one.

Round 1: 40 Meal Worms
Tyson and Monica finish. Vytas coughs some up and he picks them up off the ground and eats them, and he is the third to move on. Laura and Katie are out.

Round 2: 40 Meal Worms
Hayden finishes first, Gervase and then Caleb get theirs down to become the 3 to move on. Gervase, just as he did in Season 1, was jumping up and down and smacking himself on the head like a crazy person. Ciera spit hers out right away and quit. Jeff said it looked like they were biting Tina, so she also didn't stand a chance.

Round 3: 3 oz Pig Intestines
Tyson spit out a ton of it! Gervase was going through it like a beast, and Vytas looked very calm. Monica was killing it as the only woman left. Monica finished first. Gervase finished next, and surprisingly it was Monica and Gervase moving on!

Round 4: 2 Grubs
This haunted Gervase in Season 1...he couldn't do it then, but he was bound and determined to do it this time. Monica was making some pretty disgusting noises, as she was very impressive. And it's Monica for the win! Wow!

Laura says the strategy is to split the votes: 4 for Vytas and 3 for Katie. Tyson has the idol but he doesn't want to tell anyone. Vytas asks Hayden if he's in trouble. Hayden said it was between him and Katie. Monica was getting worried because there was a lot of scrambling going on. She thinks the guys want to keep Vytas and that the girls will vote Katie. Laura thinks Monica should stop worrying because she has immunity. Tyson is worried about the girls making an alliance, so maybe Katie should go.

Tribal Council #1
Tina talks about her blow-up, and then Vytas says he was glad she did what she did because he was thinking and feeling the same thing. Then he said he would have liked to have said he's his brother's keeper and don't mess with him. Then Vytas continues talking, when he needs to really be watching himself. He says that Monica is a doormat and she'll go along with anyone. He said she was "Monica the Benevolent". Yikes, Vytas, what are you doing? THEN he said, what if the girls make an alliance, it would be a good idea because Tyson and Gervase have the most power. Oh man, I think he just sealed his own fate. Say "hi" to Aras at Redemption.

The Vote:

Bye-bye Vytas. You were fun to watch, but sorry, I'm rooting for the other, much cuter, previous Survivor winning Baskauskas brother.

After Tribal
Monica said she was told to vote for Katie, but because of what Vytas said, she changed her vote. Gervase said if someone else would have gotten voted out because of it, he would have been ticked. He is starting to see that she could be a problem and might need to go next.

Redemption Island
Vytas blames Aras for him being voted out because he was guilty by association. He thought Aras knew how to play the game. Aras thinks Vytas is so negative and that's not going to help him, but he told him he would be just as happy if he won Redemption and made it back in the game. Vytas apologized, but said he couldn't say the same for him. That didn't make me like Vytas too much. I mean, sure Aras has won before, but he's your brother, you should be happy for him no matter what. Sure it will suck if he beats you...again...but suck it up!

Immunity Challenge #2

They have to hold a sword on top of a shield and stack coins on top.

Ciera is shaking like a leaf right from the beginning, but it's Monica, who drops a coin to be out first. Right after her, Ciera gets out. Gotta say, I'm pretty happy Monica didn't win another immunity. Tina's hand shakes and she drops a coin...another one I'm glad didn't win--she needs to go! Whoa, Gervase's stack explodes! And Laura is out. Katie's stack is really leaning and wobbling in the wind. And Caleb's slides off, he's out. It's down to Hayden, Katie and Tyson. Hayden's stack doesn't look good right now. Tyson's nose keeps dripping with sweat, and I keep expecting it to drop on his coins and make one of them fall. And Tyson's falls, and then Hayden's...NO! Figures, the one who probably needed it got it. Hayden was getting so close! I really wanted him to get one! I think he was watching other people's stacks too much, you gotta focus man!

Tina doesn't care if anyone knows it, but she is spending the rest of the afternoon to look for the idol. Nice strategy. Tyson said, OK everyone, we're going to follow Tina. Tyson, Caleb and Hayden go after her and they lose her! Oh my, guys! Seriously. So, apparently Katie knew clues to the idol so, she told Tina where to look. They finally catch up to Tina, and Tyson doesn't leave her side, and neither does Caleb. Good job guys. What's so funny is that Tyson has it and is doing it all for nothing. Tina just sits and waits.

Monica said they need to have a plan in case Tina finds the idol. Tyson doesn't want to split the votes because Monica knows she's on the bottom. Gervase said they can't have someone going "renegade". The guys all talk and say that they might just have to cut her loose right now because she's too much of a loose cannon, especially when she's being so paranoid.

Tribal Council #2
Tina said that because she was a target, she went to look for the idol, but she had babysitters all day. (She said it as though she didn't see the Malcolm/Andrea standoff a season ago.) She did say that she pulled a fast one on them and got away twice, and she was alone. This then might cause them to think that maybe she did find the idol when they weren't with her. Tina then tells Monica that she is on the bottom of the alliance. The look on Jeff's face was priceless! It was like something from The Little Rascals. Tina said Monica talks too much and therefore, she's always the last one told who to vote for. Monica outs the alliances: Gervase and Tyson, Hayden and Caleb, Tina and Katie, Laura and Ciera...those all leave Monica without a partner.

Jeff gets ready to read the votes and he asks if anyone wants to play the Hidden Immunity Idol. Tina says "Jeff...I wish I had found it. Wow, that was funny Tina...not!

The Votes:

Woohoo! It's about time! 2 reasons I'm happy Tina is gone: she runs her mouth way to much and is really annoying, and I think Aras and Vytas would have no problem destroying her at Redemption Island.

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