Monday, November 11, 2013

The Voice, Ep. 5.16

The Top 12 Perform...

Caroline Pennell - Team CeeLo
I love the song "Wake Me Up" by's one of my favorite songs right now. I'm interested to see her take on the song. I'm not sure I will like her voice with it, but we'll see. I think I might have liked it more if she would have done a more stripped down version of the song and not upbeat like the original. She struggled a little on the lower notes, and she didn't seem very comfortable with the song. She is normally very spot-on, but she seemed either too fast or too slow for the music at times.

Josh Logan - Team Christina
I think Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror" was an interesting choice. I'm disappointed that he isn't performing with his guitar like he did in the rehearsals. The song started out way too low for him. He seemed a little lost without the guitar. But once he got to the chorus, he found his groove and it was so good! It's too bad he couldn't have started the song out stronger. He ended the song on a very strong note, which was nice to see. I've liked him since the beginning, but I don't know if it will be enough to get him through this week.

James Wolpert - Team Adam
Adam's right "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers is right up his alley. I have to say he looks so funny singing songs like this, especially dressed like that. It just doesn't match up. But beyond that, his vocals were really good. Unfortunately, the song has a lot of notes that are the same and repeated over and over, so it didn't let his true vocal capabilities shine. However, it was still a really strong and fun performance.

Austin Jenckes - Team Blake
I've always kind of been on the fence with Austin. He has a great voice, but a lot depends on song choice. Picking a country song, pushed him to the "dislike" category for me. Maybe a different country song would have been a different story, but I didn't care for this at all. It also sounded like he was doing a fake country accent (and a poor one at that).

Jacquie Lee - Team Christina
I love Christina's notes to Jacquie on this song. I think it was exactly what she needed to do with the song. Week after week, she is showing just how versatile of a singer she is. I really think she could win the whole thing, she is just that talented. I really enjoyed her performance, and I think her vocals were stellar. She absolutely brought the house down! I can't believe so much power and angst can come out of that tiny, cute little girl! Amazing!

Ray Boudreaux - Team Blake
No Blake...not a John Legend song...not liking that choice at all. I would love to hear him do something from a singer/songrwriter, like Tyler Hilton. That would be amazing. Surprisingly, he sounded way better on this song than I thought he was going to. I just love listening to his voice. He had some really nice moments. He showed a higher range than I remembering hearing from him in the past. It was a nice, tender performance.

Kat Robichaud - Team CeeLo
I think Kat is going to kill "Sail". I definitely agree that she excels on the rock songs, so I think she should stick with that. Last week's song was just not her. I love her look this week and I think the production was really great. Whoa, she just crowd surfed! That's a first! And she continued singing...that had to be incredibly hard. Huge props to her for that risk.

Jonny Gray - Team CeeLo
I think "Another Day in Paradise" by Phil Collins is going to be a great pick for him. I love when he performs with his guitar. I wasn't crazy about the arrangement of the song. I think maybe they should have stuck closer to the tempo of the original. It was still really good though.

Tessanne Chin - Team Adam
Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to hear her sing "My Kind of Love" by Emeli Sande. It is seriously one of my favorite songs out right now. I think she is going to slay this song. And...I was right. She's so good!

Matthew Schuler - Team Christina
One of my all-time favorite songs: "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley. I know it's been done a million times, but I love that everyone sings it in a different way, but yet it's still amazing every time. He is no different. It was beautiful. It was haunting. It was tender, yet powerful. He couldn't have done it any better. That high note at the end was very surprising and so good!

Cole Vosbury - Team Blake
When he picks the right song, he can really sound amazing. I'm not 100% sure this was the right song. It didn't blow me away. Even though he was taking a risk with such a different song for him, it sounded really safe to me.

Will Champlin - Team Adam
Whoa, people are killing it with the song choices tonight..."Demons" by Imagine Dragons is another one of my absolute favorite songs right now! Will did not disappoint! That was amazing! He might have cracked a little by trying to force those high notes, but it doesn't matter. It was so good!

2 will go tomorrow night...

Who I want to go: Austin Jenckes and Cole Vosbury
Who I think will go: Josh Logan and Ray Boudreaux

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