Monday, November 11, 2013

Dancing With The Stars, Ep. 17.9

Amber & Derek 51 total points
Her dress made it really hard to see if her feet were doing all of the moves. It looked good, but who knows...I again, was watching Derek most of the time. It looked like a couple times, it was more of Derek just moving her to where she needs to be. Derek will make anyone look good, and appear better than they might actually be.
Score: 24

Trio w/ Mark - Salsa
Derek and Mark just have way too much fun together. I just love watching their creative minds at work to see what they come up with. Look at Amber go! This is the Amber we saw in the first couple of weeks! Tons of energy, lots of very fast moves and tough choreography. Oh, and Derek and Mark are hot :) Great routine! Loved it!
Score: 27

Leah & Tony 54 total points
She nailed the angry passion of the tango. Tony definitely didn't go easy on the choreography, but was it just me or did it seem like that routine was like only 20 seconds long? It was over before it even started. What there was of it, was really good.
Score: 27

Trio w/ Henry - Jive
I love the concept of them as the judges! Brilliant! They each do them all SO WELL! Hilarious! I don't know who plays their part better, they are all spot on impressions! And Tony even looks like Bruno! Beyond the concept, the dancing was spectacular as well. Leah needed to have more pronounced kicks and flicks though. They looked a little lazy. But it was a very fun routine! Side note: I really want to see Henry as a pro next season, it's overdue!
Score: 27

Corbin & Karina 58 total points
I know this is supposed to be a slow waltz, but boy did they slow down the "Apologize" track. I didn't care for that at all. I think the judges should like this, it's what they were going for in a more traditional waltz. He did a great job. It was boring, but he did a good job and he made it look very beautiful.
Score: 28 (10 from Bruno!)

Trio w/ Witney - Jazz
This dance is really going to suit Corbin. It's a very interesting upbeat version of Usher's "Yeah!" I loved the choreography for this and the magic theme. I think they could have done even more with it, but it was still really good.
Score: 30

Jack & Cheryl 54 total points
Viennese Waltz
I love the set design for this dance, and Cheryl looks beautiful! He looked amazing, and so light and airy, the way the dance should be done. Good job Jack, and happy birthday!
Score: 29

Trio w/ Sharna - Samba
I think this is going to be very fun! He might have been uncomfortable in rehearsals, but he sure had fun with the performance! I think it was technically good, it was comical, and just lots of fun to watch!
Score: 25

Bill & Emma 42 total points
So much comedy in this routine! Nothing suits him better--he is a comedian after all. This was just so much fun to watch. It had some tough choreography, not a ton though. He did a lot better on his lifts this week. He didn't seem to struggle quite as much.
Score: 21

Trio w/ Peta - Salsa
They picked a great theme, with Bill as Willy Wonka. Does anyone else think the show is a little rigged that he just happens to get a lot of fun, upbeat dances that he can show off his fun, goofy side? What can you say about this, it was hilarious and fun...just like every one of his dances. I thought Emma and Peta were so cute, and THEIR choreography was really good...Bill, well, Bill didn't have quite as much to do.
Score: 21

Elizabeth & Val 56 total points
Viennese Waltz
Beautiful dance. It was probably the quickest Viennese Waltz I've ever seen. He was whipping her around that stage.
Score: 26

Trio w/ Gleb - Salsa
Welcome back Gleb! I've missed him! Oh to be Elizabeth in that Val/Gleb sandwich! Gleb and Val look like they could be twins! They are moving so fast and completely in sync. Elizabeth did a better job with her hips than I thought she would. She loosened up quite a bit on this dance. Oh and there go the shirts! Woohoo!
Score: 30

In Jeopardy: Elizabeth & Val and Bill & Emma
Going Home: Elizabeth & Val

And yet ANOTHER couple who shouldn't be going home yet. Sorry, but, as fun as Bill is, getting a 21 in the quarterfinals just isn't acceptable. Christina, Nicole and Brant are far superior dancers, and are much more deserving of making the semifinals than Bill or Leah for that matter.

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