Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 26.7

After Tribal--Gota
Everyone says how sad they were to vote out Matt. Corinne vows to protect Michael and really wants to get Phillip out as soon as possible. Phillip sees her talking to others and then not telling their group about her conversations. He wants her gone in a bad way. Cochran tries to talk him out of it because they want the numbers when they go to the merge.

They get the clue for the Reward Challenge and it says that they strong will carry the weak. Immediately, they all think they are doomed because Gota has all the physical strength. But Phillip thinks that if it has anything to do with upper body strength and back strength, that he's got it. He thinks he's the strongest guy out there. Just pure comedy gold right do the other tribe members keep a straight face when he's talking such nonsense, and he's so serious?

Cochran jokes about the abundance of weak on their team, and if that's part of the challenge, they'll do well. Phillip challenges Cochran to an arm wrestle match. Even with 2 hands, and all his weight--he still couldn't take him down. Phillip was very proud of himself. He says he he has the will of a lion and determination of a gorilla. Great Phillipism right there.

Reward Challenge
The challenge is one that's been done in the past. They each carry weights and they must try to catch the other tribe.

Bikal decides to sit out Brenda.

Phillip is the lead person for Bikal and Erik leads for Gota. Phillip leads his troops like soldiers...telling them when to run and when to walk. Erik does a good job staying calm.

Bikal quickly gets behind (no surprise). Corinne urges Phillip to pick up the pace, but he's worried that they will tire out. He then says that he can't run and that he's tired! Really? He went out of his way to convince his tribe (and himself) just how strong he is, and HE'S the one saying he's getting tired? Michael, who was 2nd in line, passes him up! How embarrassing! How...embarrassing.

Dawn is the first to go out and her weight goes to Corinne.

Erik leads his troop of strong and able-bodied players and Bikal is still walking! They care coming in for the kill. Corinne takes on 60 pounds and Phillip falls down!!!! Whoa!!!! Perfectly executed victory by Gota. Corinne could not be more pissed.

Dawn tries to think positively and says that they are all going to eat too much and get sick. "It will be a diarrhea fest." Ha!

The fans get to enjoy their first reward ever! Malcolm is already just a little tipsy it seems...he runs to everyone on the tribe, gives them a kiss on the cheek (even the guys) and says "I love you, and you and you." Haha! Oh Malcolm!

Malcolm plots his move to take over the game.

After the Reward--Bikal
Corinne: "Phillip is the worst." She totally blames him for the loss, and she's right.

Cochran: Julia is a non-entity--she has a vanilla personality, but that that would be doing a disservice to the flavor vanilla. However, Phillip really has a thing for her and he wants to make her a secret double agent, and she is more than willing to play along. She barely says two words, and just lets Phillip do all the talking.

Julia then goes and talks to Dawn and tells her that Phillip wanted her to join them. Dawn then reports back to Phillip what she said. OOPS! That was a big no-no. You're out! We all know that Phillip doesn't like when people don't follow his instructions. She was told not to talk to anyone, and what did she do?

Malcolm knows that the 4 guys are going to be targets come merge, so he knows they need to stick together. He is going to bring in Erik and Reynold is to bring in Eddie. If they are all telling the truth, this is the best thing that could happen, and I'm excited! My 4 favorite players working together? Awesome! If this was Big Brother, they would make up a cool nickname for themselves, like "The Four Horsemen" or "The Brigade" or "Chilltown" many to choose from!

Reynold tells Malcolm that he has the idol! And Malcolm didn't even ask! Malcolm is now the only person in the game who knows where both idols are. Malcolm seemed to respect the fact that Reynold shared that with him...even though he said he would never do that.

Immunity Challenge
3 players go out in a canoe, then dive in the water to retrieve a heavy statue. Then another player tosses a grappling hook to retrieve 5 key rings and then raise the statue to raise a flag at the end.

Gota sits out Sherri this move.

Bikal's canoe almost flips their canoe right from the start...not looking good. But, Gota makes a slight error and gets off track and Bikal caught up and took the lead. Erik made quick work underwater and they got up the statue quickly. Bikal almost tips their canoe again, and Gota makes it to shore first.

Of course, Gota puts Reynold in the throwing position because he is a VERY good tosser. He misses the first couple, but then he starts getting one right after the other. Phillip was just not getting it. He was just missing every time.

Reynold just couldn't hook the last one and Phillip started catching up. It was getting way too close for comfort and I was getting really nervous.

YES! Another Gota win!!

Before Tribal--Bikal
Phillip reveals to Cochran that he THREW the challenge (Cochran isn't buying it though). He claims he didn't want Julia to make the merge. Cochran thinks that he believes that he threw the challenge. I love watching Cochran's face...he's just trying not to laugh at all the craziness!

Phillip wants to split the votes and Corinne thinks that is stupid. She tries to have a civil conversation with him, but he won't even let her talk. Phillip tries to use "what would Boston Rob do" it!

Cochran thinks that something big is going to happen and whatever is bubbling underneath the surface of the Corinne and Phillip feud is going to come to the surface.

Tribal Council--The Vote
3-3 Tie! Julia vs Michael

We only see 3 votes and they are all for Juilia

Smart move people...she needed to go!

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