Sunday, March 24, 2013

Celebrity Apprentice, Ep. 13.4

The Task
Interactive marketing campaign, using a glass truck to promote Farouk Systems (hair care)

Team Power
PM: Claudia (Omarosa's next victim--she wasn't happy with how she turned on her in the last time, so when she wasn't overly willing to step up to being PM for the task, Omarosa gave her "a little push"...her own words).

Their team has 2 advantages: (1) Claudia uses Chi (the product they were given) everyday (2) Lil' John won a Farouk task in his season.

Omarosa was noticeably different on this task: she was more quiet! This time she was going to let the PM crash and burn without any input from her. Claudia sent her and Dennis out for props and wardrobe. No one wanted them to come back. They came back 4 hours later and still didn't get everything on their list.

Lil' John dressed like Uncle Sam and Dennis wore lipstick with glitter. Wow.

Marilu stole Miss USA out from under Claudia, so they decided to go with celebrity look-alikes instead. The only Donald Trump look-alike in New York...couldn't get him either, because he died!

Team Plan B
PM: Marilu

Oh boy, Marilu makes Gary the accountant! Ha! Advantage for this team? Marilu hosted the Miss USA pageant and they've used Miss USA girls for their ads before.

Stephen, as the "master marketer" thought the slogan should be "Live Life Luscious"...which Trace absolutely hated. He suggested "Experience Silk", and Marilu loved it.

Gary is the angel of silk. OK "You'll feel like you're 5,000 miles past heaven. Come with me." That doesn't sound creepy at all.

At the store, Gary was so meticulous about the money. He made sure every cent was accounted for and written down in his book. He took forever counting and recounting money. Then they get in the van and something is missing. The money bag. Oh wait, it was on the floor the whole time. Oh my.

So, on the ride back, Gary went nuts! Lisa's dress made a farting sound on the van seat, and Gary asked her if she farted. He then proceeded to say all kinds of weird things about farts like: "I can see fart gas." His Buseyism for 'fart': feeling a rectal transmission". Wow, that's a good one. Lisa started messing with him and I really think that he thought she was really farting. He said she was a farting trombone.

Another great Gary moment...Gary: "stop yelling at me." Marilu: "I'm not yelling, I just want you to hear me." Gary: "What?"

Trace said he was "whoring" himself out by performing on top of their glass truck to get people's attention. Penn did what he does best: magic/juggling.

Marilu got so distracted by everything! Her team members could never get her attention. Stephen put it best when he said she was "ping ponging".

The Boardroom
Winners: Team Plan B
Losers: Team Power

Claudia brings back: Dennis and Lil' John! I do not understand why they are all practically begging the PMs to bring Omarosa, and against all better judgement, they don't choose her. Why on earth are they so afraid to even try to go into battle against her? She will never be fired if no one brings her back to the boardroom. Did Claudia learn nothing from LaToya being fired last week? That was THE ONLY reason she was fired last week, and it will be THE ONLY reason why Claudia is fired this week.

Outside the boardroom before going back in, Claudia conspired against Dennis with Lil' John. They whispered back and forth on what to say to try to get Trump to keep them and fire Dennis. We'll see if it works.

And...Claudia--You're fired! (And another victim of Omarosa falls. First Brett, then LaToya and now Claudia)

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