Wednesday, March 27, 2013

American Idol, Ep. 12.22 & 12.23

It's another unfortunate week of Motown songs. Why can't they pick some new genres? I can't stand all these dumb Motown songs...pick something more relevant! ...and NO ONE wants to see the plastic-faced Smokey Robinson. However...he might give better advice than Jimmy Iovine.

Candice - Heard it Through the Grapevine
It's nice to hear that song done a little differently than we're so used to hearing it, so props to her for that. I don't think there's anything that she can't sing well. I think she's going to be great every week, and it's just going to come down to if she can win over America. Great job as always. It's always refreshing to hear someone who can "scream" in a good way, that still sounds like singing..rather than just screeching at the top of their lungs (which anyone can do). It takes real talent to be able to sing-scream, and she can do that. The key, like Keith said, is to not over-power it (which is what most people do).

My Score: A

Kree & Janelle - Duet - Like a Prayer
Wow! Those girls sound amazing together! I love that they AREN'T singing a country song!!! (And yes, I realize it's because it's Motown week...but it's great to hear them sing something different.) Really, really enjoyed that performance!

My Score: A+

Lazaro -- For Once In My Life
Ugh, I hate that song! And in rehearsals, it sounds like it's too low again! Come on!

It's actually not as bad as I thought it might be. I think he sang it really well. He started out a little weak, but he got stronger and felt more confident as the song went on. Good job, Lazaro!

My Score: B+

Janelle - You Keep Me Hanging On
Great song choice, love this song...and so glad it's not country! And I like the added touch of playing the guitar. The dim lights and smoke really added to the really cool feel of the song. This is the best she's ever sounded. Wow.

My Score:

Devin - The Tracks Of My Tears
No one should be allowed to sing this song on Idol...ever. It will forever be compared to Adam Lambert's version. Nothing else can compare. Sorry...don't even try buddy. Why the judges thought it was his best performance ever, is beyond me. He has sung better...much better. I thought he was strained in some places. It was OK, not great.

My Score: B-

Candice, Amber, Angie - Trio - I'm Gonna Make You Love Me
Not liking this song choice at all. It was just kind of strange...not sure what it is about it. Their voices sound fine together, but it was kind of like Candice was the lead singer and the other 2 were back-ups.

My Score: A-

Burnell - My Cherie Amore
Oh boy...could there be a more boring song? His strange pronunciation of words sounds awkward and out of place on this song, and he sounds like he's 9 years old. His choppy style of singing does not work on a song like this. Not a fan of that at all. That's a shame...he did so well last week. This isn't going to win him any fans. Look for him to be in the bottom.

My Score: C

Angie - Shop Around
Another song I hate...great. But, good for her, she actually made the song tolerable. She did a great job, as usual. I like the attitude she put into it. There were a few pitchy moments, but it was still a good performance...but definitely not her best.

Side note: Her hair looks much better tonight!

My Score: B+

Amber - Lately
It's better than last week. I don't know why the judges were so over-the-top for her. It was pretty good, but I don't think it was amazing.

My Score: A-

Burnell, Lazaro, Devin - Trio - I Can't Help Myself
I wasn't sure if this would be good or not. But, I actually kind of enjoyed it (apparently, I'm the only one). I think Lazaro missed a cue or something...there was kind of an awkward silence. The song definitely suited Burnell and Devin better than Lazaro.

Yikes! Nicki let them have it!!!! She told them it sounded like Hollywood week and then told them to get off the stage, after also saying that she is going to pretend she never heard it. Then Burnell and Devin kind of threw Lazaro under the bus, it was just sad and disrespectful of both of them. Burnell said "I did what I was supposed to do" and later said "not to throw anyone under the bus, but...this is a competition". Devin said "I learned my part, I tried to save a couple people, but...." That was just crazy! I didn't think it was a complete train wreck, but it wasn't great either. If Devin and Burnell thought they would save themselves by dissing Lazaro, they have another thing coming. I'm pretty sure his fans won't take too kindly that they treated him like that. I expect either Devin or Burnell to go home tomorrow night.

My Score: C-

Kree - Don't Play That Song
I'm not sure this song works with her thick country twang. She sings it well enough, it's just kind of strange sounding. It was good, but it's definitely not my favorite thing that she's done.

My Score: B+

The Results:

The Bottom 3: Devin, Burnell, Lazaro

Going Home: Devin

The judges don't use their save (no surprise), so Devin goes home this week. For once I actually correctly guessed the bottom 3 AND the person going home! I made a huge jump in our American Idol bracket this week, and I'm now in the lead by 3!

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