Thursday, March 28, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep. 1.13

Suzette Sob Story
"I don't know when I became the biggest threat in the house man." "No matter what I do, I'll always be the odd man out." "What do I gotta do man?" "I just don't get it man." ""No one's picking off strong players." "I got 3 kids at home." Wha Wha Wha...somebody needs a whambulance! It is so time for her to go!

Emmett says that every conversation, no matter what they're talking about always comes back to her. She wants everyone to just feel sorry for her ALL THE TIME. Enough already! Like Emmett said, he's not there to help someone else win the money, no matter how sad their situation is at home.

Suzette asked Gary if he would use the Veto on her...he's conflicted.

Alec & Peter = The New Chilltown 
The Shield is running the house and they are having fun. Alec impersonates Peter, and Peter impersonates Alec...good times! Reminiscent of Will and Mike Boogey.

Wax On / Wax Off
Topaz needed waxed, so Talla came to her rescue...except it sounded like she was killing her, or she was giving birth or something else horrific was happening. Meanwhile, Gary starts dancing around the room. Topaz is worried that Gary may come out as straight, and then there's gonna be some problems because he saw know...

POV Competition
Players: Alec, Suzette, AJ, Gary, Jillian, Emmett
Host: Peter

The challenge: Stand under a roof with rain (COLD rain) pouring down. They have to catch the rain in a can that is on their head (which had holes in it), and then transfer the water into a tube. The first one to fill it to the top wins.

Can I just say that Peter did an awesome job announcing the competition as a southern hillbilly. And he had really great comments throughout the entire competition. Can he host every competition, please?

Some of Peter's gems:

  • "Everyone's doing marginal." 
  • "Alec seems to be breathing heavy into Jillian's neck, that's awkward."
  • "Jillian almost put her whole head in there, almost falls."
  • "Jillian going crazy."
  • "Suzette banging her head against it, that's not gonna help anybody out."
  • "Gary is in a trance."
  • "Everyone's doing great, AJ's doing adequate." 
  • "AJ finally back, and oh he misses the whole thing!"
  • "And they're making out ladies and gentlemen!"

Suzette was completely lost! She kept her head tilted to the side, and was getting absolutely NO water in her can! She admitted that she had no strategy and she was basically relying on Gary to win and take her off the block. Can't she do anything for herself? AJ wasn't doing much better. Andrew said AJ had no chance to win unless it was against Suzette, but even then he'd still probably lose. I'm sure AJ appreciates his support.

It pretty much came down to Emmett and Gary the whole way. And it's Emmett with the win!

Marsha The Moose
Marsha talks to AJ! Woohoo! Welcome back Marsha!

AJ has a mission: tell 2 houseguests that he wants to turn his obstacle course workout into a fitness DVD when he leaves the house. They have to help him come up with a name, and they have to participate in the obstacle course for at least 10 minutes. He can't tell anyone and if anyone quits early, he loses and has to tell the house he's a failure.

So, he sets off on his mission and begins pitching the idea to different people around the house. Andrew's reaction after AJ asked if he thought he could make a living doing it was great: "I think you'll be a very poor man." He got Talla and Topaz to participate. They tossed around some names like, "AJ's Obstacles" and "AJ's Obstacles of Life". But he goes with "High Intensity Integer Training." ????

AJ goes through the obstacle first to show them how to do it. Alec asks what the correct form is, and AJ says "it doesn't matter, my form is the correct form". Andrew then joins the crowd, he's drinking some water and Alec informs him that "form doesn't matter" and Andrew spits his water out as he laughs! That was great! AJ "always jogging, never running." "Take your time. Walk if you must."

Andrew begins the obstacle course, and he's working the weights. AJ tells him he's doing it too fast, and Andrew says "I'm going to hit you in the face with this." Andrew said "AJ's my man, so he asked me to do something so I gotta say yes, I gotta make him smile, because most of the time, I'm making him cry."

Andrew is always so great for quotes, here's another one: "It will be a cold day in Hell when AJ puts out a workout video, or a self-help video. Maybe this is a 'how to redecorate your lonely desperate basement' video, that might sell."

Talla: "I don't know why I just participated in that."
Andrew: "You are definitely the king of the douchebags, and I hate you."
Topaz: "AJ is the worst trainer of all time."

AJ was successful!! He actually got 3 people to do the obstacle course for 10 minutes. Good job AJ! The reward he won for the house was a summertime pool party and barbecue.

AJ was flirting a little bit with Marsha and he told her that she had pretty eyes. Marsha later said that AJ was cute, but she missed Peter. Ha!

The Pool Party
Talla gets hammered and she unleashes herself on Topaz. So weird! Then she went in the DR and practically passed out on the chair. "I think I'm drunk."

POV Ceremony
AJ doesn't want to continue to be the "Pawn Star" and he's tired of the "heat of the seat."

Emmett weighs his options. 1. Suzette is annoying and is driving him insane (a few too many "Heeeey Booys".) 2. Suzette can't talk about anything but herself in hopes of making everyone feel guilty.

Time for the speeches: AJ does an Indian accent and says "Why not me." Suzette cries and says that she hopes that Emmett could show as much grace as Canada did when they saved her.

Emmett quickly says he is not going to use the Veto (no surprise). But the ceremony didn't end there! In a POV Ceremony first, Emmett addresses the nominees. He tells AJ that he has proven himself to be a physical and mental competitor. He tells Suzette that even though she has a knee injury, she has shown that she hasn't given up and is continuing to fight. "HOWEVER", and it was a big however. He says that he doesn't respect aspects of her game. He said every time she talks to any of them it always comes back to her and she tries to make them feel guilty about her circumstances. He then addressed the house and said "If you're here, you're a threat." Wow.

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