Sunday, March 10, 2013

Celebrity Apprentice, Ep. 13.2

The teams will be flown to Orlando, Florida on Trump's private jet to get their task there.

The task is to create an interactive photo experience for Universal.

Plan B
The team will be without Trace for this task because he has a prior commitment. Dee steps up as Project Manager.

Penn starts taking over, even though he's not the PM, and thinks they need to go with a magical/magician theme.

Gary says he's good with a camera, and he immediately has no idea what he's doing...big surprise! Buseyism: "FUN=Finally Understanding Nothing; because when you have nothing in your mind, everything you do will be extremely fun". Gary, Dee, Lisa, Stephen and Marilu all go out to get pictures. Gary dons a Cat in the Hat hat and Penn puts on a Harry Potter hat, and craziness ensues.

Dee decides to scrap Penn's magician ideas and go with life-size cut-outs of each of them as characters. Penn was obviously pretty displeased with this idea. And he continued to make his opinion everyone.

The day of the event, Gary went crazy! He was wearing a Cat in the Hat hat, but he was saying he was the Tickle Monster and was tickling everyone during their pictures. Let's just say it was a little creepy.

Team Power
Project Manager is Omarosa. Let me just say I'm hoping they lose so she can be fired please! She starts her reign of terror by throwing Dennis under the bus in their meeting with the executives. Omarosa: "Dennis has a question for you." Dennis: "I do?" Wow.

Lil' Jon, Brande and Claudia are sent out to take pictures. When they come back they see that Omarosa has included Spiderman stuff in her graphics and they didn't get any photos of that. They had agreed on Harry Potter and Despicable Me.

Omarosa starts freaking out when the crew tells her they are running out of time and they may not be able to do 3D. I would not want to be them right now.

On day 2, they arrive and there's a lot to do. Their globe isn't painted, they have to design the entrance, and it's just chaos. 2 members of the team had to leave to get the Spiderman pictures that they didn't get the day before. Dennis's job: holding an umbrella. She put LaToya in charge of the Spiderman section, but gave her nothing but a web to put in it...basically setting her up to fail.

Their idea was to create 3 separate booths that had 3D backgrounds and the guests put on costumes and got their picture taken in each section.

The Boardroom
Both teams think they won, no surprise there.

Winning Team: Team Power
Darn it...I so wanted her to lose! She wins, and then she completely breaks down...not completely sure why, but I think it's because she was playing for a charity for her boyfriend, Michael Clark Duncan, who passed away.

My initial thoughts are that Stephen and Gary are in big trouble. Stephen didn't win any fans last task when he basically refused to fund raise to save his contacts for his own task. Then this task, he told Dee that he agreed with what they were doing. And for some reason, this really bothered Dee and he said he doesn't want someone like that on his team. Gary, as always was a distraction, so that is always a factor in not winning, but also fear in going forward and wanting to keep the team strong. Of course, Dee was PM, so a lot of this falls in his lap. He vetoed Penn's idea which probably would have improved their presentation quite a bit.

Trump asked Dee if Penn should be fired because he didn't fight for his idea. Seconds later, Trump uttered his famous words: "Penn, 'you're fired'"! Jaws drop! But...he's only kidding! What a fakeout! This was Trump's 2nd fakeout of the night. He told Team Plan B: "Dee, congratulations! lost!"

Dee brings back Stephen and Gary; Stephen because he doesn't trust him and Gary because he has a limited skillset.

You're Fired: Dee

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