Saturday, March 16, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Week 3: Eps, 7 & 8

Episode 6

  • Suzette throws a big hissy fit after being put on the block, and has a huge screaming match with Aneal
  • Alec and Emmett have some real concerns about Tom--he's very unpredictable, and his actions in the house have made quite a few people mad
  • Topaz continues to fill Alec in on things that are going on in the house
  • Topaz tries to fight to keep Gary in the house, which concerns Alec
  • Gary tackles Emmett to put glitter on him before the Have/Have-Not competition
  • Big Brother calls everyone into the living room: a camera has been tampered with, so everyone has to suffer the consequences--all through the night, they are awakened and forced to complete tasks (make a human pyramid in the backyard, everyone cram into the 2 showers for 5 minutes, brush someone else's teeth, jumping jacks and go into the pool, dance party in the living room, on their knees they needed to build a road of objects to the kitchen)
  • Gary goes to Tom and says he wants to work with him; Tom says he wants to work with Gary, but he wants to put him on the block as a pawn

Game Stats
  • Tom nominates Suzette and Gary for eviction (Suzette for revenge, and Gary as a pawn)
  • Have-Nots for the week: Alec, Topaz, Jillian, Aneal
Episode 7

  • Peter has a surprising connection with Liza and shared a brief hand-holding session on the couch, before awkwardly being interrupted by Tom
  • AJ has a very bizarre workout in the backyard--he struggled quite a bit with it
  • Apparently AJ's eyebrows have minds of their own
  • Andrew was in the storage room when the phone rang-he answered and was given a secret task by Big Brother: prepare a meal for everyone for a reason of his choosing that is special to him, but the meal has to be disgusting; in order to win the reward, he has to receive at least 1 compliment
    • He decides to tell the house that today would have been his dad's 70th birthday, and he wanted to make his dad's favorite meal
    • He added the most disgusting things you could imagine and everyone cringed while watching him make it; the looks on everyone's faces when they tasted it were priceless
    • Tom says it's very good, and he was serious, he liked it...until he found out what was in it
    • Andrew succeeded and the house was given pizza and beer
  • Suzette eliminates herself in the POV and then calls Tom a f****** redneck; she later felt bad and appologized, but it was too little too late
  • Tom tells AJ that he wants to use him as a pawn
  • AJ starts talking about himself in the 3rd person, and for some reason was totally OK with being a pawn--his only worries: what his hair was going to look like and what he was going to wear
  • Alec and Peter observe the house from the top of the stairs; they consider trying to backdoor Tom
  • Jillian tells Tom that she wants Gary to stay on the block because he needs to go home
Game Stats
  • Tom wins the POV and keeps his word to Gary and removes him from the block
  • Tom then replaces Gary with AJ 

Episode 8

  • Tom sees Liza laying on the hammock with Andrew, and he questions why Andrew never hangs around her when he's around; he thinks he needs to go
  • Alec starts to distrust Liza now, so Peter tells her about this since they have an alliance
  • Alec and Peter talk to Emmett about their perception of Liza controlling what their group does through Tom
  • Canada was given the power to vote to save someone on the block
  • Talla has a very specific way she wants the house to keep the pillows on the couch...the guys all made fun of her...and she had no idea
  • Liza puts bronzer on Tom
  • Gary asks Alec and Emmett to help him with his workout
  • Suzette makes a case to Alec and Peter to try to stay in the house 
  • Tom's worst nightmare came true when Canada saved Suzette
  • Host Arisa jokes with Emmett that he got his room back (since he spent so much time in their when Jillian was HOH)

Game Stats
  • Canada's votes save Suzette; Tom replaces her with Aneal
  • By a vote of 8-2, Aneal was evicted
  • Emmett wins the HOH competition

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