Friday, March 22, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep. 1.10

I absolutely can't wait to see the aftermath of Gary's nominations! Unfortunately, Twitter is a feeding ground for spoilers, and it's almost impossible not to see things. And, oh the things I've read! Things are about to get interesting people! I could have never imagined the craziness that could take place in only a couple of days. Now it's time to see how it all played out...

The Aftermath Following the Nomination Ceremony
Liza tries to comfort Tom so he doesn't blow up. She's more worried about him than she is for him. That's sweet, but I think she needs to worry about herself too.

Gary sneaks off to the HOH room to continue celebrating his victory. I don't know if there's ever been a more excited houseguest in BB history.

Emmett reveals that he gave his OK to Gary to put Tom on the block. He says he's having a hard time trusting Tom after some of the things that he's said. He's afraid he's gone to the dark side because he can't see that Liza is a problem because she wants him and Alec out because of their showmances. Poor Emmett, he's hurting so bad because he hates having to lie to Tom and not fully trusting him.

Liza has a private conversation with Gary and she lays it on real thick. She wants to make him believe that she's totally fine with everything and that she doesn't hold a grudge against him. She tells him that her and Tom will have his back. Gary's smart, he doesn't buy it. Tom then comes in and he's got a very strange vibe right from the minute he walks into the room. It's a little scary. He's upset, and with reason. He threatened Gary that he's going to do whatever he needs to to protect Liza. Cue Gary doing an impression of Tom in the DR....totally spot on.

Alec about Tom: "I'm trying to appeal to the very few brain cells that he has." It's no secret that Alec and Tom haven't had the closest relationship, but they are bound by the Quattro alliance, so he always treads lightly around him.

Tom and Liza are both equally blind about each other. They think they are the greatest people in the world...a match made in heaven.

Canada voted that all of the Haves should receive pedicures from the Have-Nots. Wow, that was just fun to watch. I love Alec's French accent. Suzette enjoyed her pedicure from Alec just a little too much. That was just uncomfortable to watch.

Peter said he was going to sleep through his pedicure, because of how uncomfortable it was...but then something happened. Talla was joking around that she was going to stick his toe in her mouth, and she accidentally licked his foot! Ha!

Emmett looked like he was really enjoying giving the pedicure to Gary. Now there's an unlikely pair. Gary was so demanding! He even conned a back massage out of Emmett. And then it looks like Gary tried to cop a feel! Yikes! Emmett was like 'keep your hands to yourself'.

Alec then did Tom. Tom first made him put on his shirt to make it less weird. Tom: "Stop making it feel good." Tom was starting to like it and it was creeping him out. Apparently Alec has a special talent for pedicures...first Suzette and then Tom.

The Bromance

I absolutely love to hear Andrew and AJ talk about their bromance.  I just think it's so hilarious. Andrew said their pairing is one of necessity and of enjoyment. Andrew likens their pairing to that of Emmett and Jillian and Tom and Liza....but without the cuddling.

On another note, AJ says Andrew is a vampire, and he's got quite a bit of evidence. He says when he gets up from his bed, he looks like he's sitting up in a coffin. His teeth look like fangs. Andrew himself says that he has older flesh than the others in the house. "He's paler than milk." "We've actually pinpointed his age as 682 in the house."

POV Competition
The Players: Gary, Tom, Liza, Alec, AJ, Jillian
Host: Andrew

The first thing Alec says is that he does not intent to win the POV because he wants to lay low. AJ says the same thing. Gary pulls Alec aside. He quickly agrees with him because he knows that Gary is a strong player.

The competition is a curling competition. Andrew's host costume was hilarious! The players randomly chose names of houseguests who were not competing. Those people were going to be the human rocks who would have to sit on blocks of ice and be "curled". The whole thing was random...but how ironic...

Liza pulls Peter's name (she thinks this is a sign that she's going to win). Jillian pulls Emmett's name. Alec pulls Topaz's name. Come funny is that? AJ pulls continues! Then Gary pulled've got to be kidding me! The last pair was Tom and Talla.

Round 1:  Tom beat Jillian. Alec beat Liza. Gary just beats out AJ.

Final Round: Gary had great form, but it was not enough to overtake Alec, who had already beat Tom.

Alec revealed that he talked to Peter and they decided it wouldn't be the worst thing to win and if Gary heard or thought that he was throwing it, that wouldn't be good.

Gary, Alec and Peter discuss options for this week. Peter says that he and Alec have been talking about ways to get Tom out for some time now, just because he's intolerable to be around. They eventually come to the decision that it's time to get Tom out. Peter: "The Shield is internally decimating Quattro's lead member frankly because we don't like him." Their goal is to completely blindside him so he doesn't suspect anything and he won't have any time to out the secret alliance. Peter: "For all intents and purposes, Quattro is dead, however, 3 of it's sane members are still going to be active and collaborating in this game. However, it's creator, Tom, is on his way out." Peter sure is a go-to guy for great quotes isn't he? (Earlier in the POV comp, he said that sitting on that block of ice was so cold, but not as cold as him because he's soulless.)

Alec meets up with Emmett in the Have-Not room, and tells him that he's not going to use the Veto. He says if he uses it, the replacement would be Emmett or Peter. He makes it seem like he hasn't already talked to Gary. Tom interrupts and then confronts them about them not telling him he was going up.He says he felt disrespected by them and that he would have never done that to them. Emmett tries to convince him that they need to work as a team. Alec tells him that he needs to remain on the block, or someone else from the alliance will be put up in his place.

Later on, Tom and Liza are in bed, and Tom reveals to her that there is a boys alliance. He didn't want to name names, but he confirmed her guesses. He even tells her the name "Quattro". Seriously dude?! He wanted to make sure that if he left the house, that she would be able to go after Quattro and take them down.

Veto Ceremony
Before the ceremony, Alec reviews his options:
1. Remove Liza--should would be indebted to him because at this point she thinks she's going home. Liza: "If Alec uses the Power of Veto to take me off the block, I will pee my pants on national television."
2. Remove Tom--he would be a more loyal to him and the 4, but Gary would then put another member of Quattro up. Tom: "Being a member of the Quattro alliance, I absolutely expect him to take me off the block. If he does not take me off the block, and I win HOH the following week, I will be putting his butt up on the block, right next to Topaz."
3. Not use the POV--he will gain favor with Gary, and that will put everyone at ease, and everyone in the house will trust him more.

Tom and Liza give their speeches to persuade Alec to save them, and Alec honors his word to Gary and does not use the POV on Tom or Liza, so one of them WILL be going home.

The look on Tom's face when Alec said he was NOT going to use the Veto was just about as good as when he was nominated: pure anger. Tom: "You don't start a fire that you can't put out."

Emmett feels bad because he really wanted to go to the end with him, but he said he can't fight for him any more.

Anything can and will happen, and to make things even more exciting, this week is a double eviction! No one is safe!

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