Monday, March 25, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep 1.12

When we last left off, there was a double eviction, in which both Tom and Liza were sent packing. As Liza said her goodbye to Peter, she slipped something in the back of his shirt--it was an elastic band, because he always has an elastic band. He said when he wears it he'll think of her.

Andrew questions Alec on why he threw the competition so obviously to him, He GAVE Andrew the answer...he had no clue what the answer was. In the DR, Alec says he did it because he didn't want to win an HOH during a double eviction, because you only have power for such a brief amount of time. That is very true. You are also put on the spot and have to make a very quick decision about who to put up. That decision could ultimately come back to haunt you later on. He very effectively, just took Andrew out of the next competition as well. Andrew just hopes that Alec keeps his word that he is safe. We'll see.

Alec and Peter do some strategizing and decide who they would put up if they win HOH. Peter says he would put up Suzette and AJ. Alec agrees because Topaz told him that Suzette would put the 2 of them up if she won HOH. So their plan is: if Suzette is in contention to win HOH, they stay in, but if she gets out then they throw the comp as usual. Seems pretty straight forward, right?

Gary enters the conversation, and he says that he would try to get Talla out and put up Suzette as a pawn.

Party Time
AJ goes into the storage room and finds that Big Brother has given them 2 bottles of wine and a box of beer. Even the Have-Nots were allowed to partake. This can't be good, right? This house is crazy enough when there is no drinking going on. So, the drinking begins and the house decides to play Spin the Bottle. Oh, I can't wait to see this!

Alec said that Andrew must have had a magnet in his mouth because everyone kept landing on him! First it was Talla, whom he gave a simple peck on the cheek, but then came back for a more aggressive one from across the table. Then we see him kiss Topaz, and then Suzette, and then it gets interesting. He then gives a rather long kiss to Gary. But he said the most meaningful kiss was with "my man AJ". He literally threw himself at AJ, as AJ tried to back funny! AJ: "Andrew's tongue, just suddenly came into my mouth, he initiated it, it was out of took me by surprise for sure." So much so that he completely fell off his chair!

We did get to see some other matchups: AJ and Topaz, Topaz and Talla--which lasted way too long! What was up with that girls? Alec and AJ were definitely enjoying it.

The alarm wakes the houseguests up the next morning, and they are all in pretty bad shape. Peter said: "It was a mish-mash of eroticism." Andrew goes in for a 2nd go-round with AJ he next morning...haha!

HOH Competition
The houseguests have to make it through a maze, get a code and remember it, and then make it to the car first. The winner will also get $10,000 and another surprise. One by one, the houseguests go through the maze with an itinerary, and look for landmarks.

Peter was up first...he couldn't find the exit! "It's just a calamity!"

Alec was up next. He was cruising! Peter said that Alec entered the maze and "It's like it's not even a maze! This guy can actually do something functional"

Talla was a mess. She is so frantic. She gets to the key box and she yells out a ton of numbers! It's only 4 numbers! Then she really started freaking out! She's yelling and screaming, and saying that she was doing what they asked, but it kept being wrong. Where was she getting all those extra numbers? Peter: "This was probably her best freakout, that I'm happy that I was there to witness it, and I hope that she has another one very soon." She ended up giving up because she couldn't figure it out. After she quits, she THEN realizes what she did wrong. Too little, too late, Talla.

Topaz did not do well either, she was not in a hurry at all. Emmett was opposite of her and he just ran around so fast! He kept bumping into the walls and knocking them down.

Jillian did really well, she kept was lost calm, cool and collected. And then there was Suzette. She just strolled around and banged into the walls and just kept laughing. She was acting like she was still drunk from the night before!

AJ: "It's like a maze in here. I'm lost in this thing." He was hilarious.

The top 2 times: Alec and Jillian, with 17 seconds difference. The winner is: Alec! He climbed into the car to receive his special surprise. It was a video message from his mom.

Another special announcement from Big Brother: No Have-Nots this week!

No one can stand Suzette. Alec knows he wants to put her up, so he told her ahead of time. Then she was a bawling mess...again!

Alec and Andrew seem to have an understanding, and Alec promised him that he didn't have anything to worry about. However, Andrew then goes and talks to Emmett, and he shares how upset he still is about the whole HOH comp. Alec ended up with so much on his win, which Andrew couldn't even try for because he was given the last HOH. He didn't get the room, any pictures from home, no luxury items....nothing.

Alec then pulls a group into the HOH room to tell AJ the plan to put him up as a pawn...again. Alec just smirks and looks at him, and he's like 'you've got to be kidding me.' Then to make him feel even better about himself, they tell him it's because he's not seen as a threat and Emmett says "no offence, but you're the the least physical threat here." They go around the room and look him in the eye and tell him that they will not vote him out. Andrew jokes that he is 50/50 about it. Ha!

Nomination Ceremony
Alec's goal was to make this week a fun one, so that people will remember him for making it a fun week and making an easy choice to get a non-player out of the house.

And, as expected, Suzette and AJ go on the block. The whole house pretty much knew what was going on and no one was surprised. However, Alec's speech was unexpected. He used it as a joke, and it was awesome. He told Suzette that they kissed during Spin the Bottle. That passionate kiss changed his life forever, but he found out the next day that she didn't even remember it, so therefore, he had to put her on the block. And to AJ, he said they've been rivals since the beginning of the game, and over the past couple of days, he thinks that he has won Topaz's heart (she happened to be sitting next to AJ on the couch and AJ had his arm around her). He asks him: "you know what else you've won AJ? a spot on the block."

Suzette is delusional and thinks the reason she is on the block is because she's a wild card and that people are scared of her. Yeah right! She says that she is here to win competitions, to make big moves and get people out of the house. Really? Yeah, how's that working for you so far?

AJ feels pretty confident, let's hope he doesn't have anything to worry about.

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