Sunday, March 17, 2013

Celebrity Apprentice, Ep. 13.3

The Task: 5-Minute Crystal Lite Soap Opera

Team Power Project Manager: LaToya

Of course, right away, Omarosa whines "I want to be in it," when LaToya tells her she wants to make her the Stage Manager. She continued to dominate the conversation and wouldn't even let LaToya talk. Omarosa is being so completely disrespectful!

Omarosa: "You got on the wrong side of Omaraosa today."

LaToya: "Her fiancee had a heart attack not too long ago. I'm sure she gave it to him." Oh snap!

Omarosa and Claudia go shopping for dresses and consistently calls LaToya for approval on everything. Claudia sees that she's only doing this so that none of the responsibility falls on her.

Their team is assigned Jack Wagner as their soap opera actor.

In the middle of the task, Omarosa received a phone call and she had to leave to take care of it. Apparently a tabloid was going to run the 911 tape from the night her fiancee, Michael Clarke Duncan, died. So now, the part in the commercial that she fought for, they have to find someone else to play the part. Claudia took over her part. After Omarosa left, everyone started to have fun.

Guess who shows up during rehearsals on the stage..Omarosa. Of course.

For the performance, everything is going great...until LaToya messed up the name of the drink (even though she had it written on her hand).

Team Plan B: Project Manager: Stephen

It's obvious that right off the bat, Stephen is going to have trouble gaining the respect of his team. I don't think any of them take him seriously, even though he's trying to be completely serious for once.

Trace: "I want to make out with Susan Lucci."

Not surprisingly, Penn has the best idea, so they go with his idea. Stephen says if the execs don't like it, he will be coming back to the boardroom.

The team starts running lines, but Stephen kept yelling, "STOP!", to give them all kinds of directions. The team is getting pretty annoyed with him at this point.

Their performance worked wonderfully and it was awesome.

The Boardroom

Team Plan B wins! Yay for Stephen and the rest of his team! Hoping that the mess that is Omarosa will be sent packing. She pulls out the fake crying...AGAIN! She just stars sobbing, but strangely, there are never any tears. Brande and Claudia are whispering to each other and Claudia mouths the words "why are you here?" This is going to be a battle of epic proportions.

Poor Gary seems really hurt this time, by constantly being called the weakest link. As many times as they say it, they also continue to say that they love him and that he did a good job. He's just distracting.

So, the boardroom battle begins and Trump's first questions are: "Dennis, do you like your tattoos? Would you get them again?" and "Lil' Jon, are your grills removable?" Seriously? Why is this important?

Omarosa didn't waste any time in bringing up the mistake that LaToya made. LaToya does her best to keep up with Omarosa. She definitely has a way with words. Omarosa brings Claudia into the fight and Dennis and Lil' Jon sitting at the other end of the table can only sit there in awe.

Then out of nowhere...LaToya speaks up and asks Trump if she, for the first time ever, could have permission to fire someone on her team? Whoa!

What in the world is LaToya doing? She decides to bring back Brande and Dennis. DUMBEST MOVE EVER!

I love that they brought up her fake tears. Everyone is trying to convince LaToya that not bringing Omarosa back was a dumb move. She even says she wants to battle her. Then WHY not bring her back? She says that she thinks Trump was buying her whole crying act and that she wouldn't have been fired. Everyone thinks that she was just scared of her, even though she keeps saying she wasn't. That's the only explanation anyone can give. And with that...

LaToya-You're Fired!

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