Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep. 1.9

Holy crap did things just get completely out of control or what? Just like BB USA: "expect the unexpected". No one is safe...ever. Trust no one...ever. With that being said, here is a recap of what happened in this episode--and it's a lot, so get ready!

When we last left off, Emmett had just won HOH and lots of people were pretty stoked namely the other 3 members of Quattro. We see Emmett get to see his new HOH room, and he received a very touching and emotional letter from his mom. Unfortunately, he didn't get to enjoy it for too long...

Shocking Twist
Suddenly, shortly there after, the houseguests were gathered by Big Brother in the living room. They were shown video of the HOH competition as proof that 4 people cheated in the competition! It didn't matter if it was intentional or not...those people were to be punished. Those people were: Talla, Alec, Jillian and Emmett. Yes...Emmett. Therefore, the results of the competition were no longer valid. The Have/Have-Not competition would now be a new HOH competition. The 4 cheaters would be Have-Nots for the week (poor Alec, who has been a Have-Not for 3 weeks straight now). Those people were also not allowed to participate in the challenge. Tom, as out-going HOH still was not allowed to compete either. Whoa...no one saw this coming. Emmett and Tom had already started planning. Liza started her silent manipulation on Tom. Lots of things were set in motion in prep for the Nomination Ceremony.

New HOH Competition
So, the new HOH comp was played, and in a weird twist of Karma, Gary wins! Total power shift in only a few hours. And to say Gary was excited would be a complete understatement. He immediately began jumping up and down and screaming like a little kid on Christmas morning. This time, not as many people were excited about this outcome. Suzette was really the only other person who was happy to see Gary in power.

Decisions, Decisions
Gary gets to enjoy his rainbow HOH room and quickly begins holding one-on-ones with each houseguest. He was trying to get as much info out of them as he could, because no one would tell him anything before. He wanted people to name names and dish the dirt. Of course Liza and Tom reminded him what they did for him last week and both were feeling pretty safe.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Peter tells Emmett that Gary was thinking about putting up him and Jillian. Topaz and Emmett tried to convince Peter that Liza was playing him. Emmett told Tom that Liza was poison and she was controlling him, and therefore controlling Quattro. Alec told Gary that Liza needs to go, and many other houseguests said the same thing.

Nomination Ceremony
It was finally time for nominations, and the 2 people who felt pretty safe found themselves on the block: Liza and Tom. Gary told them that Liza was his target and that Tom was the pawn (as Emmett actually suggested). I don't think Tom heard anything Gary said. You could see that he was pissed. It was all he could do to contain himself and keep quiet. Gary told Tom that he had every intention of taking him off the block if he won Veto.

What happens next is anybody's guess. This week is a dreaded double eviction!

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