Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 26.4

After the Last Tribal
The Fans are reeling from another loss, and Sherri starts to lose it a little bit. Eddie and Reynold realize they were fooled and they are now circling the drain. Will anyone grab them and pull them out, or will they continue their downward spiral right out of the game? I'm hoping for the latter.

Favorite's Camp
Phillip decides that Brandon has worked his way up and has proven that he can be an asset to the alliance. So, he gives Brandon name in the Stealth-R-Us alliance: The Conquerer! Full induction ceremony and everything! Brandon: "I'm lying to him! This agent sucks!" Brenda is also made an "official member" and her name is Serenity. Apparently Erik also gets a name: The Silent One. Umm...Phillip...that's your entire tribe!

Reward Challenge
Cochran sits out for the Favorites.

The challenge was to transport a couple of people across some planks in the water being held by other tribe members. Once all were across, the entire tribe had to climb on a small platform and get every member above the top rung.

Laura is proving to be just about worthless. She can barely just walk over the can't be that hard! The Favorites start gaining while Laura takes forever. The Favorites quickly started climbing up and the Fans were getting close too. Shamar got on bottom and told everyone to climb/stand on top of him. Within seconds, the Favorites were only waiting on Corinne. The Fans had a problem: Matt was on the outside. He's a big dude! There was no way he was going to be able to get up and stay up.

And it's the Favorites again!!! Haha Shamar thinks they won and he starts celebrating! How does he know...he was on the bottom and couldn't see what was going on. Phillip is like, um no...WE WON!

A tiny little bushman named Tata, came to the Favorites camp. Malcolm called him a "Philipino Gollum"! He showed them some cooking techniques and kind of put on a little show for them. It's not like they need much help...they seem to be getting by pretty well for themselves. The Fans on the other hand...

Fans Tribe
The poor Fans are getting pretty depleted. Shamar went back to being himself and went right back into the shelter to lay down. It was pretty obvious that he was looking pretty ill, even for him. And then he scratches his eyeball! Please tell me he is the one who is going to have to be medically evacuated!

The tribe is getting even more annoyed with him than usual. Do I think they are smart enough to vote him out: no, probably not. The only way he's leaving is if he quits or is medically evacuated. I'll take either of those options...just as long as he goes!

Night time comes and the wind starts kicking up and there were tons of rats climbing all over them...yuck!

Shamar is slowly going insane, he's just rocking back and forth. Just give up dude! The medics come out to look at Shamar's eye, because it is really puffed up and red. The medic says that there is a divet in his cornea, and wait for it...there is nothing they can do on the island he needs to be pulled to be looked at by a specialist! Not to be mean, of course it's not good for anyone to have an injury, but I gotta say I'm happy to finally be rid of him.

Immunity Challenge
Corinne and Dawn sit out for the Favorites (I would have sat out Andrea or Brenda before Corinne)

Right off the bat, Erik takes a major header into the tires! Didn't seem to slow him down too much, he was still in the lead. Sherri on the other hand, can't break the key loose on the 1st try and has to go for a 2nd try.

Brandon comes in for the Favorites and he gets his key on the 1st try. The Fans are 1 full set behind, but Eddie makes up a ton of time!

Malcolm gets the last key very quickly and they are off to unlock their box..

The Favorites get all of their locks undone before the Fans even get to theirs. And it's another throwing challenge. This time there is a wall of bricks and you have to toss bags at them to knock them all off the wall. Phillip starts them really strong, but the Fans start gaining, because it's Reynold at the helm again for the Fans, and he is blazing! But Phillip, holy crap! He was knocking those things down like it was nothing! And he got the last one, while Reynold still had about 4 left. That was amazing! Reynold really held his own and brought them back in it. There was nothing he could have done better. It was Phillip's to lose and if he had missed on just a couple more tosses Reynold would have got him. Who knew Phillip could be so good in challenges?! He either was holding back on his season, or he's been practicing.

Prep for Tribal
The poor Fans tribe is now going to lose another member.

Matt and Michael start talking and Matt realizes that Eddie and Reynold are a major factor in keeping them close in challenges. Michael is pretty hesitant about going against their alliance. Laura is pretty clearly their weakest link, so she's on the chopping block.

Matt talks to Reynold about his plan, but Reynold really doesn't know if he can trust what he's saying because they've lied to them the past couple of Tribals. Reynold thinks he might be better off playing the Idol tonight just to be safe.

Matt then goes to Sherri, and she doesn't like this plan either. I don't see how it's going to fly. They are probably going to be dumb and get rid of one of their strongest, and they are going to continue to lose. However, at the rate they are going, they are going to have to switch up the tribes because they aren't going to have anyone left. So really, their best move might just be to take one of them out (even though that's the last thing I want to happen).

Tribal Council
Laura brings some words of wisdom: predicting the future-we might end up on different tribes soon. Yep, that's right. But I still don't want to lose Eddie or Reynold. I hope Reynold knows he best be playing that Idol this time, or he's going home with a souvenir.

The Vote
Reynold plays the Idol! Smart move just saved yourself for 1 more Tribal.

Reynold-1, didn't count

Bummer! Reynold actually didn't need to play it! Oh well, better safe than sorry. And, the larger alliance got what they wanted...the Idol is flushed out.

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