Sunday, March 24, 2013

Amazing Race, Ep. 22.6

6th Leg: Botswana
Pam/Winnie lead it off

The clue gives the city they are going to, but they have to figure out the country before they will be allowed into the travel agency to book their flight.

Caroline/Jennifer guessed Kenya which was incorrect, but from inside the travel agency, Max/Katie gave them the right answer. They also did the same for Bates/Anthony, who also guessed Kenya. The teams that got it correct stopped at a hotel to get on a computer to figure it out.

Chuck/Wynona tried a different method: they got out a map and just started guessing countries. Lucky for them, the guy letting them in, let them in with the mispronunciation of "Boswana".

Road Block: Dig For Scorpion
Bushmen took them to learn how to dig for scorpions. While looking, they also had to beware of lions in the area. Quickly the bushmen would just fly up a tree when they would see a lion off into the distance.

Some of the team members were more ok with this task than others. Caroline was fine with it, Max was fine, Joey on the other hand, was freaking out! "I have to touch it, I have to freakin' touch it?" (in his most girly squeal).

Before the racers could touch the scorpions, the bushmen would put the scorpion in their mouth and bite it! Wow, that is so crazy!

Detour: Fire or Fowl
Half of the teams chose making fire, while the other half chose catching birds. Bates/Anthony arrived first and it didn't take them too long to make the fire. The rest who chose to make fire wished they had chosen the other Detour, because it was really hard. Caroline/Jennifer and Max/Katie decided to switch.

Pitstop #6:
#1: Bates/Anthony
#2: Pam/Winnie
#3: Chuck/Wynona
#4: Joey/Meghan
#5: Caroline/Jennifer
#6. Mona/Beth

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