Monday, May 5, 2014

The Voice, Ep. 6.21 & 6.22

Sisaundra (Team Blake)
Tina Turner - "River Deep, Mountain High"
Loud, loud and more loud. Nothing but power in that song. Not the style I like to listen to, but she performed the heck out of it. She's so consistent, I don't think she could ever sing poorly.
My Score: 9

Josh (Team Usher)
Bonnie Raitt - "I Can't Make You Love Me"
This was a pretty good song choice for him. I think he did a really good job. It was really tender and sweet. It got a little long and boring though, because he kind of sang it all the same way in the middle. It didn't really go anywhere until right at the end. Once he got to the last verse and chorus, he kicked it up a notch.
My Score: 8

Kat (Team Adam)
Daft Punk feat. Pharrell - "Get Lucky"
I like that she's doing a song that's currently popular, and it's fun and upbeat. Hopefully, this will help her get some votes so she isn't in the bottom again! She doesn't deserve to be in the bottom. She's my favorite singer right now. I just love her voice. I kind of like how she made the song a little bit darker and less of a dance tune. She really rocked it out! I don't know how you could not vote for her. Seriously...come on people! That big, high note at the end was ridiculous! Anyone who can maintain jumping up and down while singing and still be completely in tune and not winded is a true rockstar, and deserves to win. Adam loved that one :)
My Score: 10

Kristen (Team Shakira)
Lee Brice - "I Drive Your Truck"
The title of the song says it all, and why I'm not "that" type of country fan. If every country song was like EVERY single country song on the show Nashville, I would be a country fan...but sadly, there are WAY too many songs about trucks and tractors. This song itself wasn't horrible, but I have a hard time making the connection between driving a truck and the way the song is a just doesn't seem right. Nothing outstanding at all about that performance. It was good, but pretty boring.
My Score: 7

Delvin (Team Adam)

R. Kelly - "I Believe I Can Fly"
This is the perfect song for him. I would like to see him branch out and try something unexpected. This song is pretty much "expected" because he sounds a lot like R. Kelly, and this song has been done over and over on just about every singing reality show. But, this song meant a lot to him, and it allowed him to have a moment. His voice is undeniable. He brought the house down with that last note.
My Score: 9

Audra (Team Blake)
Rebecca Lynn Howard "Forgive"
Nothing much to say about this performance, but it was really pretty. She showed a lot of emotion and it was a great performance.
My Score: 9

Jake (Team Blake)
Brooks & Dunn - "Hillbilly Delux"
Again...the song title...don't need to say anything else about it. Yikes! If he's gonna sing country, this is the type of country that suits his voice the best. I still don't see why everyone just oohs and aahs over him like he's something special. He sounds just like any guy country singer who is currently on, or has ever been on country radio. Even though this song was upbeat, I was still pretty bored through the whole performance. He just didn't look like he was having fun...even HE looked bored.
My Score: 7

Christina (Team Adam)
Lil Wayne - "How to Love"
The way they had her and the stage lit really confused me. That mike stand was like nothing I've ever seen before, just a pillar of light. It was kind of cool. Her low notes, you couldn't really even understand what she was saying. I didn't love this performance. I think she did better last week. But who am I, just someone who disagrees with just about everyone else out there about her apparently. I think she's going to win this season, but do I think she deserves to? No. I think she has pitch issues and she screams a lot. People applaud her for changing up songs and making them her own. She might be doing some of that, but this was all Adam's idea, not hers.
My Score: 7

The Results:

My 3 picks to go home: Jake, Kristen, Christina
I think will be going home: Kristen, Audra, Kat

I sure hope I'm wrong about Kat, but she was in the bottom last week, and with 3 going home, it's going to be hard for her to get that big of a boost in the votes, I'm afraid.

Bottom 4: Sisaundra, Audra, Kat and Delvin
Instant Save: Kat!!!!! Woohooo!!!
Going Home: Sisaundra, Audra and Delvin

I can't believe that Kristen was safe, and I was really hoping Jake would at least be in the bottom. I liked Audra a lot, and Delvin was good also. Delvin's "save me" song was not very good. It was a bad choice of songs and he had some kind of bad notes, so that didn't help him. Audra's "save me" song was really good, it's a shame she doesn't get to stick around instead of Kristen. Kat was by far the best tonight, and I'm so glad America tweeted for her. Now, if they would just start voting for her so she wouldn't be in the bottom. I'm glad that she broke the curse of being saved one week and then going home the next. She should be happy about that.

It looks like Christina or Josh is probably going to be the winner this season. I would much rather it be Josh than Christina.

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