Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 28.12

Just a brief note about this post: again, we are having severe weather in our area, and the local CBS station was covering the weather, so I had to miss the first 20 minutes or so of the episode. Sucks! I will have to wait until tomorrow and watch that part either OnDemand (if it's on OnDemand) or online. So...the first part of my recap is going to be blank, since I don't know what happened. I WILL come back tomorrow and update the rest of the recap.

After Tribal
Spencer asks why Woo and Kass lied to him about voting out Tony. He said they didn't need to lie to him. Kass realized that Tony put everyone on the jury and they are going to hate him. Therefore, if she keeps him, she thinks she can easily beat him.

Spencer knows that he has a shot of winning because he's playing against a lot of people who really don't understand the game of Survivor at all.

Solarrion Camp
Tony and Woo talk about going to the end. Tony said he needs to win immunity just so Spencer doesn't win it.

Woo said he considered going after Tony but he thinks he could beat Tony in the end, so he wants to show his loyalty so Tony will keep him. He tells Tony about Kass and Spencer's plan to blindside him. Tony was so appreciative that Woo was so loyal to him, enough to share that. So appreciative, that he now thinks that he has to get Woo out because he is too likable, and taking him to the finals would be a huge mistake. Woo has no enemies, while Tony's got more than a few. He said he has to listen to his wife's advice: don't do anything stupid. And taking Woo to the end would be he's got to go.

Reward Challenge
Mud, mud, and more mud! The challenge is to coat themselves with as much mud as they can and then scrape it off into a bucket. The person with the most mud in their bucket after 10 minutes wins. The reward is pizza delivered to their camp.

I would think the girls (and Woo) who could pack the mud on their head and in their hair, would have the advantage. Although, as weak as Trish is, she might not be able to get out of the mud if she gets in too deep. Ha!

The mud seemed to just attach itself to him. He was getting a lot. Woo went for the hair method and that seemed to work. For some reason Kass sticks her whole face in the mud...not sure how much that helped.

The girls started falling behind and it was between the 3 guys. Woo was rolling around in it!

Oh this is so gross! And they look absolutely hilarious! Trish was laughing and hee-hawing like a donkey! Ha!

Tony's bucket was so full, it was overflowing! They decided they didn't even need to weigh it, because it was pretty obvious he won.

Tony was able to pick someone to share the pizza with him, and he picked "Malnu-trisha". Good thing...she looks like a slight breeze could knock her over.

At the Reward, Trish asks Tony if he has the Special Idol. He says he does. She thinks he can't use both and he says he can. He says the regular one he has to use at 5 left, and the special one he has to use at 4. This is new information about the Special Idol. But then, he tells the camera that he is lying about having to use it at 4.

Solarrion Camp
Tony tells Kass that Woo outed her about her plan. Tony then swore on his wife and kid that he wants to go to the end with her and not Trish, so he is forgiving her. Kass then goes to Woo and says that Tony told him that he talked about her. Woo says he didn't tell Tony. Tony is mad that Kass is confronting people and going behind his back.

Kass said that Tony picking Trish only solidified how tight they are. She said they are like baboons, and she's surprised she's not picking ticks off of him.

Kass calls out Tony in front of Woo, saying that he promised her an alliance to the end and swore on his kids. She's hoping that revealing secrets will cause paranoia. He told her she was supposed to keep it a secret and not tell Woo. As far as he's concerned now, they're done. Hallelujah!

The best part of their whole fight was that Tony said he should talk to Kass like a llama, and then does a llama impression. Hilarious! Not sure where that came random.

Kass tells Tony that what she did was strategic. She says that now Woo doesn't know if he's one of Tony's people or not. Kass is convinced that even though Tony has at least 1 idol, that they should try to mess his game up instead. She is sure she can beat him in the final because he's such a jerk. She is so clueless that it's hysterical. She doesn't realize that he's the only one really playing this game well, and he's not as big of a jerk as she thinks he is. Put him in the final against ANYONE and he wins, hands down, I can guarantee it.

Kass tells Woo that Tony swore on his wife and baby to her and she said he probably did the same thing with him. Woo sadly said that he didn't do that with him. He looked so devastated that Tony would swear on those things with her and not with him.

Kass, Spencer and Woo talk about what to do. Spencer asks Woo if he has any thoughts about this. Woo says "Yeah, what do you think, man?" Ha! Woo is torn because he's been so loyal to Tony, but now he doesn't trust him. Spencer said that Tony and Trish are the ones deciding who goes home. They need to get Trish out because she is Tony's closest ally. Trish overheard them saying that she was Tony's "goat". That really made her mad because she's been biting her tongue even though Kass has been driving her nuts.

Immunity Challenge
Spencer knows he is target #1, and if he doesn't win immunity, he is done for. Without his biggest competition, Tasha, he has an excellent chance of getting the necklace back.

This looks like a tough challenge. It's physical and mental. They have to unbraid a rope to get a key to drop. The rope has blocks tied to the end of it...very interesting. That releases a chest to get rungs to build a ladder. Then at the end is a slide puzzle.

Tony is way out in front with his key first. Trish is next, the Spencer. Kass and Woo bringing up the rear. Tony was putting a lot of rungs up really quickly. Spencer got a couple, but then got stuck on his 3rd rung. Tony has the last rung up and he's onto the next level. Spencer is continuing to be steady. Woo, Trish and Kass are completely out of it at this point.

Tony vs. Spencer. Tony was flying with those rungs! He is now on the puzzle and Spencer is only half-way up the ladder! Oh no! Come on Spencer! Haha! Jeff said it is an absolute disaster for Trish. That's 2 episodes in a row that Jeff has thrown a dig her way.

I can't believe Tony hasn't gotten it yet! He has led since the beginning and Spencer has caught up completely. Spencer is studying the puzzle, while Tony is just moving a bunch of pieces really quickly. Spencer just keeps fighting. And he's got it! Epic comeback!!!! That is so awesome! 2 in a row! He needed that so badly! Any way that Tony wasn't really trying since he has 2 idols?

Before Tribal
Since Tony really wants Spencer out, I find it hard to believe he would throw it, but anything's possible. Now, the core alliance that has been together since the beginning (except for Kass) has to vote out one of their own. Who's it gonna be? Even if Tony gets the votes, he has the Special Idol, so he's not going anywhere.

Spencer gets to sit back and watch them all self-destruct.

The best part is that Trish goes on the attack against Kass for talking about her. She threw Kass under the bus for the way she's playing the game. Trish said she plays the victim. Kass just thought it was funny and called her "skeletor". Tony and Spencer tried to get Trish to just calm down. Trish has all good points about the way that Kass is playing the game.

Tony asks Woo if he has any questions about his loyalty. Woo asks if he did promise Kass a final 3 and swear on his wife and kids. Tony comes clean and says he did, only because he knew she would be coming after him to backstab him. Woo has his normal clueless look on his face...haha! Woo said he never swore to him top 3 and that's why he's skeptical. Tony said he didn't before, but he is now. He says "she's out".

Tony tells Trish and Woo that he has 2 idols and that no matter what, if none of them flip, Kass goes home. He thinks Kass was absolutely stupid to go to Woo and tell him that Tony promised her final 3. The only reason she would do that is if she was looking to blindside Tony. So, instead, he's going to take her out. Tony swears on his wife, his kid, and his dad's grave that it's him, Trish and Woo in the final 3 and they are voting out Kass tonight.

Woo is still worried that in the end, Tony is going to pick Trish over him. He thinks now might be the time for him to "make that big move." Woo goes to Kass and Spencer and says he wants to vote out Trish. Kass is skeptical because Woo said he was going to do something before and he backed out. Woo makes a pact to the final 3 with Spencer and Kass. Spencer said that if he or Woo want any shot of winning, they have to split up Tony and Trish. He then tells the camera that he hasn't made up his mind yet, he was just keeping his options open.

Tony saw him talking to the other 2, and now he's worried. He wanted to make sure that he and Woo were on the same page, otherwise he might have to break his promise and change the plan.

Tribal Council
Kass said that after the challenge, Trish laid into her like a blue-eyed skeleton banshee. Whoa!

I love that Trish calls Kass out for all the crap and whining she does about being the victim. It's all true! Trish is right: Kass purposely causes chaos and then tries to say "I didn't do anything" and "they're picking on me."

Woo said that Kass is in a very vulnerable position, and it looks like she's back with Spencer because of her arguing with Tony and Trish. I love Kass and Tony trying to do impressions of each other. Hilarious! The jury is cracking up over all the noises and their performances. Like Spencer said "it's nut". Woo said he's stuck in the "worst family possible". He said Tony's the dad, Trish is the mom, Kass is the sister, Spencer's the son and he's the foreign exchange student who wants to tell them all to just shut up and play the game.

Tony said that he is definitely not going home tonight. Jeff asks why, so Tony reaches into his "bag of tricks". He says his bag is getting to heavy, so he's going to lighten it. He pulls out the first idol. He says he has to use it tonight, because it's the final 5. Then he pulls out the Special Idol...mouths drop. They can't believe he was actually telling the truth. He said he's not going to disclose what he's going to do with that one.

Spencer said his first reaction would be to point out that Tony is the biggest threat and they should cast their votes for him, even though he has the idols. But, the Special Idol complicates things.

The Votes
I love Trish's comment as she wrote Kass's name: "I suggest a book about self-awareness, it will be very helpful in the future. Ha!

Tony gets up and plays the hidden immunity idol on himself...only because he has to use it.


Trish wishes them all luck, and what does Kass do? She givers her the finger! Real classy Kass.

So I'm confused...why did Tony vote out Trish? For one, he made an alliance with her from the beginning. If he was going to vote out one of his core alliance, I figured it would be Woo. He wanted Kass gone so bad, why vote out Trish? So who's he actually in an alliance with now? Surely not Kass? Does he just think he has a better chance of beating Kass? So many questions!

I can't believe that Kass is the last woman standing. That's disgusting!

Again, check back tomorrow night. After I catch up on the beginning of the episode, I will recap what happened after the last Tribal Council and the muddy Reward Challenge.

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