Sunday, May 4, 2014

Amazing Race, Ep. 24.10

Leg 10: Chiasso, Switzerland -> Seville, Spain
Dave & Connor lead it off

I love that the Cowboys are saying that they want to stay out of the drama between Dave & Connor and Brendon & Rachel. Hopefully, they won't use the U-Turn on them. Luckily, Dave & Connor already used theirs and can't do another one.

The Cowboys missed the exit for the airport, so they are going to be a little behind. Dave & Connor and Leo & Jamal make the first flight, while the rest of the teams have to take a later flight. They make it to the next stop, but it doesn't open until the morning, so it looks like the later flight will have time to catch up.

Road Block: Barbers of Seville
One team member will have to shave a balloon in 60 seconds without popping it.

Dave and Leo were having fun singing the "Barber of Seville" song while Connor and Jamal were shaving. After a couple tries, Connor got it and they left in first place...and he had never used a straight razor before.

Oh no! Brendon & Rachel's cab driver doesn't know where he's going and he doesn't have the internet. All the other teams are at the Roadblock, and Brenchel is in last place. This isn't looking good.

Rachel, Jet and Jennifer were neck and neck, and Rachel (who arrived last) beat both of them! Jet is the last to get it right.

Detour: Spanish Steps or  Running of the Bulls

They either have to learn part of the Spanish dance of Flamenco, or they have to run with bubble bulls and remember pictures with words and recite them as a quote when they reach the end. The other "bulls" were vicious and would knock them down constantly. It was so funny watching them bounce around in those big bubbles! I'm really thinking all the ones who chose this Detour really should have picked Flamenco, because those things were brutal!

Caroline & Jennifer get lost going to the Detour. Brendon & Rachel get stuck in traffic. They make it to the Detour and see the Cowboys go the wrong way...they can't find the clue box.

Dave & Connor make it through successfully, and I'm surprised that Dave isn't hurt...he was getting bounced around pretty good.

Jamal's strategy was not to stand up...he just rolled everywhere! Haha! He was even fighting back pretty good with them, until he got hurt. He felt his knee pop and he couldn't feel his kneecap.

The Cowboys missed the first plaque with words they were supposed to remember. They realize that their quote is incomplete, which means they have to go back through again.

Poor Rachel, she was getting hit so hard, and she was yelling "they're so mean", and "I'm just a girl", and "they're bullying me!" Poor girl.

Caroline & Jennifer were smart and chose to do the Flamenco instead. I wish some of the other teams would have picked that instead of getting beat up.

Leo & Jamal pass the bull test and they are coming upon the U-Turn. There's no question that they will U-Turn Brendon & Rachel. I'm so bummed that they didn't already use theirs in a previous leg, like Dave & Connor did. OH MY! They actually  U-Turned the Cowboys because they think they are the bigger threat! They are hoping that the Cowboys will then U-Turn Brendon & Rachel. But little do they know, Brendon & Rachel are right behind them and the Cowboys are going to be coming up behind them! Dave & Connor and the girls are going to be pretty mad at Leo & Jamal for not U-Turning Brendon & Rachel. That was the plan, and they decided not to stick to it. It looks like their is going to be a crack forming in the "Accidental Alliance". They said that Jamal's hurt knee was a big factor in their decision. They didn't think they could run against the Cowboys, and they thought they could beat Brendon & Rachel.

Brendon & Rachel were shocked that they escaped the U-Turn. Frankly, so am I.

Because they were U-Turned, the Cowboys now have to complete the other side of the Detour, which is the Flamenco dancing. This is probably not going to be pretty.

The girls spent a lot of time practicing, and they were successful. The girls made it to the Detour before the Cowboys and they decided to U-Turn Brendon & Rachel (of course), but they didn't know that they had already finished.

Speed Bump: Ham It Up
They have to deliver 6 hams through some tight streets. I sure hope this takes them a long time and they get lost. Brendon & Rachel are going to need a buffer at the back of the pack I have a feeling.

Leg 10 Standings:
1. Dave & Connor
2. Brendon & Rachel
3. Leo & Jamal
4. Caroline & Jennifer
5. Jet & Cord -- ELIMINATED

That really sucks. Jet & Cord being U-Turned, and even without that, were behind the girls. The girls have been saved by a non-elimination twice, and have been helped the entire race. They don't really deserve to still be in it, and be in the final 4. The Cowboys deserve to be there. They are such classy guys, they went out with their heads held high.

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