Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dancing With The Stars, Ep. 18.11: FINALE

Finale Night!

Encore Dance Goes To...
So, the eliminated couple gets the encore "by a landslide", said Tom Bergeron. You know what that means? James & Peta very well could have won the trophy, because as we all know, whoever has the best freestyle usually wins. If he hadn't been eliminated, it could have been him! What a bummer!!!!

24-Hour Fusion Dances

Amy & Derek - Argentine Tango & ChaCha
Holy crap, that bend to the floor! It's very easy to see both the Argentine Tango and the ChaCha with Derek's awesome choreography. I love his swinging lifts. It was a very short dance, but short and sweet. Something you won't see, guaranteed, with the other 2 couples is the fact that both dance styles were interweaved with each other. Most other pros will choreograph the first half of the dance as one style, and the second half the other style.
Score: 30 (total of 89 combined with last night)

Candace & Mark - Samba & Quickstep
It felt a little bit slow for a Quickstep. I didn't really see any Samba that I could immediately point out. It seemed like a lot of Quickstep. I don't think she nailed it, but for just learning it this morning, that's quite a feat.
Score: 27 (total of 78 combined with last night)

Meryl & Maks - Foxtrot & ChaCha
I'm so sad that this is the last time we are going to see this amazing couple dance! I love her purple dress! Whoa! And there WENT that dress! Her ChaCha was spectacular! I'm glad they focused more of the dance on the ChaCha than the Foxtrot. That was so good!
Score: 30 (total of 90 combined with last night)

The Final Results

3rd Place: Candace & Mark
2nd Place: Amy & Derek
1st Place: Meryl & Maks!!!!!!!

YES, YES, YES!!!! The perfect ending to a perfect season!!!!!! I'm so happy for Meryl, but I'm even more happy for Maks! This was truly a transformation that he went through this season. I've said it before, but it's worth repeating: Meryl was the best thing to happen to Maks. It's been an honor to watch both of them grow as individuals...and dare I say "a couple"? They are just so adorable together, and part of me hopes that they continue a relationship after the show. I think they both possess qualities that make the other better. They push and challenge each other, and they also provide comfort and support when it's most needed. They have such a special connection that will probably never be duplicated.

This was such a special season. Here's to hoping that season 19 is just as good or better. Can't wait!!! Love this show!!

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