Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 28.11

After Tribal
Kass calls Tony the "Mafia King". She doesn't think they learned from the first time about leaving someone in the alliance out of the decision. Kass had enough of Tony's mouth and she said he was being a jerk. Oh wah, wah, wah. What a crybaby! She whines about everything when things don't go her way.

Solarrion Camp
Spencer thinks Tony is lying to everyone about everything. He likes him as a person, but he's very dangerous. Tony wonders why Kass hasn't gotten up yet. Little did he know that her, Tasha and Trish were listening to him and Spencer talking about Kass. She thought it was pretty smart to just pretend she was sleeping. Later she tells him that she was awake the whole time and heard everything. He told her she was wrong! She definitely was right in hearing him say her name, but she made a little more out of it than what it was. She thought he said she was a bitch and that he would get her out. I don't think I heard that. All he said was that she is usually up by now. The rest of the time, they were not talking about her at all.

Tony wanted to "squash" things with Kass so she wouldn't want to go after her. She wasn't buying it that he was telling her he wasn't talking about her. He knows what he said and he said she doesn't know what she heard. I love this! "You're making no sense!", Tony says in his high-pitched squeaky voice. Haha!

He couldn't reason with her, and that made him even more paranoid. He called her a "nut job". I think it's funny that Tasha was right next to Kass in the bed when Kass supposedly heard him say those things and Tasha says she doesn't know what was said. Ha!

Kass threatens Tony by saying she will write his name down. Tony says, "go ahead, you'll go home". He says "I have a special idol". He won't show her or the rest of the tribe and says they should write his name down because then they'll see it. Kass doesn't believe him because all he does is lie. But come on, has anyone else even been looking? He already has had 2 idols that they know it that far-fetched that he could have the special idol?

Reward Challenge

Reward: they will go to a local elementary school with some food for the kids

Purple: Woo, Spencer, Kass
Orange: Tasha, Trish, Tony

They have to throw sandbags at a wall to knock out blocks of the other team's wall.

Spencer took out about 4 every time he throws! Kass actually has some good throws.

Spencer vs. Tasha putting together the puzzle. It always seems to be those 2. Tasha was on a roll! She was wiping the floor with Spencer, but he got a few pieces in a row with the help of Kass. Slow and steady, Spencer puts one piece at a time and continues to gain. Tasha started to fall apart, and Spencer pulled it off! Woohoo! Good job Spencer! Too bad that one wasn't for immunity. I don't like that Tony and Spencer are separated. Tony could be starting to plot Spencer's demise while they are away.

Reward--how cute was Woo with those kids! He was having so much fun with them, it was so cute! He shows off his martial arts skills with the assistance of Spencer. He was totally entertaining the whole crowd! The kids were mesmerized! Woo has some mad b-ball skills!

Kass thinks they should vote for Trish and Tony in a 3-way split. Spencer thinks working with Woo is frustrating because he doesn't say much and only says "I'll consider it". You could tell he really didn't want to lie to them about voting with them against Tony. He does say that it might be time for him to make a big move and try to get Tony out.

Tony and Trish wonder if Spncer and Kass got to Woo. They ask him if they talked any strategy. He said they talked about getting out Tasha. Tony said then where does that leave Spencer? Really, Woo? You think that's believable? Tony wants to think he's telling the truth because he's been a loyal follower. But, what he was telling him was not making any sense. Tony isn't stupid...he saw right through that cover-up. Woo forgot he's playing with a cop.

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: Run to 6 stations and count the items. The numbers will solve a combination lock. The goal is to try to remember as many as you can when you are on the course so you don't have to go back and forth.

Tony goes back first, followed by Tasha and Spencer. Kass was the last one to come back to the combination. She tried it, but was wrong. Yes!

Spencer is flying back, but he's wrong, so is Tony, and so is Tasha.

Woo smiles the whole way back and forth, he thought he had it, and he was wrong. He doesn't really even seem to be in a hurry. He kind of looks like he's out for a fun jog.

Jeff said it would be a miracle for Trish to win because she can barely move and has no muscle left. Ouch! That one hurt! But...he isn't wrong.

Everyone is wrong again! No one knows which ones they have wrong. I can't believe no one has gotten it yet. They have all tried it so many times. They've been going 25 minutes.

Come on Spencer!

Tasha finally counted them ALL again. Kass got it wrong again! Tony's wrong! Tasha is wrong!

And it's Spencer!!!!!! Woohoo!!!! I like Tasha, but whew! I'm so glad Spencer doesn't have to worry at this Tribal. I think it could be a very crazy one again!

Before Tribal
Spencer says they should have boys vote Tony and girls vote Trish (Woo seemed confused on who he was supposed to vote for...big surprise). If he doesn't play the idol, Tony goes home, and if he does, it will be Trish. Spencer doesn't think Tony has the special idol. He thinks it's best for his, Tasha's and Woo's game to go for Tony. Spencer thinks they win either way. That only happens if everyone does what they're supposed to do.

Tasha is playing it off like she's going home so that Tony doesn't suspect anything. She decides to go for a walk. Tony said she was too comfortable and she wasn't scrambling, and basically conceded defeat. Tony said that just wasn't right. He's very perceptive because she was absolutely NOT being herself by the way she was acting. She is a major game player who always wants to talk. So now, suddenly, it doesn't matter that she "thinks" she's going home. She's a smart enough person, but her acting skills need some work. Her and Woo need to take some acting lessons.

Spencer asks Tony if he has a special idol. Now, Tony says that he cannot confirm or deny. Haha! He is so wishy-washy!

Tasha and Kass talk about what a bully Tony is and that he's like Russell Hantz. Oooh, Russell isn't going to like that comparison I don't think.Tony is not nearly as mean and cut-throat as Russell is.

Kass talks to Woo, and asks if they should split Tony/Trish or if they should go after Tasha. What?! I'm so confused right now! Kass said early in the game that Tasha needed to just make a decision and stick to it. Now, she's doing the same thing!

Tribal Council
Tasha played off not having immunity by throwing Tony under the bus for him talking about having the special idol. He said that her not being worried made HIM worried. Lots of talk about flushing the idols and who's being loyal. Kass said that Tony should be paranoid because he has a bag of tricks. Why would that make him paranoid? It should make HER paranoid.

Woo said the further Tony gets with his idols, the more power he will have.

Kass says she thinks there might be a blindside tonight. Nice going Kass. It's not a blindside if you call it out as being a blindside. She didn't say a name, but you can guess who that comment was aimed at.

The Vote:
Before the votes are read, Tony starts digging in his bag of tricks and starts unwrapping one of his idols.


Whoa! Tasha! That was kind of an underwhelming Tribal. I thought for sure we were going to see Tony's idol come out! Oh dear...that means Spencer is in some trouble. Ugh!

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