Monday, May 5, 2014

Dancing With The Stars, Ep. 18.8

This week's guest judge is Abby Lee Miller. She is the owner of Abby Lee Dance Company, and star of Dance Moms on Lifetime. This is going to be interesting...that's all I'm going to say. If you don't want to scratch your ears off after listening to her talk for just a few words...then you must have your TV on mute. Personally, I find her voice to be one of the most annoying voices out there. But...she does make for some good TV.

Another feature for tonight is the "Celebrity Duel": celebrities dancing together with no pros! This should be fun!

At the top of the show, we're treated to the premiere of Mark Ballas's much anticipated new single, "Get My Name".

Charlie & Sharna - Quickstep
Yay! Another fun routine! I love the music, it's perfect for a quickstep. Sharna didn't hold back with this choreography. It was right up there with his Supercalafrajalisticexpialidocious routine minus the cane and umbrella. Wow, that was so fast, and so much fun to watch! He was right there on every beat. And I agree with Abby--slick your hair back..."no bouncing hair". Haha!
Score: 40 (Perfect 4 10s!)

Danica & Val - Tango
I love their dark look this week. I like the storyline, and Danica is playing the part very well. Whoa, I didn't even recognize the song, it's so different! It's "Everybody Wants to Rule the World", but sung by a woman and it's like dark and goth. actually kind of works. Was it just me or did that dance seem really short? By the time I figured out what song they were dancing to, she was being crowned by Val and it was over! From what I saw, it was really good.
Score: 38 (10s from Carrie Ann and Bruno)

Meryl & Maks - Rumba
Before this even starts, I can tell you it's going to be very sexy. I have a feeling it could be a little like maybe we shouldn't be watching their little intimate moment with each other. Holy crap that was an emotional beginning! You actually could totally believe that she threw that plate at him and smacked him! She played the emotions of this piece absolutely perfectly! She blows me away every week. I always think that she's not going to be as good as she is, but gosh darn it, if she isn't absolutely stunning, beautiful and technically perfect in every way. Wow!
Score: 36 (10 from Bruno)

Candace & Mark - Foxtrot
They spent way too much time at the couch. It was cute, but there just wasn't enough dancing going on. Once they got out to the floor, she did a really good job. It's incredible, the changes she's made in the last couple weeks. That therapy session really helped her.
Score: 36

James & Peta - Viennese Waltz

He looks so gorgeous in that vest and dress handsome! I hope they like his posture, because I think he did a great job. His lines looked clean to me. He really extended his arms. I don't normally notice things like that, but his arms are so long, and it just made him look so graceful! I love the petals floating down on them throughout the dance, it was so pretty! What a sweet dance.
Score: 36 (10 from Abby)

Amy & Derek - Argentine Tango
This is a dance where her legs are actually an asset. She's really able to create sharp kicks and moves. Oh my, I love hat Derek just did with her on that stool...he leaned her all the way to the floor! Derek and his choreography...I'm telling you! Blows. Me. Away. Every. Time! That was so cool!
Score: 40 (Perfect Score!)

Celebrity Duels

Meryl & Maks vs. Danica & Val - Samba
Oh boy, it's another Chmerkovskiy brother battle. Earlier in the season, the girls switched brothers, and now they are teaming up/going against each other. Enter Grandma! Oh my...awkward! I love the set for this dance! So much gold! So far, the couples are pretty in sync. In their face-off Meryl was a little smoother, but they are both so good! It was really cool to see them together!
Score: 34

Candice & Mark vs. Charlie & Sharna - Contemporary
What a way to start the dance, upside down! I love their purple beautiful! Holy crap! Candice totally leaped into Charlie's arms and he spun her so fast! He flung her around and she never touched the ground the whole time they were dancing. That was so cool! I think the couples did a pretty good job of being in sync. I have to say that Candice looked just as good as Sharna did out there! It was incredible! I loved it!
Score: 38 (10s from Abby and Bruno)

James & Peta vs. Amy & Derek - Jive
Oh my...that was a scary drop/fall in rehearsals! I'm so glad she (and James) are OK after that! Look at all those fast legs! I couldn't take my eyes off of any of them! They were as in sync as you could be for a jive that fast. I think their solo part was a little bit tentative, but overall was really good. And I have to mention Derek's split! That was a cool routine!
Score: 39 (10s from Len, Abby and Bruno)

The Results:

In Jeopardy: James & Peta, Danica & Val, Candice & Mark

Going Home: Danica & Val

What?! How shocked were Candice & Mark?! They totally thought they were going again. Once they were safe, there was no good answer as to who was going home. I love Danica and James so much! Ugh! It's getting so hard now because I LOVE all of the people left! I really thought it was going to be James since he has been in the bottom. I guess I better start voting for him to keep him around!

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