Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Survivor, Ep. 30.10

I am so excited about this episode! Jeff has been hyping this episode (just as he has just about every other episode this season, and he hasn't been wrong yet). We are in for one of the biggest fights at camp that we've ever seen, and we are in for a MAJOR, MAJOR twist in the game that is a first in Survivor history. Can't wait, so let's get to it!

Merica Camp 
Rodney says they need to get Mike out next before he turns on them. Tyler thinks it could be a good idea. Sure, good idea...except...Mike overhears the 4 (Rodney, Carolyn, Tyler, and Will). He might not have heard everything, but he knows he's a target.

Survivor Auction
Each has $500 to spend.

Item #1 (covered) -- goes to Will for $100, and he gets a rolled up note all assume it is a clue). He reads it, and it says "you just bought yourself out of the auction, pack your stuff and head back to camp." OUCH!!!! That's rough!

Item #2 - Fried chicken and waffles -- goes to Shirin for $300

Lots of food items go to Rodney, Jenn and Sierra. Shirin said when she took her reward that she was not playing for clues, she wanted the food. Jeff asked who was there to bid on a clue or advantage. Mike, Dan, Sierra, and Carolyn all raise their hands.

Next item - Advantage, but temptation of loved notes from home. Shirin let everyone know the precedent of this item in the past. Sierra bought it at $20, and then the rest could buy th notes for $20 from each. Dan begged for everyone to do it, and they all agreed. Mike looked a little perturbed. He chose not to buy his note, and everyone was shocked. They were all supposed to do it, so they would have equal money for the advantage when it comes up. Now, Mike has $20 more than everyone else. Well played Mike, well played. So, without opening her letter, Carolyn gives her note back to Jeff. Then, Mike decides to do it anyway. Make up your mind dude! I think you look worse now for caving. Dan purposely told him to go first, and Mike turned away. Dan knows that he can't trust Mike now.

Next up is the advantage. Mike, Dan, and Carolyn all bid $480. they choose rocks to see who gets it. Dan is the winner. Knowing what this advantage is, I don't know if I like him having that much power. I would have liked to see Carolyn get it.

Merica Camp

Surprise for Will back at camp. He gets a clue that tells him to go to a location and dig. No need to search, it's marked by a stick with a red ribbon on it. Inside the box is food, and enough to last him for the rest of the game. I can't believe it, but he chose to bring it back to the camp to share with the tribe.

Will wanted to hear about what happened at the auction. Off to the side, Mike quietly tells Dan and Sierra that he almost didn't take the letter was because Rodney flipped. He calls all 4 out in front of the entire tribe. Rodney gets heated and tells Mike to stop ruining the moment of them getting letters from home. Mike shouts back that he needs to relax. Mike apologizes for ruining the moment.

Dan is so emotional over his letter. He went off by himself. Rodney went to talk to him. He told Dan that Mike has dogged him by almost not letting him get his letter. He said Mike is losing it and the game is bringing out the true Mike. Wow, another smart move by Rodney.

So, now time for Dan's advantage: for $480, he bought a 2nd vote! After Jeff says "I'll go tally the votes", he can then say he wants to use his 2nd vote. He was so giddy, he said it was like Willy Wonka and winning the golden ticket.

Mike asks Jenn and Shirin where the box Will got was. They think he got more food than he got. They think he's hiding the rest for himself. He showed Rodney where the box was and they carried it back to camp. Will goes off on Shirin for being greedy and annoying, and asks her what else she thinks could fit in there. Shirin just sat there kind of dumbfounded. She asked if he needed to speak to her that way, and he said yes. He was offended that she would say something against his character. But it didn't end there. When Mike joined the group, he attempted to escort her away because she didn't need to be treated that way. Then he started with the personal attacks. He said no one in America is going to like her and there is no one at home missing her. Will said she could go ahead with "your bitch Mike". She couldn't believe that everyone except for Mike was just standing there letting it happen to her. She has been verbally abused for most of her life, and now it's happening again.

Immunity Challenge
Jeff asks how everyone was doing. Will said "not good". He said the letters hit him hard. He asked if he could sit out of the challenge, if he could get his letter. Jeff said everyone agreed, he would make it happen. Shirin raised her hand. Oh's going to hit the fan! She gave her explanation was that he bought himself out of the game and that's the game.

Challenge: use tongs to transport a ping pong ball over a teeter totter and onto a stand.

Well, we know Shirin will NOT be any good at this. This is proving to be very difficult for everyone. The tongs are heavy, and the balance beam/teeter totter is challenging even when you're not carrying anything.

Tyler is first to get one. Mike gets one. Dan gets all the way to the stand and it falls off. Mike gets #2. Rodney and Dan both get one, followed by Sierra's first. Mike gets #3. He has figured it out and is making it look easy. Sierra drops one right at the stand. I don't think Shirin has even made it to the teeter totter yet! Mike gets #5, with 1 left. Tyler comes with #5, and he drops it on the 2nd teeter totter. Mike has #6, and he takes his time placing it, and he's got it.

Mike wins immunity, and immediately, Rodney's plan is foiled.

Will announces that this is going to be "the best Tribal EVER".

Merica Camp - Pre-Tribal
Mike does another one of his signature happy dance moves. I don't know why he was so worried - he has the hidden idol.

Rodney asks Will if they should vote out Shirin. He said no because he wanted to make her miserable. They turn their sights to Jenn because she's good at challenges.

Mike asks Shirin who should go. She said Carolyn. Their only hope is that Dan has not turned on them. If he can vote with them, they have enough to get Carolyn. Dan said everyone has sub alliances, and just because they are talking doesn't mean they are going to make a move now. Mike said he has only given his word on final 3 to Dan and Sierra and he intends to honor it.

Dan tells Tyler and Sierra to leave him alone because he's not playing games. He doesn't want anyone else dictating what he should do.

Tribal Council
Jeff immediately asks Will what's up, based on his earlier comment. He explains what happened with the food. He said he exploded. Shirin started crying because of the personal attacks. He said he didn't attack her. She shared her abuse story about her father. Will basically just said she's being a "victim". Yikes, ugly colors Will is showing.

Mike again calls out the "final 4" group that has separated themselves. Rodney fired back because Mike lost it and almost didn't let them get their letters. He said he was coming at him with facts! And he was going to try to keep it cool!

The Votes

Figures, just when Jenn wants to stick around to make sure none of the other alliance wins...

And if we thought THIS was a good one looks amazing! Tyler steals Dan's bag, and he finds out what his advantage is! Dun dun dun...(ominous music).

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