Monday, April 27, 2015

Dancing with the Stars, Ep. 20.7

Week 7: 10th Anniversary 2-Night Special

Before we get to the dancing this week, I want to fill you in on what has happened to Derek Hough (in case you've been living under a rock and haven't heard). We all know that Derek has suffered an injury in quite a few seasons. He works himself so hard, and it's just inevitable. It is sometimes his back or his neck. Well, last Monday night after the show, he was rehearsing with a few of his former partners in preparation for the big 10th Anniversary Special. In a fluke accident, he nailed his foot on light. Right away, he knew it wasn't good. He's never had a broken bone, but he knew he broke his toe. He then knew he needed to get some ice. Being the person he is, he went to get it himself. Hobbling on one foot, he then suffered another injury - he fell down the stairs and sprained his ankle! Poor guy! He spent the night in the emergency room with his BFF Mark, Mark's dad, and Mark's girlfriend. Since then, he's been receiving all kinds of treatments, and has been able to lose the crutches. Obviously he won't be dancing tonight (Sasha is taking his place), but we don't know about the rest of the season. Derek is never happy on the sidelines, so it's killing him to not be able to participate. If he can dance, he will dance, you can believe that. Wishing him all the best, and hoping for a speedy recovery! We love you Derek! Take care of yourself!

This week, 2 dances. In Round 1 the highest score gets immunity while the rest have a dance-off to save themselves. Also, on another note, they have moved the double elimination to next week instead of this week.

Round 1: Individual Dances

Riker & Allison - Quickstep 
Theme: 1920's baseball
Oh my goodness, he is just too cute! Interesting 20's twist on Jason DeRulo's "Wiggle"...totally an inappropriate song for that era. It worked for this routine though. Dare I say, that I actually liked this version of the song better than the original? That never happens! This version, while the same words, didn't seem as raunchy. I loved watching Riker's face through the whole routine. I actually watched it a second time, and the whole thing was even better the second time. Great choreography from Allison again. It was quick, and I'm hoping he didn't miss any steps! I didn't see any, but Len's a tough one to please. Let's see if Riker gets the first 10 from Len - he sure had an enthusiastic reaction at the judge's table!
Score: 37 (So, surprisingly, Len is the ONLY one to give a 10!)

Chris & Witney - Foxtrot
Theme: 1940's sailor
Unfortunately for this dance, we have to endure a painful Fank Sinatra song. Chris pulls off the look of a sailor very well. I feel like we've seen Chris do a foxtrot before, am I wrong? Or maybe it was a waltz? Regardless, the slow style always suits him better because it's easier for him musically to find the beats. It was a very nice dance. It didn't blow me out of the water, but most of that was due to the song.
Score: 31

Rumer & Val - Jive
Theme: 1960's diner
There is no dance that she can't do. She embodied the 1960's character, and it was just so much fun! She definitely didn't miss a beat or a step. She was spot-on. I just wish they wouldn't have had other dancers on the floor. At the beginning, I couldn't even find her, and it was just a little distracting.
Score: 35

Noah & Sharna - Jazz

Theme: 1970's heist
This is by far the most "out there" character he's played this season. He showed a lot more fun personality than we've seen from him in the past. He was still a little too stiff and calculated for me though. I really want to see him let loose and just let it flow. He did that a little bit, but he could do more. He sometimes just looks like he's just walking from move to move instead of just dancing. (Also, I couldn't agree more with Len about the individual performances turning into group numbers. It used to be that only finale numbers added people, and now anything goes and it kind of takes the fun out of the finale when every week just gets bigger.)
Score: 36 (That 10 from Carrie Ann was way overboard)

Robert & Kym - Argentine Tango
Theme: 1980's "Word Up"
Very cool concept and twist on this song. Kym threw in a TON of those leg gauchos that I love! Robert was keeping up with them much more than I thought he would. He looked a little stiff in a couple places, but there were some nice lifts and twirls, and overall it was a pretty steamy number from this "unofficial" couple.
Score: 31

Nastia & Derek (Sasha) - Charleston
Theme: 1990's subway
Oh. My. Gosh. I stopped everything to just sit back and take this one all in. No typing during this performance at all. So, the set was turned into a subway car--that actually looked like it was moving by the visual screen in the windows. Derek so wanted to be a part of this dance, and the absolute genius he is, worked himself into the dance, by incorporating sitting dancing parts on the subway seats. Then when Sasha and Nastia get up to do their dance, there is so much going on, and she was incredible. Like totally incredible. She was having so much fun and just letting loose. Add to it that Andy Grammer was performing live from inside their little subway car. Then to top it all off, Derek joins in to sing with Andy. There aren't enough compliments in the world to describe this dance! I got the goosies all throughout. This one was another one that I just had to watch a second time. I loved at the beginning when Derek stood up like he was going to dance, and then grabbed Nastia's and Sasha's hands and put them cute! Sahsa and Nastia seemed to have a great chemistry for this being their first time together. As much as we all love Derek, it was nice to see that she didn't miss a beat.
Score: 38

Willow & Mark - Jazz
Theme: Futuristic ninjas
Mark just continue to top himself in the costume and production department every single week. This girl is so amazing. I can't believe that she continues to match Mark step for step in all of his totally challenging choreography. I mean, they are so in sync the entire time. This was such a cool concept. At one point, they are laying on the ground, but the camera angle makes it look like they are being pulled up a wall by a rope....far out!
Score: 36

IMMUNITY WINNER: Nastia & Sasha (They also get 3 bonus points)

Round 2: Dance Off
The 6 remaining couples will dance for an extra 2 points. The highest scoring couple chooses their opponent, and the other couple chooses the style of dance.

Riker & Allison vs. Mark & Willow - Salsa
I could watch Riker salsa all day long. It was hot and spicy, lots of intricate arm movements, and some great footwork. They were in sync, and it was great!

Willow looks amazing! She looks so grown up with her hair long and straight like that! She had a lot of shimmy and quick hips. There was an extra long lift/twirl that took up valuable choreography move time. I think she looked a little more comfortable than Riker...maybe just a little.

This one is going to be tough! They were both so good!

Winner: Willow & Mark (even though Twitter said 68% thought Riker should win)

Noah & Sharna vs. Robert & Kym - Cha Cha
It took a long time for Noah to get to anything that resembled a Cha Cha. He again (like Patti) did most of his dancing from one spot on the floor. He moved very stiffly as he took a couple steps across the floor. That was clearly lacking A LOT of content.

Robert & Kym brought such a different energy to their dance. He was really off-beat though. Another very slow Cha Cha. Neither one of them did anything up to the standards of what I think a Cha Cha should look like.

This one is tough for another reason...they just weren't that good at all. It's sad that Riker doesn't get any points, while one of these two couples gets bonus points for not doing well.

Winner: Noah & Sharna (it was tied, so Len's vote is the winner)

Rumer & Val vs. Chris & Witney - Foxtrot
Rumer was very graceful. I feel like we haven't seen her do a lot of traditional ballroom. Of course she performed it flawlessly. It looked like it could have been their main routine for the night.

Chris got lucky and got to do 2 foxtrots this week, so it wasn't much of a stretch for him. Unfortunately, going up against someone like Rumer really showed how much more room he has to grow. It was good, but Rumer's was fantastic.

Winner: Rumer & Val


In Jeopardy: Rumer & Val and Willow & Mark
Going Home: Willow & Mark

NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! HOW can this BE?!?! Robert is safe. Chris is safe. Noah is safe. She is by far the better dancer of those 3. I'm so sad for her. She could have gone all the way. She was consistently near the top of the leaderboard. Wrong, just wrong. People need to vote for the best dancers! And the dancers you actually can get excited to watch! Mark's chorography this season was beyond amazing, and she was just a joy to watch. You can give pity votes to Noah all day long, but you aren't rewarding the better dancers. Yes, I've been moved and impressed with Noah, and it's great that he's been able to do what he's done. However, he's stopped improving, and it seems like we've seen all we're going to see from him. I think it's his time to go. If not him then Robert or Chris. I just can't believe that they all got more votes than Willow. Just incredible.

Week 7 Judges' Leaderboard

Nastia & Sasha (Derek) - 38 (+3 = 41)
Noah & Sharna - 36 (+2 = 38)
Riker & Allison - 37
Rumer & Val - 35 (+2 = 37)
Chris & Witney - 31
Robert & Kym - 31

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