Monday, April 13, 2015

Dancing With The Stars, Ep. 20.5

Week 5: Disney! 
Last season was the first time they used this theme, and it's back again. I'm so excited! Last season they came up with some of the most creative routines that even incorporated them dancing with animated holograms. It also brought out some of the best dancing as well. I loved seeing who was what character. Tonight is sure to be another good one!

And the answer to everyone's question from late last week: Will Julianne still have her pink hair for the show? The answer is: Yes. For pink, it's actually kind of cute on her.

Suzanne & Tony - Jazz 
Lady and the Tramp
Aw, they have the animated lady and the tramp sitting at the next table. Suzanne was so worried about this dance, but I think this style really suits her style really well. Tony did a great job with the choreography. Her heel caught in her dress, and Tony had to help her, and then she definitely forgot some of the dance toward the end. She was looking at him and moving her arms completely wrong. Credit to her though, she was able to keep going and end the dance.
Score: 28

Robert & Kym - Quickstep
Mary Poppins
I can totally see him as Dick Van Dyke. And look at Kym as a blonde Mary Poppins flying through the air! How did I know they would come complete with a crew of chimney sweeps? He looks like he's having so much fun! "Steppin' Time" is the perfect song for a Quickstep don't you think? I think he nailed it performance-wise, but he did have quite a few wrong steps "out of time" instead of "in time". I think it could have even been a little more "quick", but it was a fun dance.
Score: 24

Patti & Artem - Waltz
When You Wish Upon A Star
I loved the beginning with the cool lights on her dress, and then it magically got pulled off of her. And that's about where it ended for me. I've never cared for this song. She lucked out though, this song couldn't be any slower. It was perfect for her to move as slow as humanly possible. She had elegance and grace, but it was about as safe as you can get.
Score: 27

Willow & Mark - Foxtrot
Alice in Wonderland
Leave it to Mark to pull out the rabbit costume...from head to toe. The skit in rehearsal where Mark shrank and she grew giant was really funny! I love that they are dancing to the theme from Johnny Depp's Alice in Wonderland. She played her character really well, and she really looks like she could play Alice. Of course her dance steps are all on point. The whole thing was so creative and fun. Another stellar performance, and I'm so glad she's safe this week. She should be after that near-perfect score last week.
Score: 34

Chris & Witney - Quickstep
He's quite convincing in that toga and all of his bulging muscles. He was having such a tough time in rehearsals, so Alfonso stopped by. Who can't have fun when Alfonso is around. And then to get injured in the rehearsal earlier in the day...I hope this isn't a disaster. He didn't seem to be favoring his hurt leg at al. He actually looked like he was having fun...which he didn't in rehearsals. It wasn't the fastest Quickstep in history, but he kept up and looked like he was nailing the steps.
Score: 27

Noah & Sharna - Foxtrot
Sharna makes an absolutely perfect Jasmine. He's not as convincing as Aladdin (they kind of overdid it on the spray tan this week). Sharna is such an amazing coach and motivator for him. I love that she told him to "suck it up princess". He's on a floating magic carpet! I can't get over the awful version of this song. This dance showed off some of his limitations. He was kind of walking from step to step and not really gliding smoothly. there's not much he can do about that though. It was a nice dance overall.
Score: 28

Riker & Allison - Paso Doble
Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack Sparrow
OK, so I love his impression of Jack Sparrow. He nails the voice and mannerisms perfectly. I could listen to him talk like that all day! I mean, he uses his hands and talks and leans the way Johnny Depp's uncanny! He came out so strong and masculine, which is what they have been wanting from him. Those tight turns and arm hooks were great. The music was epic and the dance followed suit. He really whipped her in that death spiral. Oh I hope the judges love this as much as I do! He totally nailed the character, and so did she! And a cannon shot at the end for the big finale. That was so much fun! And the crowd goes wild! That should win him some more votes! We needed this tonight. There have been some really low scores tonight, and he just knocked it out of the park. I sure hope this is going to be perfect 10s across the board with all the great comments.
Score: 38 (10s from Carrie Ann and Bruno...come on Len and Julianne!)

Rumer & Val - Samba
Little Mermaid - Ursula
Interesting rehearsal the water! I love this song from the movie, "Poor Unfortunate Souls". Green skin is not a good look for Val, and she doesn't look so hot with purple skin. BUT it was all totally the character. That was so much fun! I found quite a few times where there wasn't so much dancing going on, but the dancing they did was really good and so entertaining. Very clever choreography, Val.
Score: 39 (Len was the only holdout from the 10 paddle)

Nastia & Derek - Jazz
How incredibly cute was this?! She was so cute and playful. While this didn't really look like a Jazz routine, it was so cleverly choreographed to the song. It's like it came right out of a Disney film and came to life. The way they mouthed the words of the characters talking in the song, was mega adorable. I loved that!
Score: 38 (2 10s from Julianne and Bruno)

The Results

In Jeopardy: Suzanne & Tony, Patti & Artem, Chris & Witney
Can I just say "FINALLY"!!!!! I'm sorry, but it's WAY past time for Patti to be in the bottom, and I'm ready for Suzanne to go too, because there are too many others that I like.

Going Home: Suzanne & Tony
Wow! I am shocked that Chris lives to dance another day! He was at the bottom of the leaderboard last week, and I didn't think he stood a chance against those 2 well-known ladies. I really wish it was Patti going. Suzanne actually deserved to stay because she is by far the better dancer. Oh well. I'm glad Chris gets one more week.

Week 5 Judges' Leaderboard

Rumer & Val - 39
Nastia & Derek - 38
Riker & Allison - 38
Willow & Mark - 34
Noah & Sharna - 28
Chris & Witney - 27
Patti & Artem - 27
Robert & Kym - 24

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