Monday, July 7, 2014

The Bachelorette, Ep. 10.8 (Hometowns)

We're at that point in the season, where the final 4 visit their hometowns.

Nick - Milwaukee, WI
I'm glad Nick is up first...get him out of the way so we don't have to see him again until the Rose Ceremony.

They meet at his favorite spot: the market. Strange favorite place. Next up is a brewery...also a fine choice...not. Then there is some dancing and bubbles...also weird. And I haven't addressed this yet (and I should have), but WHAT is with Nick and all of the scarves?! I mean, seriously, dude, enough with the scarves.

Finally, it's time to meet the fam. 10 siblings...yikes! That would be so overwhelming to walk into, and being the center of attention.

I just realized I was so bored, I wasn't even paying attention to him talking to his sister. Something about being intense...he's falling in love with her, because of the connection they have. His sister asks if she makes him laugh, and he says she makes him smile. His sister thinks she's his type. Blah blah blah...let's move on.

Andi talks to his sister, who breaks down saying that he's been hurt.

His youngest sister Bella grilled Andi with a list of questions that she had written down. I loved how Andi was talking to her. It was really cute, but I don't know how much she actually understood...but it was so cute. Then she casually threw out the "are you in love with my brother", which caught Andi off-guard a little bit. She said she could definitely see a future with him. Then Bella talked to Nick, and she forgot the questions she asked Andi, and what her answers were, so she was no help. She did remember that she asked if she truly loved him, and Bella said that she said "yes" (which wasn't true). Nick paused and said "hmm", like he was confused. Then Bella said that maybe she asked if she truly liked him.

Nick told his mom that if she didn't propose, he would question if he's being true to himself. His mom told him to be prepared, and he said "I think I'm a favorite". Who says that? I don't think I've ever heard anyone actually admit to anyone that they thought they were actually a favorite or that they didn't think they were going home.

By the end of the night, Andi was able to correctly name all of the siblings. Wow, that's impressive.

He says he's pretty sure Andi knows that he loves her, but he's waiting for the right moment to tell her. Well, buddy, seeing as everyone else has, you might want to get on that before it's too late.

Chris - Arlington, IA
Population: 758. Looks a lot like Kidron, OH..just a little flatter and drier.

Andi makes it quite clear that she isn't really sure what she's getting herself into by being out in the middle of nowhere. But of course when she meets Chris, she says she's really excited to be there.

First stop...his house. It's huge for just him. It is a really, really nice house! And our first 2 "Shut ups" of the episode...when she saw his huge tractor. She was blown away. It just seems weird to me that people don't think this is normal. I forget that not everyone has grown up on a farm. So, now it's Andi's turn. She sat on his lap to drive the tractor. What a picture! She looked like she was having a blast.

Cute Chris, had a picnic all planned, so they drove out in the middle of the field for their little picnic. Their chat revolved around living in the country. She asked what she would do there. He said there was the opportunity to be a homemaker. Uh oh...probably not what she wanted to hear. He also said that there's other opportunities in town, and she could do law there. Yeah, I would think you would be able to do law just about anywhere.

Then, out of nowhere "shut up", "stop it" a plane goes across the sky with "Chris loves Andi". Awww! I think that might be a Bachelor/Bachelorette first! Needless to say...she loved it! Good job, Chris. I think you nailed it.

I have to say, I think Chris is a lot hotter in his hometown, than he has been this entire season. Apparently, being a farmer really suits him. He was also a lot cuter with his family, and he was actually a little funny. It was nice to see him finally loosen up a little bit.

His mom and sisters just gushed about him. Andi seemed to get along with them all really well. She opened up to his mom about having kids, and they seemed to have a really good connection. His mom was just so sweet and adorable. His mom was a great person to talk to, because she, herself grew up in the city and didn't know anything about farming when she met Chris's dad.

They topped off the night with a game of hide-and-seek in the dark. How cute was it when Andi found Chris. Aww! I wasn't so sure about Chris being the next Bachelor, but...after tonight...yeah, I can totally see it!

Josh - Tampa, FL
A trip to Josh's hometown wouldn't be complete without making a trip to the field...the baseball field that is. He pitched to her, and she hit some hard ones! She even broke the bat!

They again, talked about his time playing ball. They talked about his brother Aaron, who I guess is a big deal in college football. He is preparing for the NFL draft.

It's been awhile since Josh has seen his family (and his dog), and he got a little emotional!

I think Andi was a little out of her element, and not used to not being the center of attention. All of the talk at the dinner table was about Aaron and the draft. Andi was worried that his family was more invested in what was going on with Aaron, and not so much about Josh. She kind of looked bored, and put-off that they weren't paying any attention to her.

Andi really got the pouty face when she talked to his mom. His mom said that Josh would probably want to go watch Aaron's football games on the weekend...wherever he will be playing. His sister talked about compromise and how fights could happen over how to divide time with the family...cue more pouty face.

Josh got emotional again when he talked to his mom. She said that he has put everyone first for so long, and he wants him to be happy.

Then, the perfect ending for the day was a game of touch football in the front yard.

Marcus - Dallas, TX
I'm a little surprised that Marcus has only ever brought one other girl home to meet his family. The way he has fallen for Andi so quickly, I assumed that maybe this was a common thing for him. Apparently not.

He drives Andi around the town, and takes her through a normal day in his life. They go somewhere and he tries to recreate their first date. They pop some champagne, and then he disappears. He then puts on a sailor's outfit like the stripper group date. Andi had a front row seat and a personal show. I thought he might just do a little bit and then drop the act...but now...he went right down to the underwear. And Andi was not complaining.

They eat outside at a little cafe. Side note: RealitySteve is from Dallas and knew they were going to be there filming, so he followed them around and was watching this part of the date from the upper balcony. He tweeted out some pictures when it was actually happening.

Time to meet the family, and Andi said she is the most nervous about meeting his family. Not really sure why.

Andi talks to his sister about how early he expressed his feelings to her. Andi said she was a little worried that he fell so hard so fast, but she also like that about him and that he was willing to share how he was feeling.

Marcus got really emotional talking with his brother about how he was there for him when their dad left.

His mom has an accent! I wasn't expecting that. His mom said she was surprised to hear how open he was with her because he's not normally like that. She said he can be open, but he's very selective with who he opens up to, and he must feel really comfortable with her.

Of the four hometown dates, Marcus is the only one to flat out say "I love you." He said he thinks she's his soulmate, and he was ready to propose to her a week ago.

Eric Hill's Tragedy
It was at this point in the filming that Eric had his terrible accident. Chris gathers them all to break the news to them. They could all tell something was wrong. They all are shocked and take it really hard. Their emotions were so real. Marcus actually had to leave the room. Andi went after him to make sure he was OK. The rest of them just sat in silence, letting it just soak in. I still can't believe he's gone, and I didn't even know him!

After a few minutes, Andi thought back to her last conversation with Eric, and how she kind of threw him out. She was devastated that that was the last time she was ever going to talk to him. That had to be a hard thing to think about. 

Rose Ceremony
Nick seriously has the worst fashion sense. Not only does he wear scarves on just about any occasion. Tonight's Rose Ceremony, he's wearing a powder pink suit with black pants. He sticks out like a sore thumb with the other 3 normally dressed guys. I wish that meant that he was the one going home.

Andi had a hard time keeping it together, understandably, as she addressed the guys. Before handing out the first rose, she ran out of the room crying. She was picturing where Eric was standing and it brought back all of her emotions again.

Rose Ceremony Eliminations (1): Marcus
Remaining Guys (3): Chris, Josh, Nick

I think she made the wrong choice. Nick should absolutely be the one going home. I really liked Marcus...sad to see him go. Poor guy. He was the one the most in love with her out of the 4 guys, so this is going to be really hard for him. She told him that she doesn't think she is where he is and she didn't want to put him through that. She felt horrible, and wondered if she was making a mistake because she would be lucky to be with him. He said she was everything to him and he saw a future with her. Aww! He said he wished he wouldn't have told her he loved her, because it blew up in his face. He said he felt like he was punched in the stomach.

But don't be too sad for Marcus, he apparently gets over Andi really quickly on Bachelor in Paradise

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