Sunday, July 6, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.6

Devin will have a paranoia meltdown in 3, 2, 1...

Devin Comes Clean
Devin's head is getting to him. After seeing his HOH room, seeing pictures of his daughter and getting a letter from his mom, his head starting messing with him. He felt so badly for judging Donny, so he decided to go to him and confess that he thought he was lying and that he went to others in the house and told them that he thought Donny was a threat. Donny said he was glad he came and talked to him. He won't be able to trust him completely, but he doesn't hold it against him.

Next, Devin thinks he needs to come clean to the house. He calls a house meeting ( bad). House meetings are never good. He said he told his family that he was going to play an honest game. He said it was weighing heavy on his heart. He said he forced Caleb to put up Donny because he didn't think he was who he said he was. He now feels horrible about it and he had to come clean that Caleb didn't want to do it. Keep in mind, Donny is the only one not included in this house meeting. So now, Devin is saying what a wonderful person he is. He said if he (Devin) doesn't win, that's fine, he's not looking for anything, he just wants to play an honest game for his daughter.

Everything seems all innocent, but then Brittany thinks back to what the nominees last week were told. They were all told that they were put up  because they fell first in the HOH competitions. Devin is now saying that he campaigned to Caleb to get Donny up. She now wonders how many of the other nominees were because of Devin and for other reasons other than the competition. Uh oh...he just opened up a huge can of worms that's not only going to affect his game, but the game of the other Bomb Squad members....again. Every decision he has made so far in this game...for himself...has ended up impacting his alliance HUGE!

Devin just can't believe how his words are being so misconstrued. Now he says he's going to go after Brittany because of her questioning them. Yes, Devin, she figured it out! It wasn't that hard. You served it up on a silver platter.

New Alliance/New Shomance
Hayden likes Nicole. Nicole kind of likes Hayden. After a little flirting, Nicole asked Christine if they should ask him about working together. Christine was a little reluctant, but he is a challenge beast. They approach him in the supply room, and it was umm...interesting. They just crack me up. I'm liking Christine more and more. She's so funny. She has now just stumbled into another alliance.

Nomination Discussion

Devin says they got the head of the snake out last week (Joey) and they need to get rid of the body: Paola or Brittany. Devin suggests maybe putting an alliance member up to throw the Battle of the Block. Then, they have the numbers in their alliance to save their pawn. Not smart...not smart at all.

Derrick suggests that Nicole is playing a floater game and is dangerous. Caleb says that Jocasta is the biggest floater at the moment.

Devin Freaking Out
Devin freaks out that the kitchen is a mess, and there is lotion in the kitchen. He can't believe that no one can clean up after themselves and he

Devin nominates: Paola and Brittany --Paola because she says she's a warrior and he wants to give her another chance to prove it, and Brittany because the other night he poured his heart out and she took his words and questioned his integrity; he said he didn't want to make it personal, but he doesn't want someone like her in the house (she says "ditto").

Amber nominates: Hayden and Nicole -- She chose them because the are both strong players and she doesn't have anything against the guys or the girls in the house, so she chose 1 guy and 1 girl

Later, Devin tells Nicole and Hayden "I promise you, you're not going home." He said there is a plan for Paola to throw the Battle of the Block in order to keep Brittany on the block. Devin asks Paola if she would consider throwing the competition. we REALLY need to have a conversation about throwing the competition? She's terrible...she's going to lose anyway. Even if she were to "consider" it as a game move, who is really going to listen to Devin anyway? They all know he's totally off his rocker at this point. It's so funny that she thinks she could actually throw something. Maybe this is all the confidence that she needs...knowing that they (Devin) think she could potentially win if she tried, so she better throw it. Ha!

Battle of the Block
At 5:00 in the morning, the houseguests are woken up to go to the backyard for the comp. Best line of the night goes to Donny: "I felt like I was back in Vietnam. Devin *wink*". Lol Donny!!

Game: Questions about the HOH comps yesterday.

Question 1: Brittany is wrong, so Hayden gives her the punishment of wearing beer goggles, which means she can't really see anything

Question 2: Paola gets the answer wrong (Devin can't believe she couldn't miss it); she gives Hayden the hang over cure, a drink of pizza, soy and hot sauce that he has to drink

Question 3: Brittany gets it wrong, so Nicole gives Brittany the "Cannon ball", and she has to do a cannon ball into the pool

Queston 4: Paola gets the answer wrong, Hayden gives her the beer helmet--Derrick says it's leaky, and she says, it won't stop..ha! So, Devin says, that's my girl...but I think she was actually trying to get the answer right, I don't think she was throwing it on that one

Question 5: Brittany gets it right, and she gives Hayden a swirly (since she heard him say he hadn't showered in a couple days)

Question 6: Hayden gets it right and they win!

HOH: Devin
Nominees: Paola and Brittany

Devin being HOH week he CAN'T compete in the HOH comp, so he will most likely be a target...even if a Bomb Squad member is HOH. He may not be an original nominee, but he could be a backdoor option, in order to ensure he goes home.

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