Thursday, July 10, 2014

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 11.7

So...I'm totally bummed. I didn't realize it until an hour into the 2-hour show, that for some reason, my DVR was not recording the show! I started it recording at 9:00, but that means I missed the whole first half. And, thanks to FOX, they don't make the show available OnDemand, and my cable provider isn't on their I can't watch the episode online or on the FOX app. Thanks a lot. So, until the episode becomes available, I won't be able to watch what I missed. As a result, I'm only able to recap the dances I was able to record. I do have the list of all the new pairings. So, with that out of the way...

Last week, the Top 20 were paired up with someone else from their style of dance. No one was eliminated last week, so all 20 will be dancing again. They have now been paired randomly with another dancer.

The New Top 20 Pairs:
Brooklyn Fullmer and Casey Askew
Malene Ostergaard and Stanley Glover
Jacque LeWarne and Zack Everhart
Bridget Whitman and Emilio Dosal
Jourdan Epstein and Marcquet Hill
Valerie Rockey and Ricky Ubeda
Carly Blaney and Serge Onik
Emily James and Teddy Coffey
Jessica Richens and Nick Garcia
Tanisha Belnap and Rudy Abreu

Dance Recap of Half the Dances
Note: if/when I get to watch the other half, I will update this post with recaps of those dances as well.

UPDATE 8/17: I finally am able to watch the first half of this episode, so I'm now adding the recaps I didn't get to watch, which were the first 5 couples.

Tanisha & Rudy - Jazz
Look at Rudy's hair! Not a bad look. This piece is so intense! I love all of the strong and sharp movements. That split lip into his arms was really cool,and I loved the fallout back to the floor.

Valerie & Ricky - Contemporary
They did so much laughing and giggling in rehearsals, I didn't know if they would be able to pull it together for the performance, but they did. That backwards slow fall from her standing on his legs...was...RIDICULOUS! How is that even humanly possible?! The strength that had to take...holy crap! Ricky did an amazing job, and his extensions are so great.

Bridget & Emilio - Hip-Hop
Bridget had the moves, but she wasn't really hitting it. She was a little too soft, mostly in the arms. Emilio was great.

Jessica & Nick - West Coast Swing
So great to see Benji Schwimmer again! Jessica injured her shoulder in rehearsals, but she didn't seem to show any signs of it during the performance. The lifts in this routine were crazy...and totally Benji. I've never seem some of the stuff that they not only attempted, but executed. Very cool.

Carly & Serge - Contemporary
Beautiful dance. I loved their chemistry together. Not much else to say about it...just great.

Emily & Teddy - Hip-Hop
Their moves are really in sync. I liked their characters and their playfulness with each other. The smooth and funky style of this hip-hop suited them really well.

Malene & Stanley - Broadway
I did not care for the music at all. The phones with extremely long cords was an interesting prop. But, it allowed them to do some really cool things with their bodies. That part was pretty cool. I think they did a a really good job with it.

Jourdan & Marcquet - Jazz
I don't know what it is with me and table routines, but I ALWAYS get excited when I see that there is a table on stage. Every table routine that I've ever seen on this show, or even on Dancing With The's always been really fun. I'm also excited that Marcquet is getting to do this one. He's one of my early favorites. Unfortunately for this routine, they didn't actually use the table all that much. I loved the split she did and then he flipped her around, that was crazy! There was a lot going on in this dance. It was almost more like a hip-hop dance than a jazz number. They did an amazing job.

Brooklyn & Casey - Argentine Tango
This is one of my favorite ballroom dances. I love the footwork in this dance. Her legs were perfect for this dance. Her leg hooks were so sharp and fast. The lifts were very well done as well.

Jacque & Zack - African Jazz
This is visually stunning and confusing! They are all painted in swirly colors from head to toe, and they are dancing in front of a wall with the same colors and designs. It reminds me a lot of Gotye's music video for "Somebody That I Used To Know". Very cool, but could give you a headache if they keep twirling like that in front of it. The choreography in this is really cool, and they are going all out. They are very together in all of the movements. Very cool!

Bottom 3 Girls

Bottom 3 Guys:

Going Home:
Malene and Nick

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