Thursday, July 17, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.11

Tonight, I'm sure we're in for some craziness. The goal of the everyone..has been to get Devin out. Now that it's down to the final hours, I just KNOW they are going to start double guessing themselves and will probably decide to get the bigger threat...Caleb, out. And...the Caleb eviction talks are already starting less than 10 minutes in...

Caleb is still creeping around and walking in on Cody and Amber...all the time. This is not helping Caleb's game at all. He is so blinded, he has no idea the detriment this is having. He's not even going to see this coming.

And, wouldn't you all of a sudden, Devin is looking completely sane now! The HOH power totally went to his head and he played a HORRIBLE game. Now, he's come to his senses, and now they kind of want him to stay. They think they can now work with Devin, and if they get Caleb out this week, they can deal with Devin next week.

WHAT DID I TELL YOU?! Saw this scenario coming from a mile away.

Final Speeches
Caleb says they are the biggest beasts and competitors in the game. He said he has not backstabbed anyone. He said they all know what Devin's done. He's a great guy, but did things no one agreed with. Of course he had to throw in his famous catch phrase of "beast mode cowboy" in there.

Devin says he would do things differently if he could have. He said Caleb made a final 2 pact with Amber. Do you want someone like that in the game, who has already proven he'd go on the block and throw competitions for her? He said he's proven himself physical and mental, and he will go to the final with anyone, and not eat all their food.

The Votes 
Jocasta -- Devin (someone please tell Jocasta it is really tacky and annoying to do shout-outs before or after you cast your vote...just stop!)
Donny -- Devin
Nicole -- Devin
Hayden -- Devin
Zach -- Devin
Cody -- Devin
Victoria -- Devin
Frankie -- Devin
Amber -- Devin
Christine -- Devin
Brittany -- Devin

11-0 Devin is evicted!! Wow, I'm actually kind of shocked. These players are all talk and no game. While, I'm kind of happy to see the crazy Devin gone, I might actually miss the more normal Devin, that he showed in his last hours. Caleb was/is the bigger threat...they might regret that. And it was completely unanimous for the first time. So, the leader of the Bomb Squad is the first member to go.

HOH Competition
They will compete in pairs of 2, with the winning pair becoming the 2 HOHs. They all drew random numbers earlier, and were randomly paired together. This should be really interesting.

The Teams:
Victoria & Christine
Caleb & Nicole
Brittany & Jocasta
Amber & Zach
Donny & Hayden
Cody & Frankie

Early predictions: Brittany and Jocasta will be last. Donny & Hayden and Cody & Frankie have the best chance of winning. I would love to see Donny & Hayden win!

The challenge is the egg through the chicken wire task, that's been done at least twice on the US version and BBCanada also did it. Come on Big more creative! Whoever has the smallest fingers will win...oh no...that would be Brittany & Jocasta. Grrr! I hope they're slow! Although...I bet Frankie has tiny fingers too. We are left we won't know who wins until Sunday.

Apparently America is stupid. When given the choice to have Team America target a floater or someone they think is a physical threat, America voted for the physical threat. Are you kidding me?! Floaters need to go!

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