Wednesday, July 23, 2014

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 11.9

 Top 16

Valerie & Ricky - Bollywood
Always love me some Bollywood! And this did not disappoint. As always there were some really tricky parts of the choreography. It was fast and crazy. Loved it! And Ricky's split at the end? Ridiculous!

Bridget & Emilio - Contemporary
Yes, Travis Wall! An empty bed frame...interesting prop. They did a great job with the lifts. There was so much stopping and holding poses. That had to be really difficult. That takes such strength and control. Some of it looked like they were in slow motion. What a tough piece, and they nailed the emotion. Very nice!

Tanesha & Rudy - Hip-Hop
Tanesha's outfit=ridiculous! Lots of leather (or make that a little bit of leather). I think they both showed a lot of swagger, and they were really smooth, flowing and in sync. I didn't love the song or the choreography, but they did a good job considering the normal styles they are coming from.

Jessica & Marcquet - Foxtrot

Yay Dmitry...but boo to the foxtrot...not my favorite ballroom dance. But, Marcquet always looks amazing doing ballroom, so this should be good for him. I almost didn't recognize him with that ponytail. So, I'm hating the music, and that's not making me like this dance very much. They both look amazing though.  Uh-oh, the judges have a lot of criticism of his dancing...and he's in the bottom 3...that's not good!

Carly & Serge - Contemporary
Love the throwback to an oldie but a goodie: Jewel's "Foolish Games". It's the perfect song for a contemporary piece. I wish there would have been a little more lighting because their dark costumes made them blend into the background for the first part of the dance. I would have loved to see them more. It was a beautiful piece, and they did a very good job.

Emily & Teddy - Salsa
They did some very nice lifts. I felt like her legs were a little bit lazy. She seemed to be behind him and behind the music, and not going as fast as she should have been going. It was a fun routine, but it could have been better.

Jacque & Zack - Jazz
Sonya Tayeh, yes! This has to make them feel so out of their comfort zone. I think they totally nailed it though! It was amazing! The choreography was sick! Never expect anything less from Sonya. I loved this! So many intricate and interesting body movements and lifts. Zack really impressed me. I didn't think he would be able to handle those types of lifts and those types of movements. He pulled it off very well.

Brooklyn & Casey - Hip-Hop
I wasn't sure how they would do with this style, but I think they did a pretty good job. They were hitting hard and were in sync pretty much throughout. There was a lot of content, and I thought they looked great.

Group Numbers
I don't normally comment on the group numbers, but they did 2 this week and they were both absolutely phenomenal! They divided them into 2 groups of 8. One group did a Sonya Tayeh piece to Bjork. It was amazing. Then the other group did a Travis Wall piece to OneRepublic's "Love Runs Out", and it was so good! Honestly couldn't pick which one was better. The choreography was absolutely top-notch.

Bottom 6
Bottom 3 Girls: Bridgit, Brooklyn, Tanesha
Bottom 3 Guys: Marquet (WHAT?!?), Serge, Zack

Going Home: 
Marcquet and Brooklyn

I'm so disappointed! Marcquet was like my favorite dancer of the guys and the girls this season. The judges said they decided to go with America's picks again this week.

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