Sunday, July 13, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.9

More Spilling of the Beans
Devin said he's out of the Bomb Squad, and he tells Brittany, Jacosta and Donny EVERYTHING!!! He's hoping by being the first one to expose this alliance, they will side with him. So, basically him saying he was going on a solo mission, actually means he's just dumping his alliance and switching to the other side of the house.

Christine knows the Bomb Squad is caput, so she fills Nicole in on all the details. Nicole thought the name was ridiculous. She was a little hurt that Christine didn't tell her about it sooner, but she knows she has to stick with her.

Nomination Discussion
Devin wants Derrick to put him up from the beginning so he will have 2 chances of getting off the block. Derrick's like "yeah, right".

Derrick and Nicole discuss who to put up. Nicole tells him she doesn't really want to talk strategy with him. Their target is obviously Devin. In order to come up with who to nominate, they went down through a list of people they didn't want to put up...which didn't leave too many people left.

If Nicole puts up Amber, she can use the reason that Amber put her up. Jocasta is a possibility because she might be a vote for Devin to stay. The hope is that Derrick's nominees would win the Battle of the Block, leaving him as HOH to go after Devin. Derrick says he will put up Caleb and Jocasta, and Nicole will put up Amber. She doesn't know who should be the 4th nominee. She said "where's Paola when you need her?" lol!

Derrick tells Caleb that Nicole was going to put up Amber because he thinks he will offer to be put up because he wants to protect her by throwing the comp. He thinks his actions will speak louder than words and she will be impressed by his move to save her. Derrick was 100% right...that's exactly what Caleb said.

Caleb talks to Amber and tells her what's probably going to happen. She doesn't really want him to sacrifice himself for her. She is probably worried that he will expect something back from her.

Nicole doesn't know what to do, so she consults the all-wise Donny. He asks how close she is to Christine. She said close enough not to put her up. He said she was part of the 8 person alliance that had 2 girls. He said if that alliance isn't dealt with, it's going to cause problems. Donny said that even though they are friends, she might not be as good of a friend as she thinks she is. If she would put her up, it would definitely hide their alliance. But...I'm sure pretty much assumes they are in an alliance based on all the time they spend together.

Nicole nominates: Amber and Donny
Derrick nominates: Jocasta and Caleb

I love Jocasta's face. Derrick makes it known that Caleb volunteered to go on the block and he was honoring his wishes.

Devin was upset that they are trying to backdoor him. He sounded all proud of making a joke "I came in the front door, and they're trying to send me out the backdoor." Crickets.

Nicole immediately regretted putting Donny up, but she was mad that he suggested putting up Christine and then was caught talking smack to some other people after she was done talking with him. She talked to Donny and said she felt horrible. She wants to now form a secret alliance with him...that is legit...from here on out.

Devin thinks if he makes amends that Derrick will throw him a bone. Yeah right! Keep dreaming buddy.

Team America: Mission #1

Mission: Get 3 other houseguests to think that someone is related to a former BB player. Those 3 people have to spread the rumor. They have 4 days to complete it.

Frankie's idea: Paola said on the way out that Zach is related to Amanda (a cousin). They are both from Miami, they both had a screaming could work. It works that Paola is gone, so she can't dispute it.

This should be interesting! Nice choice TeamAmerica!

Battle of the Block
It looks like Harry Potter! One person retrieves puzzle pieces. They give the pieces to the "flyer" who then puts the puzzle pieces together.

Donny = loves puzzles
Amber = hates puzzles
Caleb = throwing the comp?
Jocasta = wants to win the comp

Quite the pairs we have in this comp.

Caleb, who is trying to throw the comp, he already knows what the puzzle is and Jocasta is starting to get the picture. He did a good job of not going "beast mode"...which is exactly what Derrick wanted. He didn't want anyone to think he was trying to throw the comp. And, just in the nick of time, Amber and Donny finish the puzzle and win! They are now safe, and Caleb and Jocasta are still on the block.

Now only 1 thing stands in their way of them getting Devin out: the Veto. They have to make sure that whoever wins the can't be Devin...and they have to use it! Hopefully, his name won't be picked to compete...that would be awful!

One last the comp ends...Nicole disappears in a cloud of smoke! No one knows where she went! This is definitely the twistiest season ever...wonder what's going to happen to her, as Julie says "will she ever be the same?" What?!

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