Thursday, July 10, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.8

The Blowout and then the Fallout
FINALLY, we get to see what happened as the Veto Ceremony concluded. This explosion was so better not disappoint!

I hope I can cover everything...I'll try not to leave anything out...

Here we go...Brittany had one final thing to say to the group. Zach said I'll be next". Oh boy, if they're taking numbers, this could take awhile.

Brittany said she hopes this doesn't affect her game, but she wants to explain why she said what she said about someone whom she thought was her friend. She calls out Paola for lying to her face. She said she had a feeling she was going to throw the POV because of the way Paola was acting around her, and she didn't have her glasses on, and she NEVER goes without her glasses. Paola's response: "We all know how he is" (Devin). Oh snap! She said that Devin was a horrible person and she'd rather put her head on a toilet bowl and drown than live with him. Whoa! The biggest surprise (or non-surprise)--she said she did NOT throw the POV, but Devin asked her to. He said that he had conversations with Brittany and decided he realized she's here for her kids. Paola screams "YOU'RE SUCH A FREAKING LIAR!!!!" to Devin. She said his daughter is going to watch this and laugh at him. It's at this point, that Frankie covers his ears like a little kid! Donny said he was glad to have a front row seat, and he was loving every minute of it.

Devin said he told Nicole and Hayden they were safe. Nicole was loving this entertainment...except when her name comes up. She didn't want to be associated with anything that was going on. I don't blame her!

Brittany seemed like she was done. Zach: "Alright, it's my turn!" He bolted out of his chair like their was a giant spring under his butt! As he flies by Frankie, Frankie, Jacosta and Victoria are on the couch holding hands. Jacosta looks terrified, and Frankie has this scared look on his face like he's afraid he's going to be hit in the face with a pie or something.  He goes into full beast mode! It's so serious, he goes to the head of the room and just lets it ALL out!

He said Devin hit him with the first blow, and now, he's coming back with an uppercut, and he's going to go below the belt. He said he hasn't liked Devin from the beginning. Look out, here it comes!

He said he's sorry this might ruin some people's games, and he said "Frankie, don't be threatened". Zach said Paola sucks at everything. Then to Devin, he said "there isn't an ounce of truth in your body". The look on Jacosta's face and everyone else for that matter was so priceless.  He told Paola that he knows that everyone is going to vote for him, so he's not worried. The only people he was worried about not getting their votes were Frankie and Caleb. I think he's a little too positive. After his little outburst, he's made himself a liability and he's kind of a wildcard. He said that Devin's personality changes with the blow of the wind. Ain't that the truth! I've never seen somebody change their mind so often! He said he's coming after him (no surprise). He said that no one would vote for him on the jury because all he does is smile with his fake smile...and Devin was pleased to give an example of said smile. He concludes with "I'm pretty much just ranting on how much I hate Devin"...cue shocked face by Christine. He fakes crying like Devin and said what he did in the house meeting about how he wanted to play with honesty and integrity for his daughter. But he does that pretty much every single day. Zach: "What's your response to that?" Devin: " of luck to ya bud." And with that, he RUNS up to the HOH room like a little kid. Every time they show him in the room, he's standing there with that big, fake smile on his face, just staring off into space. What is he looking at? He's acting very creepy.

Everyone is shaken up. Cody is mad that on week 2 Devin went against the alliance pact of not putting anyone from the alliance up. He said that just proves that he's not loyal. The person who seems to have taken it the hardest was Frankie. I'm still not exactly sure why. Frankie said by Zach calling him out, he was saying that he was untrustworthy and in the middle of everything. OK, did we not see everything, because I didn't get that at all from what Zach said. Frankie said that what he did ruined his game. Frankie was crying and said that no one is going to trust him now because of what he said. Zach said he thinks Frankie is making a little too much out of it, but he admits that he probably took it too far. I still don't get it! Zach said he didn't mean anything by it and he didn't mean it. Frankie said that he (Zach) has to work twice as hard to keep him (Frankie) safe this week. Wait, what?!

Devin said it's pretty clear that Zach isn't a member of the Bomb Squad any more. They only need 6 votes and Devin would go in as the tie-breaker. Devin did the math, and he counted 8 people. He wants to bring Hayden in as Zach's replacement on the Bomb Squad. What is Devin's obsession with numbers? 12 people are voting. If they need 6, they don't need another member. Just because they are "losing" a member, he doesn't waste more than 5 minutes trying to replace him. At this rate, every single person in the house is going to be a member of the Bomb Squad at some point. So, he calls Hayden to the HOH and gives the entire Bomb Squad spiel. Hayden looks like he's been through a many details flying at him left and right, and now he's being "asked" to be a member. He felt like Devin was forcing him into being in the Bomb Squad. It was like "join or die". So, he said "yes" his face, but his ultimate goal is to blow up the Bomb Squad. Devin promises to "never, never, never" put up another Bomb Squad member. Whoa, Devin! Never is such a big word...especially for someone who changes his mind ALL the time! And with so many people in your alliance, do you not think that something might happen with one of them that would make you want to get them out? Wait, who am I kidding, you're never going to have the opportunity to be HOH again, so it doesn't really matter what you promise.

Derrick warns Zach that he can't let what happened in there happen again. One time was OK, but if he goes off like that again...he would be seen as a loose cannon.

Frankie, Donny and Derrick (Team America) have a talk, and they weigh out the pros and cons of keeping Zach. They said if he stays, he's a bigger target than any of them. Frankie thinks Devin and Caleb are stronger allies than Zach. Wait, what?! Frankie, Zach is your BFF, don't drop him just yet! They know that Devin is Zach's target and it won't be any of them, but Paola's target is also Devin. Donny said "she's my best little friend." It is pretty far fetched to think he's going to vote her out, even though he said he could do that. They say that if they can convince the others that Zach won't come after them, and they could get Paola out, they wouldn't have any blood on their hands.

Derrick talks to Caleb. Caleb says if they keep Paola, they can use her. However, Derrick said that if someone else wins HOH, they will use her, because she will flop right to them. And then, they will put her up with one of them on the block, and then they're screwed.

Frankie has to break some news to Devin. He thinks that by him telling him, that he can diffuse the situation so it doesn't get out of control. So, what's the news? Zach is staying. Devin: "How so?" Frankie says that Caleb said that Zach had the numbers, so "we are now the Bomb Squad plus 1." Devin's face was priceless. His response: "I'm not in this squad no more, bro. This is a solo game for me from here on out. The only thing I can do now is win competitions." He said the house is going to have to stop a father's love for his daughter. So dramatic. He said he now knows why his favorite players always said not to get blood on your hands early. He was just too competitive and wanted to win everything. Now, he just wants to pick everyone in the house off one by one.

Pre-Eviction Speeches

Paola gives another epic speech. She said that Devin has 5 personalities and they all suck! She says "Zach and I feel like we're on the same level when it comes to competing (cue a very confused look on Zach's face, like "are you kidding me?"). She said he didn't win any competitions, just like she didn't. Yeah, OK, that makes sense. She said if she walks out of the house, she's going to walk out like a boss.

Zach said that he needs to stay because his only target is Devin. If he is safe, he will do everything he can to get Devin out. He screamed that "WHEN YOU ENTER THAT DIARY to evict Paola."

Eviction Votes

Yes!! Paola is out!!! One less annoying voice in the house! And the best part is???? We don't have to hear that stupid nickname "Pow Pow" any more! On her way out, she said "nobody cry". I don't think she has to worry about that. Except for maybe Donny, who really bonded with her. If people find out he voted against the house, he could be in trouble. His goodbye message to her was really sweet.

HOH Competition
All I can say is: Thank goodness Devin can't compete in this HOH!!!

They will be hitting croquet balls through an obstacle course to land in a numbered slot. The 2 players with the highest scores win.


Congratulations to Derrick and Nicole!! I like this HOH pair!!

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