Thursday, July 17, 2014

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 11.8

Top 18

Jacque & Zack - Hip-Hop
I love this song (Sam Smith's "Stay With Me"). I love the beginning part with them laying on the floor. I love hip-hops like this that are sweet, and have a nice flow to them. The choreography was very well done to match the song. I really liked it!

Jourdan & Marcquet - Contemporary
Marcquet is still one of my favorites. I just love everything he does. Jourdan is so flexible! Her legs are ridiculous! The choreography was a bit weird and all over the place. I didn't feel like it really told a story...I didn't really get it. It was still danced really well though.

Jessica & Stanley - Jazz
This seems more like a Bollywood or African Jazz number than a Jazz number. I think they conveyed the illusion of flying on the magic carpet really well. This was such an interesting piece. I didn't care for the music. I'm still not sure how I feel about the piece as a whole.

Bridget & Emilio - Jive
Hello Pasha! Always good to see him on the show again! This is a great song for the Jive. They played their characters really well. They could have had a little more bounce and a little more sharpness in their kicks and flicks. Overall, it was a very fun routine, and they handled the dance moves and choreography really well.

Emily & Teddy - Contemporary
I did not like this music at all? What language was that? It sounded like gibberish. The music was so distracting it was hard to focus on the dancing. I liked their lifts, but honestly, there didn't really seem to be much else to the was kind of boring.

Brooklyn & Casey - Jazz
This was a very cute dance. There were a lot of really technical parts, and they really nailed them.

Valerie & Ricky - Viennese Waltz
Lacey Schwimmer! I almost didn't recognize her with her hair so blonde! They both danced so gracefully, and floated across the floor like they should for this dance. I think they did a great job. I really liked it!

Carly & Serge - Hip-Hop
Cool costumes! They look like the bad dojo crew on Karate Kid at the Halloween dance. They both were getting down and dirty. They were hitting hard when they needed to, but it was a little too loose at times. Maybe it was supposed to be that way, but it seemed like it could maybe be a little cleaner and more together.

Tanisha & Rudy - Broadway
They did a really good job with their props, the canes. They didn't drop them at all, and they used threm throughout the whole routine. They were in sync pretty much the whole time...canes and all. It was a fast number, and I think they did a really good job.

Bottom 6
Bottome 3 Girls: Bridget, Jourdan, Emily
Bottom 3 Guys: Stanley, Emilio, Teddy

Going Home
Jourdan & Stanley

Nigel said they decided to go with the 2 people who had the least votes from America in last weeks votes.

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