Sunday, July 20, 2014

Rising Star, Ep. 1.5

The Duel round continues.

They flip a coin to see who goes first. The public is voting live, and the singer with the most votes wins. The west coast can still vote someone through just like in the auditions.

Gabrielle vs. Macy

She started out on like Volume 12 and just kept going up from there. I thought she was way over the top. Vocally it was decent, but I think her attitude is out of control and she thinks she's better than she really is. I think the attitude that she showed after her original audition turned people off because they did not vote for her. The judges' scores put her much higher than the public vote.
-She got yeses from all 3 judges
-Score was 49%

I really like Macy. I like that she tackled this big and difficult song, and played the piano. She shouldn't have to do much to score higher than 49%. I think she killed it! It's climbing and it's climbing, and there goes the wall!
-She got yeses from Ludacris and Kesha, but Brad said no (is he crazy?)
-Score was 80%

Winner: Macy

Sonnet vs. April


She started out really strong. I like her different interpretation of the song, but I didn't care for some of the high note choices. I don't think she nailed all of the high notes she attempted. Parts of it were really good, parts of it were just OK. I'm kind of on the fence. The high notes just didn't do it for me. I'm shocked her % was as high as it was.
-She got yeses from all 3 judges
-Score was 73%

Her voice is so unique, and this is an interesting song choice...but one that actually suits her pretty well. I wish she was playing the guitar like in her audition. Some of her low notes aren't quite there. I think she did a good job, but I think she could have brought a little more fun energy at the beginning. It took her too long to get into it. That was a very close battle, and she got it just right at the end.
-She got yeses from all 3 judges
-Score was 76%

Winner: April

Austin vs. Adam

I love this song, and it's perfect for him. He did an awesome job on this song. It's actually a hard song to sing, and not many people who try to do it, actually do it well. He did. He nailed every part of it. I loved his riffs...they were spot on.
-He got yeses from all 3 judges
-Score was 81%

He had some pitch problems as the song began. This was just OK for me. I wasn't really blown away. I think a different song might have been better for him. He didn't really bring it the way that Austin did.
-He got yeses from Brad and Kesha, but a no from Ludacris
-Score was 53%!

Winner: Austin

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