Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Voice, Ep. 10.6

The Battle Round continues - Night 2

Team Adam

Natalie Yacovazzi vs. Nate Butler - "Hollow" by Tori Kelly
This song sounds like it would be incredibly difficult to sing. The runs are ridiculous and you could really get pitchy very fast if you don't hit every single note dead on. I remember not being overly impressed with Nate's audition, but he is killing this song! I think what it was with him was his song choice more than anythng last time. They both nailed the runs and did a great job harmonizing. I am loving this performance! Natalie did a great job with really showing the emotion in the song.

Team Blake

Justin Whisnant vs. Mary Sarah - "Louisiana Woman and Mississippi Man" by Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn
This is about as country as you can get. Normally I would puke listening to this, but they actually made me like the song and they made it seem more modern somehow. However, their voices are great. I absolutely love his voice. He has perfect pitch which is often lost on male country singers because of their twang. I seriously could listen to him singing all day long.
Noooooo! Figures, I actually like a country singer and he doesn't go past the Battles - I knew he would go for the cute little girl over the one I liked. I thought there was a slight chance Adam might steal him because he turned for him. This would have been the perfect revenge on Blake - stealing one of (if not THE) best singer on Blake's team.

Team Christina

Shalyah Fearing vs. Tamar Davis - "Lady Marmalade" by Patti LaBelle (and later Christina Aguilera, Pink, Mya, and Li'l Kim)
This was a pretty perfect song for these two. It would have ben nice to see them start out a little more subdued so they had somewhere to take the song. They started out at level 100. Vocally, they are pretty similar and I didn't really see much of a difference between them. If I heard either one on the radio, I wouldn't be able to distinguish them. They both definitely brought the house down and fought hard for this one. I have no idea who Christina will pick.
STEAL: Shalyah stolen by Pharrell (that's already his 2nd and final steal)

Chelsea Gann vs. Kata Hay - "I'm The Only One" by Melissa Etheridge
I just do not care for Kata at all - her voice, her personality. Her voice is just so affected and she seems like she is trying way, way, way too hard.Chelsea sounds great. Kata's run was like diarrhea of the mouth at the end. There was no need to do like 500 notes all over the place in random order. Really hoping for a Chelsea win on this one.
WINNER: Kata (Booooo!)

Team Pharrell
Advisor: P. Diddy

Jessica Crosbie vs. Nick Hagelin - "Electric Feel" by MGMT
I love this song and I can't wait to hear Nick sing it! I loved his audition, I hope he is that good again. I am really impressed with Jessica. I didn't think her audition was that fantastic, but she sounds great on this song. Nick sounds amazing! His falsetto is so sexy! And his pitch is incredible. It might not even be falsetto, he might just be using his full voice and going that high! They gave a great performance. How in the world is Pharrell going to pick? This was incredible! There have been so many steals already, will they risk it again?
WINNER: Nick (Woohoo!!!!!!)
STEAL: Jessica stolen by Adam

Hannah Huston vs. Maya Smith - "Elastic Heart" by Sia
I love this song, but Sia is a tough one to sing well. I like Maya a lot better on this song that I did in her audition. Their diction on all of the fast words are great...I can actually understand them better than Sia on the original! Their emotion and gut-wrenching feeling was performed on such a high level. What a performance! Just when you think Maya is running away with it, Hannah comes in and totally matches her. This was beautiful and haunting and just incredible! Whoa!
WINNER: Hannah (Wow! I really thought he would go with Maya)
STEAL: Maya stolen by Christina (not surprised by that steal at all...but I am surprised Blake tried to get in there too!)

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