Monday, March 7, 2016

The Voice, Ep. 10.3

Blind Auditions: Night 3

Team Adam

Natalie Yacovazzi
She tried out last season. I don't remember her at all. I think did pretty well, but she is still not memorable at all.
Chair Turns: 1

Nate Butler, 19
Ugh, why such old songs? No...just no. Boring. Terrible song choice aside, I don't really hear anything that great about his voice. We got so close to no chairs turning, and then at the very last second, 3 of them turned. I don't know what they were thinking. And then he picks Adam...what a wasted spot, Adam.
Chair Turns: 3 (Adam, Blake, Pharrell)

Ryan Quinn, 25
I am not crazy about the song choice. I'm not really sure what that was. I think he's got a pretty good voice. I like his normal voice much better than his falsetto. He sang way too long with his falsetto at the beginning. When he came back down into his chest voice, he belted it and it was very, very strong. I can't wait to hear him on a good, well-known, modern, popular song! He's got skills! Him picking Adam makes up for the previous bad choice of Nate.
Chair Turns: 4

Team Blake

Brittany Kennell, 26
She has a really interesting tone. I don't know if I like her or not. I think she might be one of those singers who starts out really interesting, and then after 2 performances, you can't stand her voice and it just gets more annoying every time you hear it.
Chair Turns: 2 (Blake and Pharrell)

Peyton Parker, 20
She's got a great voice. She rocked this classic song. I wouldn't say it was spectacular, but she's got a very easy-breezy way about her voice.
Chair Turns: 3 (Pharrell, Christina, Blake)

Team Christina

Malik Heard, 19
He picked a perfect song for his voice. He's got a lot of soul! His vibrato is beautiful. And those runs! Loved this performance!
Chair Turns: 2 (Christina and Pharrell)

Kristen Marie, 20
I love this song! She's got a very different voice than I thought she would. Her deep tone suits this song very well because it's a very dark song. I liked that she showed that she can sing higher, too. There were a few unnecessary things she did. Interesting risks and most of them paid off. With some coaching, she could be really good.
Chair Turns: 2 (Blake and Christina)

Team Pharrell

Hannah Huston, 24
Didn't really care for the song choice, but she's got a very nice voice. She was really strong at the end. She was forceful without being to screetchy or screaming. I didn't think anyone was going to turn around, but 3 did at the very last second.
Chair Turns: 3 (Pharrell, Christina, Blake)

Brian Nhira, 23
I found myself pretty bored by this performance. The song was "Happy", but it just didn't go anywhere. He did turn it up a notch at the end and just squeaked out 2 chairs. I have to say I loved his "Jesus Loves Me" even better than his "Happy"!
Chair Turns: 2 (Blake and Pharrell)

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