Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 32.3

Days 7-9

Brawn Camp
After Tribal, Scot told Alecia that he wrote her name down. He said he promised Jenny that he wouldn't write her name down and he knew that there were 3 votes for her. Alecia said that was the stupidest thing she's ever heard. She said he needs to go because he can't be trusted. Alecia feels close to Cydney and Cydney keeps letting her think they are close. Scot thinks they made a mistake voting out Jenny and he's not only lost a good friend, but he lost one of his original alliance members. He thinks by voting out Jenny they have now put Alecia in power.

Everyone is wanting to find the idol. None of them want Alecia to find it, obviously. Alecia and Cydney are together and Alecia finds a clue that says it's buried at the bottom of the tree.. Jason sees them digging and he knows what's up. They see Jason watching. Alecia walks away (not sure why). Cydney stays behind because she saw the idol. But...she actually found the box with the lock. They didn't find the key first. Cydney quick covered everything back up, so Alecia has no idea. Back at camp, Cydney shares with Jason and Scot. She told them what the clue said so that they will trust her. They immediately take off for the tree where Jason saw them digging. Jason's a bounty hunter and he smells blood. Jason found the clue and the map and he takes off running. Everyone is chasing him. Alecia gave up the chase, so he and Scot continued. He found the box in the tree. They fashioned a tool similar to Tai's. By now, Alecia shows up again. Jason is bound and determined not to let her catch it when it falls out. It sure was close, but Jason's a big guy and he wrestled it away from her. Jason and Scot read the details about the Super Idol. All I can say is - thank goodness they didn't let Alecia weasel in and get that idol. That would have just been awful!

Brains Camp
Joe is working out. Elizabeth thinks it would not be smart to vote out Debbie or Joe. Debbie doesn't have the drive to make a big move and Joe seems to be loyal. There's a clear divide between Joe and Debbie, and the other 4 - Peter, Elizabeth, Aubrey, and Neil.

Debbie is sitting back and observing. She thinks that Liz is the clear pick to go first. She bitches a lot and she is too close with Peter. Debbie tells Joe exactly what they need to do. She approaches Aubrey and they agree that they trust Neal, so she thinks they could make a strong foursome.

Beauty Camp

Tai is looking for the right opportunity to go back for his idol. He had a great idea. He made a poking device to try to poke the key out. He apparently made the tool and hid it. Now he can't find the tool! He is not having very good luck, is he? So, he fashions another big, extremely long poking device to poke the key out from the ground. And you know what?! It worked!!! Way to go Tai! He kissed and thanked the tree and followed the map to a covered box in the ground that he used the key to unlock. Finally, after about 10 clues and misdirections, he finally has the idol. He reads the clue and it introduces the "Super Idol" that is formed by 2 regular immunity idols put together. As stated earlier in my season preview, this idol can be used AFTER all the votes have been used to save someone. This could potentially be VERY game-changing if used properly. The problem is, you have to confide in other people that you have an idol, and then both agree upon using it together.

Caleb and Tai contemplate killing a chicken to eat. Tai is very connected to the chickens and he joked about them getting "loose by themselves". As much as Tai doesn't want to kill a living thing, he knows that the tribe needs to eat and it's the circle of life. I couldn't believe that he actually held the chicken while Caleb killed it. Tai started to cry, and it was so sad to watch! Caleb was so supportive. Nick...not so much. He admits that he's a robot and doesn't really have or show emotions. The girls find it hard to talk to Nick. Anna said she trusts Caleb and doesn't trust Nick. She said she would like for him to align with them to get Nick out. I'm realizing this is sometimes the point when tribes make the stupid decision to throw a challenge to get rid of someone because there is one tribe constantly losing and the other tribes are not getting an opportunity to unload a weak link or huge annoyance. They think because they're winning, they can afford to throw one and go back to winning the next challenge. Unfortunately, that NEVER, EVER, EVER works and ALWAYS has the opposite effect and causes the tribe to spiral downward.

Reward/Immunity Challenge
Reward: Winner gets choice between comfort or their emotional items; 2nd tribe gets what's left
Challenge: swim to get bags of rice through a water obstacle course; then open bags and find 3 balls; someone works the balls through a maze

Sitting out: Anna/Michelle, Aubrey/Joe

The big guys all get to the boats first and get all the bags our of the boat - Caleb, Scot, and Neal

The bags have to fit through some very small holes. Beauty is in the lead and have 2 bags, and now they're going with their 3rd. Woohoo! Brains and Brawn have 2.

Caleb carries the bags across the balance beam. He's a beast! Go Beast Mode Cowboy. They are now cutting open all their bags. Please don't lose this lead! They are on to the maze.

Brawn is cutting their bags.

Julia places the first ball through the maze! Meanwhile, Cydney drops 2 balls on the maze, so Scot switches out.

Tai gets the 2nd ball through the maze for Beauty! Brains have 1 ball and Brawn is dead last.

Caleb flew through that maze like it was butter! Woohoo! Another Beauty win!

Scot ties it up with 2 balls to match Brains. Brawn puts Cydney in again and she's going against Debbie. I would not trust Cydney on this last one because she was terrible before. She makes a big move and it is so SOOOOOOO close! They were both inches away. Literally inches! Both balls looked like they could go in at any second! And it's Cydney for Brawn and the win! Wow!

Beauty chooses the comfort of blankets and pillows. That means that Brawn gets their emotional items (letters, etc.; Jason's was a teddy bear?).

Brains - Pre-Tribal
Liz thinks losing will help them because it's good for her and Peter to be able to get rid of Neal, who could cause problems down the road. They will tell Neal that the plan is for Joe to go home, but the real plan will be for them to split the votes between Neal and Aubrey just in case Neal has an idol. Liz wanted to simplify things for Debbie and Joe and for them all they have to remember is to vote Neal and they don't have to think about anything too complicated. Lize and Peter will vote for Aubrey. Liz tells Debbie that if Neal doesn't have an idol and it's a 2-2-2 tie, they will revote and vote out Neal.

Meanwhile, Debbie says "it's not happening". She obviously has other ideas. She said Liz is so unaware of what's going on. She tells Neal who they are voting for and that they think he could have an idol. Neal thinks they need to be punished for thinking this.

Peter thinks that everyone except for him and Liz need parental direction and to be told what to do. Aubrey doesn't like that Peter is so controlling. Aubrey thinks that Peter is actually a bigger threat than Liz, so she talks to Debbie about changing their votes to Peter. She thinks he's being a bully.

Tribal Council
Jeff asks about early friendships. Peter said right away that he and Liz bonded and also with Aubrey and Neal there was a friendship. He also said there was a clear age divide with Debbie and Joe. Jeff asked if that meant that there might be 3 groups of 2 voting and Peter said yes.

Paranoia - Liz said if anyone doesn't think people are coming after them, they aren't playing the game well enough. Joe said his background has taught him that you can't trust people by what they look like. Peter said that Joe being a former police officer, he tends to believe what he says. Jeff pointed out that one of the biggest liars in the game was Tony, who was a police officer. Peter thinks Joe is from a different generation and he thinks his word means something.

Peter said he feels good about the plan going his way. Neal said it depends which plan he's talking about. Peter then said "it's not your plan". What?! What is with people this season and opening their mouths way too much at Tribal? Yikes! That was a big statement. Peter said the guy in ice cream pants could be a snake in ice cream pants. He said if they want to get Neal and Aubrey out, they can split the vote and forge ahead as the Brains. Debbie said "good for him for throwing that out there". Peter said that he and Liz are both smart people and they have thought of everything. He just wants to "put pen to parchment". Wow. If it's him going, he is going to be dumfounded. And boy will it be hilarious that he totally got played by Debbie of all people!

The Votes

Wow, another tie this season! 2 out of the 3 Tribals have had a tie! And we're off to revote...

#Blindside - all Peter could do was smile and say "you guys..." So, they thought of everything did they? Hmmm...I think you must have missed something.

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