Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Voice, Ep. 9.4

The Battle Rounds: Part 4

Team Adam

Chance Peña, 15
15 years old...get out of town! He sings like he's much older! I love his tone. He has a great vibrato, but not too much that it's annoying. He is really smart and talented. I love this song ("I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran, from The Hobbit). The more he sang, the better it got! Wow! Loved it! I love that Adam got him hands down! Adam is going to have fun with him!
Chair Turns: 1

Victor Kiraly, 31
He looks so familiar - I feel like I've seen him before. Another interesting song choice that came very unexpected. Definitely not a song I am very fond of...that's a shame if that's the kind of music he wants to sing, because he has a really nice voice. I want to like him, but I hate that song! I'm hoping for some better song choices for him in the next rounds. At least he changed it up and it was pretty different from the original.
Chair Turns: 4

Andi & Alex, 23
Whoa...."Thank You" by Dido...as a duet...a country duet...with twin girls! That's about as unexpected as you can get! Perfect harmony, and beautiful voices. That was really cool. Very unique and original.
Chair Turns: 4

Team Blake

Krista Hughes, 22
Yet another country singer...I've lost count how many there have been so far this season. I didn't care for the way she sings her words. Too country for me.
Chair Turns: 4

Cole Criske, 16
He looks kind of like a younger version of Matt McAndrew, without all the tattoos and glasses. I love this song. I think he did a good job with it. He definitely sounds his age. I think in a couple of years he will really develop a great sound. Once he hit the chorus, he turned into a different singer! The chorus was really good!
Chair Turns: 3 (Blake, Gwen, Pharrell)

Team Gwen

Korin Bukowski, 20
Wow, she's interesting! I like her unique voice. It took me a really long time to figure out what song she was singing. She has a quirky voice that might get annoying the further she makes it in the competition, but I did really like this performance.
Chair Turns: 1

Alex Kandel, 22
Great song choice. It really suits her voice. She actually kind of sounds like the girl who sings it. She tends to overpronounce some of her words, which is kind of annoying. If she can get that under control, she could be really good.
Chair Turns: 2 (Adam and Gwen)

Team Pharrell

Darius Scott, 23

I didn't like it at the beginning, but it kind of grew on me a little bit. We don't hear too many people like him on this show. He made some unexpected note changes at the end, and it was really interesting. He's pretty talented.
Chair Turns: 3 (Adam, Gwen, Pharrell)

Celeste Betton, 27
Hate the song, and didn't love the performance. Not a fan.
Chair Turns: 1

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