Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.38

Post Eviction
Shocker! Vanessa is a crying mess! She is sobbing uncontrollably, and Liz is not. She wants everyone to know how hard of a decision it was for her because he was her best friend in the house...wah wah wah.

Vanessa has some damage control to do with Liz. She has to make her see why she did what she did and why she couldn't know about it beforehand. The whole conversation turned into a sobbing mess back and forth between both of them. It was one of the most annoying conversations to watch/listen to. Vanessa tried to explain to her why this was the best move for Liz also. Liz realizes that as much as she hates it, she has to work with Vanessa because she is all she has in the game now.

Vanessa asks John if he thinks they can convince Steve to throw the Veto. She makes a final 2 deal with Liz and with John because she knows she can't go to the final 3 with both of them since Steve won HOH.

Steve STUPIDLY nominates John and Vanessa. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.He should have put up the girls. He said he is glad Vanessa has kept him safe in the game, but he still doesn't trust her and he knows he can't beat her in the final 2.

Veto Competition
Let me just say, I know what happens, and I'm so not happy about it!

Look who it is! Beastmode Cowboy! It's Caleb from last season! They are all dressed up in karate outfits. They will be told events from the season and they have to punch or kick their target to move the counter to select the day in the season that the event took place. Last one to get it right in each round gets 1 strike. If they get 2 strikes, they are out.

Round 1: On what day did Clay win his only competition? - Day 38
-- Liz gets 1 strike

Round 2: On what day did Shelli complete her 2400 swordsman regimen? - Day 46
-- Liz gets her 2nd strike and is out

Round 3: On what day did Zingbot enter the Big Brother house? - Day 66
-- Steve gets 1 strike

Round 4: On what day was Meg put on the block for the 2nd time? - Day 23
-- Steve gets his 2nd strike and is out

Round 5: On what day did Frankie Grande enter the Big Brother house? - Day 86
-- John is last and gets 1 strike

Round 6: On what day was the 6th nomination ceremony? - Day 44
-- John is last and gets his 2nd strike and is out

That means Vanessa won Veto. Barf! Again, Johnny Mac is so close to winning! So, my question is: did Steve throw it? It sure seems like he didn't based on how upset he was and how he really got stuck on that last question. BUT, from the live feeds, Steve had a complete meltdown in the HOH room. He cried to the camera that he couldn't believe that he threw the competition to Vanessa. He thinks he lost the game because he let Vanessa get to him and he chickened out and let her win. He told his mom he was so sorry that he did it, and he just kept saying over and over again how he could have won the game, but he lost it now because he knows he can't beat Vanessa. He said the plan was working perfectly for him to go to final 3 with John and Liz and then from there either he or John were likely to win the final HOH and he knows that he would take John and John would have taken him. Now, that can't happen and he is beyond devastated. So, I'm not really sure what happened there because what we saw, it really didn't look like he threw it at all. And it didn't even come down to him and Vanessa as the last 2, so he couldn't have really thrown it to her because John was still in it. I'm confused.

Veto Ceremony/Eviction
Vanessa obviously uses the Veto to save herself. Liz goes on the block and Vanessa is now the only person to vote someone out. I hate this! John just needed that win so badly. Vanessa would be smart to take him over Liz because Liz has Julia and Austin as votes from the jury. John is not likely to beat any of them, so he would be the perfect person to take to final 3 and final 2. However, the word on the street is that Vanessa is too nervous about having John and Steve as a pair to gang up on her in the final HOH competition. Liz is the only one she can be sure of to take to the final 2.

So, Vanessa votes out Johnny Mac and tells him that she thought about the offers he made her and she can't believe them completely because it means that he would be willing to go back on a game-long alliance with Steve. And if he's willing to do that, how can she trust what he was promising her. Good logic, but I'm still super bummed.

John wasn't too shocked to be out. He knew if he didn't win Veto he was probably gone. He said he didn't really believe he had a final 2 with Vanessa. He said if he had won, he would have sent her packing also. Haha!

I love watching John in interviews...he is so hilarious! #LoveJohnnyMac

So, this game is pretty much all Vanessa's at this point. If she can win the final HOH, she wins this game hands down. If she doesn't, she is going to have to work pretty hard to convince either Steve or Liz to bring her to the final 2. It's a long shot, but Vanessa can convince and manipulate like I've never seen anyone else be able to do. She really is amazing. She turns on the tears and starts talking really fast, and they all believe every word she says and will do anything she tells them to. It's like she puts a spell on them. Deep down, they know exactly what she is doing, but they seem powerless to do anything about it. It really is amazing. I mean Derrick last season was amazing and he was running the show, but his game was more subtle and behind the scenes. Vanessa is in charge and it is completely obvious, yet no one will do anything about it.

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