Sunday, September 13, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.36

HOH Competition, continued
I had really high hopes for Johnny Mac in this competition. Unfortunately, it is Vanessa who comes out with the win. She dropped an egg on her 8th, but she maintained her lead over Johnny Mac, and Austin wasn't too far behind. Liz was so far behind, so she decided to go for the luxury prize.

Nomination Plans...aka "Who is Lying?"

Steve and John feel really confident that Vanessa will target Liztin this week. Liz isn't sure exactly where her head is at, and thinks that she might be playing both sides of the house.

Vanessa's plan is to talk to Austin, Liz and Steve and find out what deals they have coming into this week. She is going to compare notes and try to figure out who is lying to her. So why didn't she mention Johnny Mac?

Steve confesses to Vanessa that he made a deal with Liz that if he is on the block and she is HOH and there is a tie that she would vote in his favor. Vanessa sees this as a move that would go against her. Liz gave her word to Vanessa that she would keep her safe, but she now just told Steve the same thing.

Austin talked about what he has said to everyone and he said he was only saying what he had to to get them to do what he wanted. Vanessa said it is hard to believe anyone when they say what they have to do. Austin panics that she is mad at him again.

John told Vanessa that he made a deal with Austin like she told him to do. She claims she never told him to do that. But, the videotapes don't lie! She clearly did! Don't try to back out on this now and hold that against him!

Austin tries to calm Vanessa down and make sure she doesn't come after him and Liz. Steve freaks out when he hears Vanessa, Austin, and Liz talking in the supply room. He started running frantically around the house whispering "They're talking in there! They're talking in there!" Austin is now telling a different story than John. John is telling the truth, and Austin is lying. He said he never said any names to John. He said he would never go against Vanessa, and he can't belive John is sayiing that he said that.

Vanessa tells Steve that she is in the house with 2 "showmances" who will inevitably take each other to final 2. She needs to find someone who will take her. She said she might as well go for Johnny Mac because he is well-liked and is an easy person to take to finals. She said she really doesn't think that she has an alliance with him. Steve is livid because the whole point of his HOH was to have the numbers. They are up 3-2 and if she gets rid of Johnny Mac, they are at 2-2 and right back where they started. He tried to convince her that doing that isn't good for her game. All she heard was that it wasn't good for Steve's game. I can't believe she is so stupid. John of all the people is actually the most loyal to her right now. Vanessa could easily make the argument that John could beat her more easily than Steve in order to get him to take her to final 2. I can't believe she doesn't see that. She is willing to leave a very strong showmance of 2 people who will NEVER choose anyone but each other. Her best bet is to stick with John and Steve - wipe out Liztin, and then voila, you're in the final 3.

Austin said he would give his word, right now, to honor what she wants. He swore on his love for Liz that he was being truthful. He said he, and Judas would follow through. He said early in the game, before he fell in love with Liz, that they would work together til the end of the game. He realizes that committing to Liz might not be the best for his game. What Vanessa asked was (of course not just 1 thing, it was another 3-pronged deal): 1) vote out Johnny Mac 2) if he wins the Veto, he won't use it 3) try to win HOH next week.

Steve finds it funny that Vanessa is referring to his relationship with Steve as a showmance, because the last time he checked, he hasn't made out with him! LOL! John said that when it comes down to it, he would pick Vanessa over Steve because he doesn't think he can beat him in a mental comp. John said the only psychology that works on Vanessa is reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse psychology. He said if she wants to put up him and Steve then she should just do it. He's hoping that this will blow her mind and he will be safe this week. Ha! She said she doesn't want to have to. She asked if Steve would go this week if he would be upset, and he said he would be OK with that.

Frankie's Back!
Frankie comes back and goes nuts in the house screaming in such a high-pitched squeal! He is coming to take Liz and her guest (she chooses Vanessa) to Ariana Grande's concert and they will get a special meet-and-greet with her. They also get done up by makeup artists to disguise them so people in the audience won't know who they are. Liz debated whether to take Austin or not, but she promised to take the HOH (whoever won), and Austin pointed to Vanessa because he knew she should keep her word and take her. This proved Liz's loyalty to Vanessa.

I'm not sure who was more excited to see Ariana - Frankie or Liz and Vanessa. His high-pitched squeals were out of control! Seriously dude, chill out! His dancing was out of control and he was lip syncing just as much as Ariana was.

Vanessa nominates: Steve and John

I knew I couldn't trust her to do the smart thing! She is so ridiculous. I don't see the point in this at all. She must really, in her own warped way, trust what Liz and Austin are telling her more than Steve and John. Even if she trusts them, they are so strong and it is not smart to leave them in the game.

Thank goodness, Johnny Mac pulls out the Veto win! Austin is the replacement nominee. This will play out on tomorrow night's show. There will also be an eviction tomorrow, in addition to the one coming on Wednesday night (note the shift in televised days).

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