Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.37

I'm so ready to see Austin waking out the door tonight! Oh wait, what's that? You haven't read the spoilers? #SorryNotSorry

Nomination Aftermath
Steve and Johnny Mac can't believe that Vanessa turned on them. Vanessa said that Johnny Mac is her target because he hasn't won competitions. She feels that someone who loses comps will get taken to final 3 over her, who is a strong competitor. Vanessa cried to Steve about her decision...again...making this all about her. She assured him that he wasn't going home this week.

John said he would be fine going to final 3 with Austin and Liz, even if it meant he came in 3rd. It's better than coming in 5th place. He told Austin that he would throw the Veto to him. Austin is blown away - he said "Either Johnny Mac has lost his marbles, or become one with Judas". Austin immediately tells Vanessa and Liz. They can't believe what they are hearing. I'm so glad I know what happens in this competition, or I would be really scared right now!

Veto Competition

The houseguests are shown a clip of the new show "Life in Pieces". The competition is similarly themed. It's the comp where they have a puzzle that is magnetized. They have to walk a balance beam back and forth to hit a button. If they don't do it in a certain amount of time, their puzzle demagnetizes and falls down.

Vanessa gets distracted and forgot about her timer and her time ran out and she is disqualified!!! Liz thinks this comp is all on her because Austin doesn't have a good track record with puzzles.

John's strategy was to put the puzzle together in the trough and not worry about the buzzer.

Austin was having no luck whatsoever. His puzzle kept constantly falling down.

John saw that Liz was doing pretty well, so he thought about just letting her have it. Then he saw that Steve was getting really close and he couldn't let Steve get it, so he went for it and got it! Woohoo!!!! Finally another Veto win...it's about time!

Veto Aftermath
Vanessa's worst case scenario comes true. Her target is safe and she has to put up either Liz or Austin...which she really, really didn't want to do.

After the comp, Vanessa is a mess. Her whole plan was just screwed. She can't believe she performed so horribly, and she can't believe John of all people won.

Liz was annoyed John didn't throw it to her because she was almost done. He told her that Steve was almost done.

Steve goes to the storage room and finds it hilarious that Vanessa is crying because she should have put up the showmance. He knows that Liztin will save each other and John will keep him. That makes Vanessa the tie-breaker and he thinks he can get her vote.

Veto Ceremony
John uses the Veto on himself...duh! Woohoo! Vanessa then chooses Austin as the replacement nominee. Vanessa said that Liz was on the block last week and she doesn't want to do that again to her this week. That's an interesting way to justify it. Makes sense.

Target Talk
Vanessa realizes that her, John and Steve can easily be final 3. She thinks they should target Austin, and John is all for that.

John jokes with Austin that he is just dumb enough to keep the showmance to be in the final 3. John thinks it would be funny to keep Austin just to make Vanessa mad.

The Votes
Steve didn't have much to say for his speech because they didn't know the eviction was coming. He just nicely thanked them all for being a part of his life-long dream to be on the show and he was so grateful to live out his dream. Austin said that he became unlikely best friends with Steve and he sees a lot of himself in Steve (really?). He said something about him going for his dreams or something stupid like that. It was just weird. It was like Austin was trying to be a motivational speaker to some little kid. Then he mentioned that CBS was going to have a big hit with "Life in Pieces" and now one of their games is going to be in pieces. He ended by saying he would see Julie on "Bold and the Beautiful". Really? I might be sick. I really, really hope they don't put him on there. I mean, the ponytail beard doesn't scream bold or beautiful...not a fit for the show at all.

Liz -- Steve
John -- Austin
Vanessa -- Austin

I can't believe it...we actually had a tie for the first time this season! Vanessa said she was sorry but she came to win the game. Austin was shocked and pissed. Liz was beyond shocked. Austin clearly wasn't planning on going anywhere because he had no shoes on! On his way out, he said she will never win the jury votes after what she just did. She said she knows now and that's OK.

Vanessa immediately erupted in tears. She cried more than Liz did! Give me a break!

HOH Competition
"What the Bleep?" - They will view videos of statements from former houseguests. There will be bleeped out words and then will get an option of what the word would be and they have to decide if it's true or false.

Q1: all right
Q2: all right
Q3: Steve right, Liz and John wrong
Q4: all right
Q5: John right, Liz and Steve wrong
Q6: all wrong
Q7: John and Steve right, Liz wrong

John and Steve are tied! Come on Johnny Mac! You can do this!!!! They have to guess the number of seconds in the Over the Rainbow competition from start to finish. John guesses 3600 and Steve guesses 601. And the winner is...Steve wins because John went way over - the answer was 2825. And guess what! Steve did the math wrong and intended to write 6001...he missed a 0 and it ended up winning it for him.

I don't know how I feel about this. Let's just say, I feel way better than I would if Liz or Vanessa was HOH. I really wanted John to win just one HOH to get a letter and just so he could say he won 1. But, maybe him not winning is more of an asset, based on Vanessa's logic.

Clearly Liz had no chance at this competition because I'm sure she was still reeling over the huge blindside of her boyfriend.

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