Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.31

Meg & James
Meg is a mess after being nominated. James tries his best to comfort her. Meg says "it's funny that we kept her", referring to Vanessa. Who didn't see that one coming?!

Veto Player Draw
Vanessa draws Julia
James draws Liz
Meg draws Austin

Veto Competition
First of all...what in the world is John wearing! LOL! That is hilarious! Can't wait to hear him hosting this game!

Each player is separated and will individually go into the house to hide veto cards. Then they will go back into the house and search for veto cards, and they have 2 minutes. They won't know whose cards they bring out because they all look the same. The person who hides their veto cards the best wins.

James thinks this is the perfect competition for him, Captain Camo, because he's so good at hiding himself in the house.

There are lots of people unzipping things like pillows, couch cushions, and duvet.

Round 1:
Meg is very close to the one hidden in the pillow cushion, but she doesn't unzip anything. - No Veto

Austin -- he tears apart everything and makes an absolute mess! - No Veto

James -- he also makes a very big mess; he gets close to the veto card hidden in the pizza box in the fridge. -- No Veto

Julia -- she is close to the one Vanessa hid in the couch cushion -- No Veto

Liz -- No Veto

Vanessa -- she finds the veto card that was hidden in the pizza box

Round 2:
Julia finds the veto hidden in the couch cushion hidden by Vanessa

Round 3:
Liz has OCD and hates messes. She seriously starts freaking out at how dirty the house is.

Meg  finds the veto card hidden in one of the cushions.

Round 4:
Austin tries to keep his card hidden (if it hasn't been found yet), so he tries to bunch up the duvet.

James tries to keep his veto a little more hidden, and then he manages to find a veto card.

Round 5:
At this point, the house is absolutely destroyed. What a mess!

Vanessa finds the last veto card, and it was Austin's.

That means that James's veto card was not found, and he wins the POV!

The cards are revealed:
Vanessa eliminated Liz
Julia eliminated Vanessa
Meg eliminated Julia
James eliminated Meg
Vanessa eliminated Austin

James is hilarious, he said he always ends up next to Austin in competitions, and he's tired of being next to Sasquatch. Ha!

Replacement Nominee
Vanessa is devastated that James won Veto. Anyone she puts up next to Meg will most likely go home. She doesn't know what to do now. Liz (or Julia) tried to ensure Vanessa that they would still vote out Meg no matter who she puts up there against her.

Vanessa spills her logic on putting up Julia. She says there is no way she would go. Austin and Liz are too big of targets and they would for sure go. They think Steve will get flipped if he goes up (not sure what that means.

Liz asks who Vanessa is more worried about winning HOH next, Johnny Mac or Meg. She said obviously Johnny Mac, because Meg is terrible. They would target Johnny Mac, but Vanessa has to throw off the shade from Johnny since she is now in an alliance.

James reluctantly goes to talk to Vanessa to try to save Meg. He hated having to talk to her, but he was doing it for his girl. He wants to know where they stand. Vanessa said they could have worked together, but now it's too late and there are too few people left. She said she was upset to hear that he was throwing her name around as who he would target. James said she plays the game too hard and remembers everything. She got way upset at him because he was criticizing her game. He meant it as a compliment and she flipped out and took it the wrong way and asked him to leave. She said the more he pisses her off the more he is ruining Meg's game. Basically, she'll take her anger out on Meg for anything that he says and does now since he's safe.

Vanessa, just so you know: last season's winner, Derrick, and Season 15's winner, Andy, BOTH tweeted that you ARE playing the game too hard! So, take that! She made a joke saying that James must have won last season or something because he is talking like he is playing the game perfectly and the way she is playing is wrong. Well, if former winners are saying you're doing it wrong, I would tend to believe them.

Veto Meeting
James obviously uses the Veto on himself.

Vanessa decides to replace James with Julia!

Well, it wasn't the disgusting duo of Liz or Austin, but at least it was one of the Austwins and not John or Steve, because that just would have been plain idiotic. Here's to hoping that the house gets half as nasally tomorrow by losing one of the twins.

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